Friday, October 17, 2008

Not Going Out

I was encouraged to go out tonight but I don't feel I can have fun until I get my TTSOMLs out of the way first. So I'm trying to work up to writing more but I'm procrastinating. Maybe I'll write some poems or something first and then do TTSOMLs.

I was halfway tempted to give some people a call and say okay, I'll go, but then I couldn't print out the pass to the club and I just decided to stay in and try to get more posts out of the way. The sooner this is done, the sooner I can return some things and go forward with getting my son, after people know what Wenatchee CPS and the doctors have done, and then start the stupid pretend game of "I agree with you about everything" even though I know my entire act of agreement will be a lie.

I did get a referral to a legal agency that might be able to help me with my son.

I still need to file complaints about my public defense too.

And, when someone referred me to Catholic University Of America legal, I said absolutely not! I went to CPS in D.C. recently and instead of just sitting down with a social worker, they wanted me to sit down with their general counsel man too. Who was trying to say they couldn't do evaluations and services for me here and was also saying I couldn't fax a release to Washington state to ask them to send information to the D.C. offices. I got someone else involved and they suddenly changed their minds. Believe me, this time around, I'm documenting every single thing that happens. I trust it will be better here, but on the offchance it's not, I'm covering every single thing and every phone call, with records. Right from the beginning.

My biggest mistake, always, has been to be too trusting. I encourage everyone, right from the start, to document things. Don't trust anyone but yourself. That is a rule I have to live by now, unfortunately.

This general counsel guy already knew about me and he was trying to tell me to get my own evaluation through their mental health services and get started on my own. I don't think so. First of all, I need the eval to be "ordered" by CPS so their one shot at me is by their order and command. Then, if I disagree, I have the right to an independent evaluation. I'm not going to screw that up by going to a state office for an eval for myself, and not have it count towards the court ordered evaluation, or count as the one Wenatchee wants. They get ONE shot at me, period.

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