Thursday, October 23, 2008

TTSOML #134: Harassment By "The Department" II & Knights of Columbus

Some of the things which were happening with the Wenatchee social services people made me wonde. For one thing, it seemed like a lot of the "orders" about what to do with me, in particular, were coming from women or men who were strongly affiliated wiht the Catholic church, which is no problem by itself, but if they hav people telling them to do things and this is their link...

Debbie Schoemer, as far as I know, is Catholic with family that's part of Knights of Columbus. The director who was giving all the orders to Wenatchee, in Spokane, was a Barbara who was Catholic and whose family members were Knights of Columbus (I looked up the names on the rosters for KOC), and even Tomas Caballero had family that was Knights of Columbus. KOC as an organization that donates things and does good deeds is great, but what I thought was more strange, was that when I called a KOC headquarters and asked a couple of questions, I was put on hold, and then their website, which I was on, changed right before my eyes to block names and things from the site. They were extremely elusive and when I called a local KOC person in the area, they said, "Well, let's just look that up!" and they went to the site and said, "That's odd...."

(bear with me, because I'm having significant computer disconnects today. the youtube will still play, but I can't post onto blogger and they keep having to reset everything)

I called a local KOC guy, because I knew most of these people are normal and good people. But what I was finding, was that quite a few of the peole who had directly harassed me had connections to this particular organization. So I was looking up more information about who was connected to whom. I was trying to see if there was a link of commonality.

So this good local KOC guy, who wasn't in on anything, obviously, just a good Catholic trying to be part of a fraternal group, says to me, that what just happened to the site is bizarre. Usually, the names of the captains and the leaders are on all of the state sites, and then there are some local sites. They had all disappeared. Just like that. As if they could be eliminated with just a button. There were still names which could be found within the newsletters, if you read through them, but not on the main pages. And I was not the only one who thought this was weird. It happened, right after I called the KOC headquarters and started asking questions.

The reason I started looking into organiztions was because I wondered how the harassment of me could be so seemingly coordinated from state to state. I had moved from one state to the other and still had the same problems, and why was it primarily with members of the Catholic church?

Again, I do not think badly of the majority of Catholics, but there are people within every single religion, that are whacked. And sometimes, they are able to inspire even more moderate "believers" to have animosity towards a particular person or group. That is just human nature, and unfortunately, it gets worse when you throw religion into the ring.

I'm not saying that others from other religions, have not been involved in harassing me, but it seems to me that the defamation and the attempts to make me look bad...the propoganda and set-ups, first come from people who also happen to be Catholic.

I saw it happen time and time again, so it's no "conspiracy"--it's a fact. In my case, in the the last several years of my life, this has been true. And it popped up again with a nurse at Wenatchee Valley Medical Center, which I'll describe in a bit, and also with some members who were on the board at Wenatchee Valley Medical, and also, it happened in the Fair Hearing, where every single judge they tried to direct me to was Catholic and from Gonzaga University or Seattle Pacific (another Catholic university).

So I'll go into what happened with the Fair Hearing first, and describe why I had to ask for Fair Hearing and then what I found out from this hearing.

Also, as a note, my computer problems went from hacking, to things melting at the wall, including my computer, after I went to this KOC site and was calling that organization and asking questions. My computer began to fry while I was on the phone after talking to them, and that's when all the electronics in my house had problems. It was not my imagination. It simply happened. But I'll have to go through the computer stuff in order.

Most of the connections to KOC, I found, were with people who were fairly high up. Not just regular members, but the ones at the top. Well, and then it was around this time too, that I was wondering why people from Malta, of all things, were interested in my blog. I could find out who was reading my blog and it showed which country they came from. I looked up Malta and the only thing it's known for is being about 100% Catholic and the founding grounds of Knights of Malta.

I wondered, did I offend the radicals, with my litigation against the Catholic church and my questions about their mistakes in the Marian dogmas? Maybe someone felt I had really offended their "mother", and to defend Mary was an honorable thing to do, to protect the dogmas of the church from "Protestants" like me.

I also had threatening comments added, which I could read, about my son. I was writing about him, and when I checked the blogger log to see what people were typing in to look up my son, they were writing in things that were scary, like about harm to my son and things. I'll try to explain this better in awhile. I have to go back and detail some stuff.

I'll put details of the Fair Hearing in the next post.

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