Saturday, October 4, 2008

Call For Serious Revolution (Again)

I am going to start getting to know my international people. Obviously, my own country doesn't give a shit about what they've done, and what they've allowed. I cling to them still, hoping something will change, but nothing will. I think people outside of my country know something is amiss though. I am going to get support from people outside of the United States. I am going to call my Pakistani, Indian, Israeli, Middle Eastern, French, Australian, and English friends for help. I need them and I've been too afraid to ask for help from those outside of my country. I also know there are some fine lawyers who are U.S. citizens who have good experience with the law and I'm going to be more aggressive in getting to know them.

Finally, I know there are plenty of people in the black community who don't like me, as I know one in particular worked for Bullivant Houser as either a lawyer or P.I. because he was always around me. And glaring. He was all over me in Oregon, and then I saw him once in Washington, in Wenatchee, and then not again until I went to a dance place in Bellingham, Washington. He stood to the side and just watched me all night. But, enemies aside, of any color, black or white, I feel for the black community, especially today and tonight. I was thinking about my son this morning, how he has been held hostage and I have too, and how LONG has this been happening to the black community? How long have THEY been unfairly imprisoned and profiled and trapped in this system. And now the hispanic communities know what it's like as well.

All I can say is, I feel you and understand you and your world, more now than I ever thought I could.

You have been robbed and things may be "better" but it's a lot of surface shit, and we all know why 99% of blacks are voting for Obama. Because they hope he knows, too, as a black man, has that insider knowledge of how things really are.

I just want to say, there are a lot of white people who understand, too, like me. There is a great system of people who want to keep certain people down. I just had no fucking idea until this late in my life.

I KNOW how corrupt and crooked the system is, and how people get away with this every single day.

I am not fucking kidding--there is NO hope for these people, in this country, outside of a second massive revolution. It's going to take more than Obama. Obama cannot do this for you. You have to organize.

Seriously, there is this guy that comes into the bar who oversees unions. Big stuff. Someone like him would be perfect.

Thank God I'm moving into what I think might be a normal place to live. My new roommate is not a citizen of the U.S., I don't think, though he's happy here. But he's from Tunisia and speaks Arabic and French and some other stuff. Maybe Spanish too. He seems like a smart guy who I'm not going to involve in my affairs, but at least he's probably safe enough.

I like to think there are a few Americans who care too, and I know this is true, but I guess they don't have the power to speak up. I met a really cool Jewish woman the other day who is new to town and we went dancing last night. Also, a group of Presbyterians, which was kind of interesting. I'm gonna throw this one out there--the Presbyterians don't know how to dance. That includes me, with my childhood Presby background. But they were the only ones willing to try to have some fun in a club full of hipsters and yippies (who are cool too, in their own way). It was sort of cute. It was either this or the fact most of them worked on the Hill. LOL. So fun though. Really nice people. I guess I'll have to get to know the aides to the congresspeople of our country as well.

Time to fix the fucking HELLHOLE.

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