Saturday, October 4, 2008

Family Cut Off

This is it. My biological so-called "family" is cut off.


The only person I care about, in the entire group, is Granny, because Granny cannot even know what's going on. She has always been my favorite, as I was hers. I listened to her when no one else would give her the time of day, and she understood me when no one else did. Some in my family were jealous of this relationship and it's changed because of their influence, but I would never cut my grandmother out.

The rest...Are dead to me.

If any one of them thinks something is going to change down the road, they are sadly mistaken. Unless I'm just putting on a show for whomever, if I have to pretend, that's one thing. But when the game is over, they are cut out permanently and will know just how serious the consequences of their actions have been.

My family and my support will come from another source and another group of people. Not blood.


  1. WOW!! It's taken you this long to cut the family off?! You haven't been apart of my family basically, always. You know NOTHING of us!! You NEVER once tried for over ten years to communicate with most of us. I haven't considered you family for over 3 years now. Congratulations on finally coming up to speed. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean you've grown up any, when's that gonna happen?

  2. Dear Readers:

    Allow me to introduce you to my "Uncle Loren".

    Dear Uncle Loren:

    Buzz off

  3. Your WRONG, it ain't him.

  4. Based on the grammar, my second guess would be Valente, the other relative who assaulted me by spitting on me and pushing me.

    And if it's still "not right" then why the fuck don't you stop acting like a coward and put your name to your mess.

  5. Cameo,
    Loren has never read your blog, never will. I do not like you accusing him falsely. I only skim your blog to see if you write about the Baird family and read that, otherwise I don't pay attention to it.
    Please do not post any further comments about Loren or our family on you blog.

  6. Pat,

    Perhaps you should review the laws for libel and slander (defamation).

    Defamation occurs when something false is said, and it is actionable when damages can be proved.

    I know for a fact that you were the one to distribute select portions of my blog to Granny, which you specifically took out of context, and you gave her only the parts of my blog which you knew would be upsetting to her. I know, because I asked Granny what sections she had received. Why on earth would you do this, unless you were trying to cause trouble deliberately? Granny is almost 80 years old and everyone knows how she worries and that any family member would bother her with this is beyond me.

    Secondly, your darling husband not only assaulted me, but he tried to run after me on another occasion, and NOT ONLY THAT, he made false testimony to Wenatchee police about me, which resulted in my arrest and imprisonment until I was cleared of all charges.

    THAT, my dear, is defamation, and the damages which resulted were actionable. It is fortunate for YOUR family that I never pursued such a course, because it was within my power to do so.

    I have a right to write whatever I want to, about your family, as long as it is true, or true to the best of my belief and knowledge.

    Besides which, what harm has come to you from what I write? Your entire family is known throughout the valley for being bizarre and upsetting simple things like PTA meetings with argumentative outbursts.

    The Baird family is the first group that has ever assaulted me. Not sexually perhaps (though who would know, with the cover ups that occur in this family, I wouldn't be surprised to find out something happened to me when I was too young to remember, because the Bairds conceal sexual abuse of other children) but physically and verbally.

    Your form of "christianity" is a disgrace to God and to Jesus Christ.

    Jesus ate with the "sinners", and sat down at the bar. Perhaps you don't recall. You're a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites who became bloated on jealousy of me and of Granny's relationship with me.

    Perhaps you were worried I might receive some part of the inheritance, but Granny knows I am maybe one of the only ones who never cared.

    I cannot say the rest for all of you, who stood by, shoving coffee under Granny's nose and making a quick exit as she was dying in an easy chair from a broken back and dehydration.

    To this day, Granny believes I "saved" her life. I was the only one who listened to her and I knew something was wrong, as far away as Oregon, over a long distance phone call. And I was right.

    Granny's BP was at 30 when they got her into ER. They said she was severely dehydrated and in extreme pain and then they discovered her fractured back.

    But you don't even listen to her, and then you attempt to trouble her by upsetting her over me, causing her to worry and cry that I'm not "going to heaven". You didn't give her any of the clever or funny things I wrote, just the things you knew would upset her.

    This is not only "unchristian", it is evil.

    I could have hauled your husband in for defamation long ago, and assault as well, but your buddy lawyer Kyle Flick covered for you as some (and I say SOME because others were very interested in what was going on) of the officers in Wenatchee did.

    My truth-telling will continue.

    Fuck off Pat. I find it ironic that you attempted to take my son and that your family applied to be foster parents. God help the child who is raised by you. Everyone knows what you did to Brandon. I remember the beatings and tongue lashings

    I am probably the only one in the family who broke the cycle of corporal punishment and verbal abuse, and I made sure I had experience as a nanny before ever having my own child. I have over 15 years of solid parenting skills and that's more than all of you put together can say for yourselves. I am also one of the only ones who is physically affectionate with her child, and ensures he is hugged and kissed and loved. You call it "spoiling".
