Wednesday, October 8, 2008

TTSOML #108: "Covert" Claim Of My Car

When the police officer told me he was towing my car away, he asked me to give him two things: the car keys and my driver's license. I had more than one driver's license, one from Oregon and one from Washington. The Oregon one had been punch-holed in one corner after I presented it to the Wenatchee DMV to get my Washington driver's license. I still had the punch-holed one with me (meant to invalidate the card). I gave the officer the set of keys in my hands and then I asked him if I could grab my books. When I reached over, I grabbed not only my books but the spare key to my car. I was lucky I just so happened to have it with me.

If the police were going to play dirty and dishonest, I knew I should take what I could. Whatever I could, which was mine, legally.

I grabbed a small bag of things and took them to the convenience store. I told them I was having to hitchhike for a traffic mistake and would they please keep some of my things behind the counter for a couple of days. I promised to return, and told them I just couldn't take everything when I was trying to hitchhike. They were so nice and had no problem with it. So I left a big bag of things there and then took only the essentials with me.

A semi-truck stopped for me alongside the freeway. I checked him out and let him know I just needed a ride towards Portland. He took me as far as another truck stop, and told me to catch another truck from there because he had to turn off, but instructed me to say my car had broken down, and not get into details. I got another ride, safely, to Portland. I checked into a hotel and the next morning, I made some phone calls to find out who had "suspended" my license. I also attended class. Which ended up being pointless because I dropped out anyway after feeling insecure in my ability to move freely between the states, and drive without undue harassment.

But I found out no DMV had suspended my license. The Oregon officer told me he had received the "alert" from Washington state. But both DMVs weren't taking claim and both said I was legal. The officer told me I couldn't have my car back until I came back with a Washington driver's license which would prove I was "legal". How was I supposed to get to Washington, and get a new license, when I was stranded without a car and not enough money, in Oregon? By the time I got things straightened out, I'd be up a creek. My grandparents wired me a little bit of money when I told them what had happened. But I wasn't going back to Washington without my car, especially not after finding out Judge WARREN was the one who was illegal, not me.

I called my father and he said he could get my car out of towing but they said it would have to be parked at a secured airport, where I could go in, but wouldn't be able to leave with my car without a valid driver's license. And, the officer had told me, he would give me back my car keys after I presented with a license.

So my Dad towed my car or something to the airport parking lot. I asked my roommate if he'd drive me there and I gave him $50 for gas. Then I walked in, took out my spare key, started my car, and drove to the gate, with my punch-holed Oregon license in hand. The security guard noted my car and looked at my license. He pointed to the hole and said, "What's this?" and I said, lightly and cheerfully, in a nonchalant way, "Oh, I just like to keep it on my keychain sometimes". The guy looked at me and nodded, smiled and gave me my pass. I drove through the gate. I just had to get out of the state.

I was worried that the same police officer might recognize me, and, knowing he still had possession of my other set of keys, would try to stop me. I had to get my belongings from the convenience store but I was worried this might be that officer's "beat". So instead, I drove a half hour past the convenience store, to a Holiday Inn. I parked my car and walked into the lobby and to the restroom, and then used the water fountain, like I was staying there. Then I went to the counter and asked for a shuttle to the convenience store. I figured at least I wouldn't be using my own car. So I collected my things from the convenience store and then was driven back to the Holiday Inn. I got back into my car, and drove, listening to Eminem on full blast, back to Washington state, in the middle of the night.

When I was in Wenatchee, I showed up at the courthouse and the Judge refused to correct what he'd done so I went to the DMV and got my proof and got a new license. It didn't pass my notice, that the DMV man looked at his computer and then looked at me and smiled and said to me that I had to return any other driver's licenses I had. "I don't have any others" I lied.

That was the day I realized lying is a gift from God, when you know you are in the moral right and around you is corruption.
I only wish I had a fake passport now, and one for my son as well.

It is very important, I've decided, to have copies of documents, and alternative documents and perhaps even I.D., no matter what country one lives in, especially if you are prone to making reports about those in positions of power. It is dangerous NOT to have these things.

I wish my son and I had been able to escape earlier and that I had simply left when I became pregnant. I figured more of the same would follow, but with all my experience as a nanny, and being an excellent mother with a healthy son besides, never imagined my history would be so constructed and defamed to allow what has happened. It took a lot of people to get things to where they are now.

My next chapter is about the continuation of harassment I received in Wenatchee, by Abbey lawyers and Judge Warren, and the medical professionals and police.

As for my car, when I got it back, it was as if someone had taken a crowbar to every part of the inside and pulled apart the panels. They were all loose and rattely and sort of bent. My car was towed, and, I believe, then torn apart and searched top to bottom for drugs or anything else they hoped they might find.

Of course, there was nothing. I'm actually surprised no one put a plant of something in my car though. I certaintly had a false medical record planted into my medical chart later, claiming I was positive for THC (pot) when I was never a user and not even around others who used.

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