Monday, October 27, 2008

My Position And Theories About Catholic Church Members & My Abuse

While people who may have been vandalizing my cars were probably coming from a variety of sources, I have thought what happened to my son and I, with the computer problems and health problems I've spoken of, came from some kind of possibly Irish-based militia (or their help), Russian (if that Russian couple with a thing for Litinvenko really had a thing for him but that would be so exteme), and a combination of the resources of maybe some Catholic members in state or FBI or even CIA or military intelligence. I had written to the CIA, one time, about things as well. Only once and I don't know who it went to but I asked that it be directed to the person in charge of Vatican affairs.

The only thing that changed, which preceded what happened to me and my son, and computer problems, was that I told Christa I was contacting Protestant groups from Ireland who were experienced in these kinds of things. I think this must have been a threat to them.

I still believe different people did different things. Most of the people involved, were white. But I have wondered too, about Christa's boyfriend and his connections with Japanese and if this had any bearing on why she wanted me to get a Japanese made computer so bad--a Toshiba. Some computers are more familiar to certain groups and easier to hack. This is a very random idea, and extremely tenuous, but not completely out of range. My roommate was also Japanese and she seemed to be okay, but I did have things missing from my house around that time, and while I would never have suspected her then, I wonder. She seemed like such a wonderful person, but she did respond to my ad after I told Christa where I'd placed the ad. Any nationality can hack a computer, and I have nothing against the Irish, or Japanese, or Catholic, but I have onoy tried to figure out what the deal was.

I also want to make a place here to describe exactly my position about Ireland, Japan, and Catholic members in general, so, with all my flippant or general talk about "the catholic church" it is clear this doesn't extend to everyone.

There are very bad people in the Protestant churches, and any church, and that's why I don't go anywhere. I am not partial to a particular denomination either. If someone were to ask me what my theological beliefs are, they've changed. I probably agree, technically, and prefer, the Anglican church and I like the incense and smells and bells personally, but I also have interests in other things, and I don't hold myself to some of the strict rules I did when I was younger, and yet I still feel close to God. I know that if there is a God, or higher power, who knows all, all is known about me, and no one else would be more sympathetic. So I feel fine about my spirituality.

As for Ireland and the troubles, I've never really cared, but only wanted to contact Protestant groups because I figured the Catholic ones would be hostile towards me. However, I know both the Catholic AND the Protestant groups would be the first to agree with me, that very serious things happen in the name of "god" or "religion" and politics. They know this better than the U.S., where people assume this never happens. Mabye the Italian mafias would believe and understand too, or any mafia, simply because, even if they don't agree with me, they know what happens under the surface, that most people would NEVER have a clue about. Things stranger than fiction. And, I think, some higher groups who are in military or intelligence would or might believe me, because they also have understanding. People like CPS, or who work for them, are going to be the least likely. Normal average America doesn't understand these things. I, unfortunately, but also wiser than I wanted to be, do. I don't think Americans are stupid though, either, and neither do my enemies, or they wouldn't have gone to such lengths to try to destroy me and my reputation. They know the citizen can put 2 and 2 together eventually, when the facts are lined up well enough. Because my enemies have known I could articulate and because I had such good character and would be believed, it's the first thing they went after.

As for Ireland, I had thought once that we came from Ireland. There is at least some talk my father's side came over during the Potatoe Famine, which is what I told Fr. Joachim McCann, who was, I believe, Irish and moved back to the East Coast after I reported him. He worked in NYC, formerly, on Wall Street, before becoming a priest. I had once told my father it seemed mean that the one side of Ireland couldn't have their own land and I thought they should. Other than that, I didn't care. So, I've never had a thing against or for Ireland really, except that I like the culture and music. My grandmother gave me a clara ring, my biological grandmother on my father's side. I have no interest, one way or the other, in their "troubles", except that both sides could relate, and I wondered if, since no one was listening to me in the states, I should try to find protection from a group that was not a militia exactly, but "Orange Order". So Christa knew I was looking up all the chapters of Orange Order. I sent out many emails, but never heard from anyone in response. I also send email to the Ulster groups before what happened to my son began. No one ever replied, or at least, I never got the messages.

The only common link I could find, with most of those who harassed me, was an affiliation with the Catholic church. Which, doesn't make all Catholics bad. I can't remember the philosophical equation for that, but just because some bad people were mainly Catholic, against me, this doesn't make all Catholic people bad. And I am aware MOST are not. It is unfortunate that I have to be wary though, because of this connection. Because most of the problems have been from this group, it would be stupid for me to not be on guard more. However, my coworkers now, one of them I know has Catholic family and I think she is, technically, and there's nothing to it. Another worker wears a huge Mary pendant and offered to get me one, and I told him I would only wear such a necklace if it was coming from him, and I adore him. Nacho, and all the Mexican workers, were also Catholic and wore medals and rosaries. It is really not about all Catholic members, but about a group of them. Because some of them hate me so much, and have persecuted me, I sound like I am prejudiced or a bigot, when I say I notice someone is, yet again, Catholic. But I don't know how to explain. I could put it this way--If I knew someone who was Irish Catholic was being persecuted and tortured, as a Protestant, I wouldn't stand by and do nothing. If I were a judge, I would try to secure justice for that person, regardless of their religion. Abuse against anyone is unacceptable. On the other hand, if I were to try to judge sex abuse cases, I couldn't do it very well, because I know too much about the cover ups that take place. I would have a more difficult time being completely objective.

As for Japanese, well, there's not much to be said. I have nothing against the group. But I wondered if Christa's interest in my grandfathers work in WWII was, in any way, to try to get sympathy from anyone in this group, to cause problems, or if it was just her boyfriend's connections.

So, when I say, "GUESS! Catholic!" all I mean by that, is that once again, something bad happened, and the common link is this. When it's been so ongoing, I notice. I had another Catholic woman who hated me, a social services worker by the name of Erin, in Wenatchee, who snapped at me that "Donna Titleman is VERY Jewish". I thought this was odd, but it was coming from Erin, who was Catholic, and was trying to defend Debbie and the Barbara in Spokane and who also decided to say something about Knights of Columbus for good measure.

Other people have hated me, and been pulled into thinking I am bad or that I've caused all the problems, but when I go back to the origins, it has always led to someone within the Catholic church who has attempted to pervert public opinion of me. So this is why I know, while someone had influence in law enforcement and/or military to be able to do what happened, it is most likely that it came from members of the Catholic church.

However, because I've had to be cautious, I've had people tell others, of other religions, that I'm just a bigot, and then I've had Jews, actually, and some Muslims, even tell me angrily that they know how it is to be a hated group or discriminated against, as if I'M the one who is persecuting a particular group. I have never persecuted the Catholic church members. I had things happen to me, and out of reaction, I had to change how easily I give them my trust, in general, simply because I don't know who is who and in with this "Get Her" committee. Some people, even Protestants, would join the vendetta simply if they thought they had something to lose financially, through a medical malpractice lawsuit. That's just human nature. People will take sides, if not for religion, out of self-interest.

I guess, since I wrote the CIA, if someone really thought I was interferring, they might do this, but still, it seems too extreme. I believe, any Russian party, while having the technology, would just keep their eye on me and watch for awhile to see who I was. I can't imagine anyone would go after me who didn't have a long-standing interest in me, or agenda against me.

And, when all the computer problems happened, I was looking up addresses and connections of Catholic people, not anything to do with Russia or Litinvenko.

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