Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TTSOML #103: S.A. Julia Thornton Takes "Misconduct" Report

I called the FBI to report what had happened. As I stated earlier, I had to go through quite a lot to get them to even listen. Laurie told me flat out that she wasn't going to take my report. She was the Assistant to the head for the Portland FBI field office. After I told her that a retired FBI employee had instructed me she was the one to go to, for protocol, she then hesitated and said she'd send someone else to meet me. When I told Rick Baken about this, he said it was strange. It was enough to cause him to stop and reflect. I also wondered why Laurie would be so quick to be dismissive. Did she already know who I was? She spoke with such animosity and I was polite throughout.

I was told I would be meeting a Julia Thornton. They wanted me to go to the FBI office but I told them I was too afraid to go there. Why did they think I wanted to go to their offices, where I might be seen by someone who was connected to Bujanda or Garza? So I asked if they would please meet me at another location.

It was almost one week from the day of the incident when I met Thornton. She seemed professional and greeted me without an attitude or negativity. When I said I had been planning on joining the FBI, she began to talk about women and minorities in the FBI and how they'd come a long way and she encouraged me. But then when I tried to tell her why I thought there was some connection to my litigation, she refused to hear it or anything involving, as she put it "your lawsuit and the catholic church". It was relevant, but she cut me off. She also cut me off when I began to cry, as I described what happened. Then she told me to give her my timeline of events, and she seemed more concerned about how their guys had passed their guns over to me, then the actual assault. She told me not to tell anyone, and said that would investigate. Specifically, she didn't want me telling the police. I thought this made sense at the time. I was told it could "ruin" their investigation.

I trusted them, at that point, so I said okay.

Then, when I got home, 2 hours after I had met up with Thornton, I got a call from Raul Bujanda, out of the blue. He hadn't called me since the incident, and prior to that incident, he'd been calling me almost obsessively, telling me to call him at his office, and everywhere else. I believe I left a total of one message at his office and one or two on his cell or at his home number. So he hadn't called me at all, and all of a SUDDEN, after I meet this FBI supervisor, Bujanda called me up at my house.

I decided to try to entertain the call. I asked him what made him think of calling. He told me he'd been thinking of me and that he'd forgotten to give me a "trinket" he had picked up for me when he was in San Diego.

I wasn't going to hang up on him because I wanted information. I asked him what kind of "trinket" and he said it was a necklace with a pendant on it. So I asked what the pendant was and he stalled. Then he said, "A dolphin". He said he wanted to meet up with me, to "see" me so he could give it to me.

I thought this was more than a little strange. Either the FBI tipped him off that I'd reported him or someone else did. He called right after I got home and it sounded, on the other end, like he wasn't alone and perhaps was being instructed by someone in what to say. Not only that, I thought the necklace gift was maybe (maybe NOT) more than coincidental. Of the many questions my "ex" and Christa had asked me, they asked me what gift I would most like to receive from a someone I was dating or a boyfriend. I said I'd never been given jewelry besides a pair of earrings and that I would like a necklace if not just flowers. Over and over, they confirmed, "So you would want a necklace? what kind?" and I said maybe something with a pendant on it. Then, here was Bujanda, trying to get me to be seen with him, using a necklace as the reason.

Did they think I was going to fall over myself for a necklace? I think they hoped so. I believe it was an attempt to get me to go out with Bujanda again so someone could say I was never assaulted by him and that I had just expected more from him or wanted a relationship with him or something.

I then did something that was maybe stupid, I told him there was an investigation and that I'd reported him. I guess I wanted to know what his reaction was. His response was to say that what happened was personal, and not work related. It was a bunch of b.s. I asked him if he was married because I wanted to know if he'd lied to me about that as well. He told me he was but wouldn't say whether he had kids or not. I do know that on the night of the incident I had asked him if he wanted any children and he'd said, forcefully, "NO." He also said his relationship with his "ex" was over, but he'd said she was a girlfriend and that she'd probably been cheating on him and he "knew" her. I asked what his "type" was and he said "strong and independent latinas". So why was he with me?

I called Julia Thornton after the conversation was over. I told Bujanda I wouldn't go out with him and that I wouldn't be speaking to him again. When I called Thornton, I told her I thought it was odd he'd called right after I'd interviewed with her. I said to her I thought someone in the FBI tipped him off. She said the FBI didn't "do that". Well, maybe technically they don't, but I know for a fact that several people within the FBI, in at least two states I'm aware of--Oregon and NY, HAVE done things they're not "supposed" to do.

I figured the other people next to Bujanda when he was on the phone with me were either FBI, trying to get me to backtrack, or that it was a lawyer, and if so, my guess would be Dick Whittemore.

I later found out, John Kaempf lived very close to Bujanda. They were both close in age, and both were Catholic. If they went to church, I checked parish jurisdictions and found they would have been going to the same parish because they were in the same neighborhood. Whittemore wasn't far away besides, just a few miles more. I looked it up on mapquest, after the fact, out of curiousity.

Later, I dropped off my "timeline of events" to the Portland field office. I hadn't wanted to go there, but I was getting a feeling I should find out where it was located. I wanted to know if it was within view of the deli Bujanda had taken me to on our first coffee date. I also wanted to know what else was in the vicinity and that's when I noticed the OHSU department on one of the floors of the same building the FBI was in.

At any rate, Thornton said it wasn't good I told Bujanda. I figured he already knew though, or he wouldn't have called when he did and tried to entice me to go out with him again.

I was told a couple of S.S.A.s would come out to meet and interview me but that it could take awhile.

I guess I forgot to mention, other reasons I believe Bujanda was being coached was that he gave a bunch of cover up comments over the phone which made it sound as if he was oblivious to what had happened. I'm not sure why, unless he thought I was recording our conversation, but he was trying to cover his tracks, and I told Thornton exactly what he said. She said she thought it was odd as well.

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