Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Death Threat Today

Today at work, I served a man who was carrying a cane, whom I'd never seen before. This was several hours after I made my last post. He ordered and then he asked for a pen from the bartender, just as I was coming around the corner. I had been going back and forth very often so I wondered why he got up to ask someone else for a pen. I saw him writing on a napkin.

At some point, it looked like maybe he'd left, because he wasn't there and had left some things behind. He left the napkin in the far corner of the table, in a prominent place. I read it and he had written:

"Be careful what you say N how loud you say it pussy
Is not worth Life"

Just then, when I was reading it, the guy came out and tried to nervously pass by me. I said to him, "Is this for me?" and he acted shifty and was trying to leave and take the napkin and said, "No, it's not meant for you." Like hell it wasn't. He'd left it there, purposefully, and on a day after I'd made several posts about, basically, mob-like activity within the FBI and police and even judges I've had to deal with. He left it there for me to find. I was the only waitress to his table, and either he didn't expect me to find it right away or he wanted me to find it and then leave the bathroom so there was some excuse that he hadn't "actually left it behind". When he spoke, it sounded like an Irish accent but I wasn't completely sure. It was definitely european. I also noticed, when I was reading it, certain people in the pub watching me, or for my reaction. They could have just been curious, or, they could have known what was going to happen.

I thought, is this a warning or a threat? And then I thought no one would write "pussy" if it was a "be careful" warning. It was a threat. I went to a table and asked a man, who was watching, what he thought. He read it and said it sounded like a threat to him. I said I was going to call police.

So I called 911 and the police came and one officer acted normal and professional and the other one, who took charge in asking questions, was looking at me with undisguised mirth and mockery. It was like a joke to him, and he was enjoying it. Officer T. Green. He tried to downplay it. I said I wanted to have a copy of the napkin and he said I could keep it, that he could just write it down, what it said. I said how can anyone analyze the handwriting that way. I said I didn't think he was taking it seriously and he said, "So did he leave a tip?"

The other officer did not have the same expression on his face, and looked like he was taking it seriously. I also noted a gold chain around his neck and guessed it was a Catholic medal. Maybe I was wrong, but that's what I guessed. The other guy I have no idea, but it was the one with the maybe medal who was treating the incident with at least a surface expression of concern and professionalism.

When the one officer, Green, said, "So did he leave a tip?" he said it in a sarcastic way. I said, "I don't think you're treating this seriously. I'm telling you about this threat and you're asking me if he fucking left a tip like it's a joke or something." Then he was fine with just letting it go. He wasn't writing anything down or making a record. I said I wanted his name and looked at his badge. Then I said I wanted his card and he said he didn't have any. I finally said I was going to take it to someone else, like the FBI, and then I thought to myself, how ridiculous is that, when I can't even trust the FBI or law enforcement in my own country. Then, the one officer who looked more serious went inside the pub to talk to others, while the other one stayed outside and just stood there looking at me. I told him I had pen and paper and was he going to write down his information. He said no, I could write it down. Then he did nothing. I said, "I want you to make a REPORT you KNOW." So the guy is basically doing nothing until I make it clear I expect him to document this and then he grabs a pad and asks a couple of vague questions. He never asked if anyone saw which way he went when he left. The guy paid in cash, so there was no way to tell who he was.

So the office who is treating the incident like it's nothing says he'll call a detective and see what they want to do, and he reads the note off to the detective, totally altering the meaning.

He reads it:

"Be careful what you say N how loud you say it.
Pussy is not worth life."

This completely alters the whole meaning.

I think I called the officer an asshole and said, "That's not how it's written! You just totally altered the meaning by reading it that way. It says, "be careful what you say N how loud you say it Pussy--
Is not worth life."

The guy stopped and said "okay" into the phone and then was leaving. I asked if a detective was going to contact me and the one guy didn't answer at all. The second one said "yes".

I'm sorry, but that was simply, in my opinion, a death threat set up to be questionable enough that it lets someone potentially off the hook for making the threat in the first place. But I know the feeling I got when I was around that guy. It was intended for me, and there was no mistake.

Given all of the information I posted today, and my posted concerns about the safety of my son, it wasn't insignificant. Especially because I know what happened to us.

The guy who was sitting in the very back, one who watched everything, and who I'd asked if he thought it was a threat, left the place with a smirk after I called the police. The whole thing was bizarre.

There are nutty people in the world. I know that, but this was done intentionally, and done in a way to cast just enough doubt about me again.

I have already known I and my son are not safe. That's already been proven and we've already suffered because of it.

Then this guy drives me home, who is nice, but he asks me if I think it's worth it, losing my life. I thought, what the hell. Why is anyone asking me this. He asked if I thought it was worth it, to get my information out. How can anyone ask such a question. I've already had my life and my son's life fucked up. I'm supposed to not get the word out about what happened?

People have always tried to intimidate me and threaten me. I know they are not idle threats. But I know what has happened is wrong, and if it is dangerous to me and my son, it is dangerous to others in society and who might something like this happen to next? It would be wrong not to expose corruption, when it is so obviously out of hand, that people in law enforcement, and within a church, are involved.

And I DO know it's not just about church members. There are evil and corrupt people in all religions, across the board. But the ones who hate me, who must be into something deep, seem to have a connection to Catholicism as the common denominator. It could be more than that though.

Bujanda told me to watch the movie: "In Too Deep". I think I got into something that was far bigger than I thought it was and no one wanted others to find out.

Mafia activity exists.


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