Saturday, October 4, 2008

CPS Refuses Visitation Of My Son--Judge Backs Out On Orders

I just found out, after trying to reach my son for the last 3 days, that CPS in Wenatchee has ordered my aunt and uncle to refuse me the right to telephone conversations with my son.

The judge in Wenatchee, at the hearing, stated I and my son could have telephone visitations and now they have, I guess, refused.

I have not opened the mail that I only recently received from CPS because it's the FIRST fucking time I was getting any mail from them at all and I have been stressed out with other things.

I work and support myself here, and Wenatchee promised me, in the last hearing, this judge promised I could receive ANY and ALL services through Washington D.C. CPS and not Wenatchee.

The judge also did not think it was a good idea to discontinue and prevent my son from hearing my voice and now supposedly, Wenatchee CPS got an order to cut off all bonding and any and all contact between me and my son.

I don't know who the hell these people think they are, but I am now motivated to contact all the lawyers I know in D.C. whom I haven't asked for assistance from before, and also, some of the international journalists I've talked to.

No one thinks what has happened is right.

I'm continuing with the TTSOMLs.

I hope Canada is happy with the decision they made to throw my son and me into the states. They threw us back to wolves.

CPS is purposefully trying to break the bond between me and my son and has been attempting this from the beginning.

They are corrupt. Not only that, the state is corrupt, and so is the federal government that has allowed this to happen and left people unpunished who damaged both me and my son.

You can go to hell.

I am told the only way I am going to be allowed to visit my son, in any manner, is to GO TO Washington state where they only want to put their own stamp on things and probably attempt to throw me into some mental ward, despite the fact everyone in D.C. knows I function just fine over here.

They are the problem, not me, and they have wanted to control this beast from the start, to protect themselves and many others who have been involved. Using my SON as bait and a bargaining chip to get to me.

Not only that, not one person from Washington D.C. CPS has attempted to contact me after promising to help me get started with services here, and after I gave them the information they needed to get the ball rolling. Hester said she'd call Wenatchee and I'm sure all Wenatchee did was give them a bunch of B.S.

I just opened the letter from CPS and it appears that they claim my aunt, who has yelled at ME over the phone and whom I'VE asked to quit arguing, asked CPS to quit my telephone visitations of my son. They are trying to take him from me and pressure me to return to Washington state.

My aunt is out of control and SHE is the one who has moody issues. Her own daughters have stated as much to me, and I'll just have to go through my email to find the email I got from her daughter Ivory about it. There has been NO threat posed by my telephone visits of my son, and even my aunt's husband yelled at her for cutting my son off from chatting to me when I wasn't even talking, and he was the one speaking to me. He said, "What are you doing?!!!! HE's talking to his MOTHER!"

My aunt is a bitter and jaded woman who is best friends with my mother and would do anything to defend the Baird name, which I've basically outed. She refused to give my son photos of me when she first had him, on top of a bunch of other bizarre things.

CPS has attempted to refuse phone visits from the start, and even the Judge thought it was unreasonable. My conversations with my son are special, and he has regularly been calling out for "Mama!" and "Mommy!" and I think my aunt is jealous and doesn't like it. She also refuses to be home and keep the phone lines available when I'm scheduled to call. If anyone from any governmental agency were ever taping my phone, and overheard my conversations with my son, they would see they are good for him, and that my aunt it the one I'm always asking to stay out of things while my son is present.

My aunt's own children know this. I should put Ivory under oath to testify about her own mother. It is "Ms. Avila" who is named as the person CPS claims has "concerns". Not her husband, and Pablo damn well KNOWS what his wife is like and how my son needs me.

I'm getting a fucking lawyer.

No decent Judge allows such a thing, to cut off a child from phone visits with their mother, which are beneficial to him and which he gladly participates in and needs. He said, in one conversation recently, OVER and OVER, "Mama, mama! mama!" and mommy! He wouldn't stop and I'm sure it bothered my aunt. There is something wrong with a woman who hangs the phone up ON MY SON when HE is the one talking to me! happily! Her own husband thought she was a mad-hatter.

They write that they "urge" me to return to Wenatchee. Now that they cut off my son's phone visits. They are probably scared out of their minds that a decent psychologist is going to overturn all of their wacky claims about me. They are afraid of having this out of their control and are doing everything they can to make it fit their own agenda, and not in the best interests of my son.

Besides which, they claim they'll pay for a one-way bus ticket back to Wenatchee.


Not only a bus ticket, all the way across the nation when I have a broken tailbone and cannot take a job where I sit all day, but
ONE WAY to boot.

If I don't go back to Wenatchee, they will claim I abandoned my son or refused to visit my son. Which they'll gladly use to try to adopt my son out to my miserable aunt.

If I am allowed visitation of my son, and they are responsible for transportation costs, and they ARE, and if they know I have the right to live in D.C., where I work, and receive services here, they should not only be keeping the lines of communication open with my son, but they should also be paying for my airfare to and from their lousy state, in order to make UP for the damages they've already caused my son.

I think they hope to get me back in Wenatchee and smack me with their own doctor's opinions (which are ALL skewed) before I can get the rest of my TTSOMLs out and start exposing the extent of their involvement in all of this. They did many illegal things as well, and they are tied to the doctors there in Wenatchee, who have motive to make me look bad and refuse both me and my son normal medical services.

My son is NOT safe in Wenatchee. I am not safe there either. My son MUST get out of that town.

I am going to start getting to know my international people. Obviously, my own country doesn't give a shit about what they've done, and what they've allowed. I cling to them still, hoping something will change, but nothing will. I think people outside of my country know something is amiss though. I am going to get support from people outside of the United States. I am going to call my Pakistani, Indian, Israeli, Middle Eastern, French, Australian, and English friends for help. I need them and I've been too afraid to ask for help from those outside of my country. I also know there are some fine lawyers who are U.S. citizens who have good experience with the law and I'm going to be more aggressive in getting to know them.

Finally, I know there are plenty of people in the black community who don't like me, as I know one in particular worked for Bullivant Houser as either a lawyer or P.I. because he was always around me. And glaring. He was all over me in Oregon, and then I saw him once in Washington, in Wenatchee, and then not again until I went to a dance place in Bellingham, Washington. He stood to the side and just watched me all night. But, enemies aside, of any color, black or white, I feel for the black community, especially today and tonight. I was thinking about my son this morning, how he has been held hostage and I have too, and how LONG has this been happening to the black community? How long have THEY been unfairly imprisoned and profiled and trapped in this system. And now the hispanic communities know what it's like as well.

All I can say is, I feel you and understand you and your world, more now than I ever thought I could.

You have been robbed and things may be "better" but it's a lot of surface shit, and we all know why 99% of blacks are voting for Obama. Because they hope he knows, too, as a black man, has that insider knowledge of how things really are.

I just want to say, there are a lot of white people who understand, too, like me. There is a great system of people who want to keep certain people down. I just had no fucking idea until this late in my life.

I KNOW how corrupt and crooked the system is, and how people get away with this every single day.

I am not fucking kidding--there is NO hope for these people, in this country, outside of a second massive revolution. It's going to take more than Obama. Obama cannot do this for you. You have to organize.

Seriously, there is this guy that comes into the bar who oversees unions. Big stuff. Someone like him would be perfect.

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