Monday, October 27, 2008

Questions and Comments About Debbie Shomer

I always assumed Debbie Schomer's connection to the Russian landlords was only because I gave out their name, but I would hope, they were persuaded to deny me and my son an apartment, and nothing else was "arranged". Because I did see that woman later, at the post office in E. Wentachee, smirking, and I wondered what the deal was.

I know there was Russian AND hispanic drug dealing and rings in Yakima, and there was a population in Wenatchee too, but still, no matter what group did it, the origin I do know, had to be through Christa and the people she was connected to.

I don't think it was just one particular race or national group. I think it was a team effort sort of thing, but that the worst of the details were kept between only a few.

I do know, Schomer went way out of her way to slam me and my son. She was the engineer of what was taking place at the social services department, and trying to set things up a certain way. I also know this is true of Barbara in Spokane. Sort of makes me wonder when Debbie moved to Wenatchee from Spokane to head up that division of "the department" there.

I just had to correct my spelling of Debbie's name everywhere. It's "Schomer, not Schoemer".

I think when I looked her up, a long time ago, I saw she had family in the medical profession. For some reason, this is sticking out in my mind but I haven't checked on it for awhile. Either her husband and other family, or her father, or something.

my questions are:

1. Why did Debbie work so hard to try to kick me and my son off of benefits? She directed the department's actions.
2. Why did Debbie work so hard to deprive me of the right to medical transportation reimbursement?
3. Why did Debbie blacklist me to the landlords to the degree they changed their minds about renting to me after speaking with her? I called MY former landlord, Pam, and it wasn't her and I confirmed this when Debbie admitted SHE'D been the one to talk to the Russian landlords, but only after first trying to blame Pam. Debbie didn't WANT me to know she'd been the one to talk to them.
4. Why did Debbie work so hard to refuse to allow me an evaluation for physical disability, for injuries from childbirth, and try so hard to have me go for mental health evaluation instead. She didn't even allow for BOTH, she expressly refused to go for an evaluation for physical disability. She didn't want the evidence. Why?
5. Why did Debbie lie to me about where she wanted me to go for "services", and why was it "anger management" after she told everyone to refuse medical transportation reimbursement, unless she was trying to cover for her own decisions and make me look bad?
6. Why did Debbie get so involved, personally, in my case, giving orders to Titleman and Thornton, and why was she so closely connected to "Barbara" in Spokane, who had the same agenda?
7. Who were the medical professionals Schomer was in touch with or had as family, and what was her involvement with the Catholic church, and others who wanted to defame me, as a known member?

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