Thursday, October 23, 2008

Charities and Terrorist Organizations

The thought just occured to me, how is it that the U.S. can accept some Muslim charities are also enablers of "terrorism" or fund such activities or that proceeds go to radicals, but the same is never said of other religions?

What if it is true that there are radicals with seemingly innocuous Catholic charities for one thing?

If it fits and as is possible for ONE religion, the same set up is true of every religion, whether it's Protestant, Jewish, Buddist, Hindi, Catholic, or anything else.

It's assumed that only Muslim organizations can also serve as fronts, or, that while they may be primarily doing good works and services, might be harboring terrorist activity.

I question when only one religion, in particular, is put on the radar and under target, but all other religions get this free pass. How many times have mobs and mafia been connected, also, to the Catholic church?

And, there are horrible people who have done things to Catholics imprisoned in Ireland, who are Protestant, under the guise of state or police authority.

It happens all the time, and people need to open their eyes.

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