Monday, October 27, 2008

TTSOML #152: Move To East Wenatchee Orchard

When I moved to the orchard location with my son, the twitching stuff was already happening. For some reason, I'm thinking it may have begun when I was inbetween the two places. Because I also remember wondering if the spray from pesticides, while I stayed a night or two with my son at the house in E. Wenatchee, might have gotten to us and then caused the twitching. But then again, that didn't explain why it was at night, for both of us. Before I noticed bad problems with my computer, and before I'd gone to a computer tech about it, I called a pesticide hotline.

I called a pesticide hotline and asked a lot of questions because after we were fully moved in, it was happening all the time. And when I told Dr. Freed once, he thought it might be lead or pesticides or something. But I don't think that was it, although I DID, at first.

It was getting worse, so this was why I called a pesticide hotline later. Then other physical symptoms occured. There WERE some mood swings, for me, but considering the harassment I was getting from "the department" and the fact no one was taking care of my son's and my medical needs, I thought it was this. I never took it out on my son in any way--he was what always calmed me down. I was happy, all the time, when I was with my son, and he was always present. I called and had my tirades when he was napping in the other room and couldn't hear anything. While I've always thought the mood swings were from the stress, and I know later it was from extreme and severe pain, after doing research, I noted if it is true my computers were tampered with in the way the computer tech was possible, from what I read, this kind of exposure CAUSES mood swings. I know the cat, for one thing, was not acting normally either, during the worst of it, and I certaintly did not abuse the cat or neglect the cat either.

I come from a family where there were always lots of animals around, and I loved animals and knew how to care for them. I don't even know why I would need to write this, except for the fact that everything that ever happened, was mocked and scorned by Wenatchee CPS, as if I was the problem.

Pretty soon after moving out to the orchard, was when I started looking things up, in interest. I was always googling stuff, but I never made a concerted effort to see if I could find a link between all these people.

Oh, and I should mention what the medical clinic and hospital's lawyers did next. They tried to "ban me" from their facilities (which they were refusing treatment at anyway), and I knew this was also the idea of Abbey lawyers. To "ban" me as the monks claimed they'd "banned" me from their monastery, to displace blame. I guess I'll have to write about that, and the stunts they pulled, with Wenatchee lawyers, first. Then I'll write about the computer stuff. I have to write about the medical stuff, and the lawyers in Wenatchee, and the letter Christa wrote in my "behalf" (haha).

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