Wednesday, October 8, 2008

TTSOML #107: My Car Towed For "Suspended License" Improperly

One week after being interviewed by the 2 S.S.A.s from the FBI, I was trying to drive to my parents house in Coquille to pick up some belongings.

I was PARKED, once again, at a gas station, when a police car drove around the corner and pulled up behind my car, which was parked next to the gas pump. He hadn't even been behind my car. But he claimed I had done something wrong. I think he tried to claim I was speeding, which, if I had been, it sure took him a long time to catch up to me, and he didn't put his police car lights on until he was already parked behind MY parked car.

I thought it was more than odd, and I hadn't been going any faster than anyone else on the road. So this officer tells me to get out and he SEARCHES my car.

Okay, I've never had any of my property "searched" before. Not until after I reported these FBI guys.

All of a sudden, this officer was searching my car like I was a drug dealer. I don't know, maybe they thought I had a gun. I think the FBI or someone within the FBI and Catholic church was hoping to find something on me. I told him I didn't think he could search without a warrant and he basically told me to shut up. He went through my entire car, opening the glovebox, going through every single bookbag and container in my car. He opened up make up containers, searching. This guy searched my car for an HOUR and then he told me my license was suspended and he was going to have to tow my car.

I said, "No, my license is NOT suspended." I knew for a FACT it was NOT suspended. And, I confirmed with the DMVs, in both Oregon and in Washington state, that neither DMV had suspended my license. The order had come through Judge Warren, and it was improper, and I got proof from the Wenatchee DMV that it was improper. The DMV guy at the Wenatchee, Washington DMV had to print out a document for me, which proved my license was never suspended, and I had to take THAT to the courthouse, to have Judge Warren remove his improper claim. Not only that, I was told I was first to go to Judge Warren and show him how it was improper, and he would have to remove it. But when I went to the Wenatchee courthouse, he came to the window himself and refused to dismiss it and reverse it. Even though he knew he was in the wrong. So THEN, I had to go directly to the Wenatchee DMV and they had to get proof from Washington headquarters, to show I was and had ALWAYS been legal and that my license was NOT suspended.

When I first began my commute to Washington state, and was moving most of my belongings to Washington, I was pulled over by police about 3 times within one week. There was always an officer on my tail, and I was singled out from groups of cars as having made moving violations I didn't make half of the time. I say half of the time, because I do admit I was wrong and speeding at least half of the time. But the other half was just profiling and harassment and not even true. But I got so many tickets I couldn't afford to pay the fines. If I couldn't pay the fines, most states WOULD suspend your license. That's what they did in Oregon, I think, but I was paid up there. In Washington, at the time Judge Warren tried to "suspend" my license, there was a law which PROHIBITED suspending a license for non-payment of traffic fines.

I had told Christa I wouldn't be able to commute and keep up with the litigation if I kept getting fined. Everybody knew that. I wasn't rich. If I couldn't drive, I wouldn't be able to finish my classes at Portland State and I also wouldn't be able to attend the Portland Archdiocese Bankruptcy hearings, where they already viewed me as a thorn in their flesh--I was asking better questions, at least, then the lead plaintiff's attorney and nobody liked it.

At the time my car was towed for the "suspended license" in Oregon, I was about to file some important documents in the Portland Archdiocese case. I was also getting my residency established in Washington by living there more than part of the time.

This officer had my car towed, in the middle of the night, and he left me out on the side of the freeway. He said he could drive me across the freeway to a hotel but I told him what good would that do when I didn't have any money for a room. I called my mother who refused to help. She was already mad at me, for what she thought was my attempt to ruin her marriage. Little did she know, I was secretly going to my father and trying to help save it. My father wasn't available as they were living separately at the time and my mother wouldn't give me the number where he was at.

So I yelled at the officer that I wanted a copy of his videotape and I looked directly into his camera on his car and said this. He looked up and smiled, I guess thought it was amusing. Then I told him I was going to have to hitchhike to get back to college. I had classes the next day. I was planning on going to my parents house, picking up my stuff, and leaving to get back in time.

I think that was the first time I ever hitchhiked. When the Oregon police improperly towed my car for an improperly "suspended license", after searching the hell out of it. I was so angry, and I was trying to keep up with college, in the middle of all of this.

So I walked to the freeway, and stuck out my thumb. I didn't know what I was doing, but I did it movie-style. I thought you hitchhiked by sticking your thumb out, '70s style.

Is anybody frickin' HEARING me yet? I'm sorry to interject this into my layout of the facts, but THIS is the kind of CRAP I've been dealing with, all on my own, for several years, and it has lead to yes, torture, and then having my son taken from me besides. I did not "lose it". I just had a bunch of assholes with power and authority try to run me into the ground and, so far, succeed. And just wait until I get to all the Wenatchee crap and CPS. It doesn't get any better.

My son should be immediately returned to me, and I know for a fact Wenatchee is trying to force me back to their town to try to control what happens next. This is a fact.

But for now, moving on, the next best part is how I had to get my car back. And, what kind of condition it came back in.

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