Monday, October 27, 2008

TTSOML #151: "The Department's" Debbie Schomer

When I moved to the orchard location, with my son, it was still summer. At that time, Social Services in Wenatchee had lost their Fair Hearing and I was taking the "emergency assistance" money to move to another place. I tried to move to this place the Russian couple had, but they were first happy about me, until they talked to someone, Debbie Schomer, of Social Services, who persuaded them not to rent to me. They didn't want to tell me who they'd talked to, but then I called Debbie and said, "Why did you talk badly about me to those landlords?" and because I put it that way, as if I KNEW already she'd called them (and I knew she'd probably think they said her name), she ADMITTED to speaking with them herself.

Everything was fine, and it was a cute place, and then I had to go through the state to tell them where I was moving and they would pay the landlord the money directly. So although the Russian couple didn't "out" Debbie, she outed herself, by admitting she'd talked to them, but claiming she said nothing bad. That's not what the Russian couple said. They just wouldn't give me a name, and then they told me the place was "already rented" when it wasn't. Oh, and I forgot to mention, Debbie tried to blame it on Pam, my former landlord, first. But I already knew it wasn't Pam and told her so and then she admitted she had talked to them and claimed not to have said anything bad when she did. She lied, and then when she got caught in her lie, she made up another lie.

When I told my grandparents this, they knew I was being blacklisted. One minute, I had paperwork filled out and all was well, and then after a call from Debbie Schomer, everything changed. Debbie definitely had an agenda against me, and she took that agenda to Donna, and instructed her, and then it was also passed to Tina Thornton.

I couldn't get into a new place, because Debbie was interferring. The other thing Debbie did, was that I had told her I wanted to be evaluated for Social Security for Disability. I wasn't able to work as usual because of the childbirth injuries, AND my untreated migraines. Debbie said I couldn't have this done, but that she'd schedule me for Social Security for mental health reasons. She wanted me to get a diagnosis from someone about mental illness, and she fought to keep me from being assessed for physical disability. I felt this was a direct hand of assistance to the Wenatchee medical professionals. By refusing or trying to keep me from getting SS for disability, she was ensuring I didn't get diagnostics and evaluation of all my injuries. She was also the one who tried to lie to get me to go to a group for "anger management" after she refused to reimburse my medical expenses. Both Tina and Donna finally admitted to me, that they were getting all of their orders from her.

And Debbie, was directly linked to Barbara over in the Spokane offices, where Debbie used to live, and both of them were Catholic.

When I was going to be out of my apartment, but had no place to go because my new apartment had fallen through, my grandparents stepped in and said I could live at one of the houses at the East Wenatchee orchard.

They felt my own parents didn't do anything for their kids. And really, anything that was done for me, my grandfather even let me know, was all of Granny's doing. It was the doctor who had told me what Butler was saying about me, in the hospital, who admonished my parents when they said they were going back home because they had work to do, after I was discharged. He seemed incredulous and said to them, after telling them I needed help, "That's what family is for." Someone had to tell my own parents what family was about. Because, I don't know if they've ever known.

Also, I should make mention of the fact that THIS doctor, was the ONLY one to ever apologize to me, and mean it sincerely. To apologize at all. He apologized to me after threatening me to see social services, based on what Butler was telling him, and then backtracked, but I can't remember why. I think it was after she left and said there was nothing wrong with me. Or after he figured out Butler was lying and something was very wrong with me, physically. I can't remember his name right now, but he worked at Columbia Valley Community Health and then switched to Wenatchee Valley, which was probably a better move. I appreciated the fact this guy wasn't deceptive or trying to hide anything from me, even if he yelled at me. And, he had the guts to apologize, profusely, and I would never sue anyone like that, even if all the rest are going to be held accountable. Do I want him to be my PCP? No way. It's not a good idea to take any medical care in Wenatchee, but I give him respect for being a man.

I guess my new post will be about moving to the orchard.

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