Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Computer Problems

Before I continue with my posts, I need to make note of further computer problems. Someone has been editing my posts. This was happening a long time ago, but it's happening again but is more discreet.

Someone is removing just one letter from words after I post or maybe inbetween.

I keep getting a "Someone else is editing at the same time" note when I try to post. It says "Editing conflict" and then I'd check and not see anything, but I've noticed a couple of things, like an "s" missing or in my last post about Bujanda, I wrote, "...I still liked him for whatever reason" (past tense on the "liked") and then I went back to it now and see the "d" was removed from liked, making it "like" (present tense) so the meaning is totally altered to "...but I still like him for whatever reason" as if I still have a thing for Bujanda.

Not only that, every single house that has had a computer network set-up has had significant problems with their connections after I'm using it. Everything will be fine and then either massive virsus, or trojans, or disconnections happen all the time. This just happened at the last house I was at, and they had to change their password and security. Things happen, and it could be coincidence, but I'm not going to strange sites and picking stuff up.

Not only that, awhile ago, I was trying to get into my user account for Blogger, several months ago, and someone had made it themselves the master of the account, so I could still write, but I couldn't get into my stats and see who was looking me up and from what country.

It could be, for the last house, that it was a fluke, but I don't think so, because this has happened so often. With them, it wasn't a virus or trojan--they just kept getting disconnected and would lose their server and not be able to get on.

Just making a note of this, because I'm having to go back to my posts and catch things. I don't even know how much editing has been done on past posts because I haven't reread them for awhile. Lately, it's just been a letter here and there, which would seem like a typo, and at first I thought it was but it happened too much. I knew I'd typed something correctly, would get an "editing conflict" message, and then later I'd see something was changed.

I should add, I'm not having NEARLY the problems I had before, when things were really crazy and my words were being typewritten for me or erased, and my password changed. Before, when I was with my son at the house, someone was actually able to control everything on my computer, including changing all of my settings all the time, including security settings, and even writing, and the arrow would move on it's own, without my touching anything at all. I saw the arrow thing happen again, when I was typing at a Greyhound station on a state owned computer, in Washington, because it was through Worksource, and the woman next to me saw everything as did the computer supervisor who said the only person who would have access to do that would be the computer tech team because they'd have the number of the computer I was using. I had to sign in, from the beginning, with my social security number and name, to access their computers. If it wasn't done by someone with the state, someone nearby was able to access the computer I was on.

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