Wednesday, October 8, 2008

TTSOML #106: Police Profiling Ensues With Wenatchee Help

The police profiling got worse after this. In fact, something very bizarre happened which caused me to quit my commute back and forth from Oregon and Washington state. Some preliminary details first:

The thing is, before I started commuting to Washington, I told people that's where I was headed. I told Christa this and I told the FBI this.

The Abbey won a dismissal of my defamation case against them and the WW, when I couldn't obtain a medical abatement and kept getting sick. The judge awarded them $40,000 towards their legal costs and fees, for ME to pay. Like I am going to pay my abusers and those who defamed me. It was incredible. This was the case which, after I lost, I then went to the federal court over.

So I found out I could claim bankruptcy in Washington with better results than in Oregon. I also wanted to move there anyway, because of my grandmother and also because of the harassment and car vandalisms in Oregon. I thought maybe a move would be good. Yet I still commuted because I wanted to finish college and complete my degree in English Lit. at Portland State University, and I then had Archdiocese Bankruptcy stuff to deal with, because the Archdiocese of Portland threw all the civil claims against Catholic institutions into their pot at the federal level. So I decided to commute while I could. I finally felt forced to quit after something bizarre happened regarding police and my car. I didn't realize then, that my enemies knew I was going to Washington state, and to Wenatchee specifically, and would set things up against me there. They would make certain I never got ahead, in any way, and that, hopefully, by the time they were through with me, no one would believe a word I had to say.

I should have noticed some of the warning signs, but I didn't. So this is what happened next...

First of all, I had migraines in Oregon and Washington. In Oregon, I had health coverage through Portland State so I could access ER and have it covered. The college plan didn't allow for painkillers, and unfortunately, my migraines were so bad I sometimes had to go in for Demerol because nothing else worked (my migraines last 3 days minimum). I found, after my litigation ensued (and medical records disappeared from my house) that I was having problems with certain hospitals. I went to a Catholic-run Providence hospital for anxiety (panic attack) related to litigation and harassment by the Abbey, and after I stated the cause, a medical professional with a huge gold crucifix around his neck tried to lock me up, basically.

I was a FT college student, and working as well, and it wasn't until a mental health professional came around who thought the whole thing was bizarre, that I was let go. They basically tried to "hold" me overnight. All I wanted and needed was a little Valium or something for the panic attack, but this religious medical guy wanted something else. I also had to threaten liability because my boss was in Russia on business and I was the only one in the office holding down the fort. I worked in the summers for Leagjeld Construction and my boss was Don. When I went to the Tualatin-Meridian Park Hospital, I never ONCE had a problem. They were well-informed of my history of migraine besides. So it seemed like no big deal--they knew what my medical history was. I didn't do drugs, I drank only on the occasional weekend night, and I was basically clean on the record. The medical professionals there advised me to go to their hospital after I told them about some of the things that had happened at Providence. By this time, I was noticing a pattern and it wasn't an imaginery one. Every single time something bad happened to me, it was through the actions of Catholic members. Until, later, when they were able to influence others in Wenatchee after snowballing me in a number of ways.

In Wenatchee, the only hospital available is the merger of a Methodist hospital and a private Catholic hospital. It is still a private hospital and is not public, but it's the only one. So I happened to be there while commuting and went to ER with a migraine. The first time they went ahead and gave me a shot for the migraine, and I explained I had coverage in Oregon but was outside of that coverage then. The next time I went in because I had a migraine, they wrote my up as "drug seeking". I was shocked.

I had never been "drug seeking" in my life, and for them to make such an assumption was sheer ignorance. I asked them to give me a release form and I'd have my records from Oregon sent over and they refused to do so. I even asked them to make a phone call and they refused. Before they started calling me drug seeking over migraines, however, I believe it was Dr. Michael Parnell who attacked me on the record, when I went to the ER following the interview by S.S.A.s from the FBI.

Prior to my interview with the FBI S.S.A.s, I had zero notes in my medical charts of being "drug seeking". I had told the FBI, besides, that it was THEIR guy asking ME for pot and I didn't have any and thre was no one who would ever come forward to state I HAD used any kind of illicit drug before. I did recall Julia Thornton tried to displace blame off of her guys by attacking me for taking Vicodin for my migraine. She said, "That could preclude you from employment with the FBI." I looked at her, shocked. I said, "That is a legitimate painkiller which has been prescribed to me for documented migraines." She said it was "dangerous" that I'd mixed them with alcohol, as if this was recreational on my behalf.

If it had been recreational, I wouldn't have asked the FBI guys for ADVIL at Berbattis earlier that evening, and I certaintly would have had more discretion in taking "illicit" drugs for "recreational" purposes in their presence. It didn't add up, what she was trying to suggest and I felt this was a warning sign, that she would even say such a thing to me. I also wouldn't have been reporting an ex-boyfriend for suspecting high level drug dealing if I wasn't opposed to drugs for recreational purposes myself.

The first person in my life to accuse me of using "drugs" for recreational purposes, was S.A. Julia Thornton, in the middle of my complaint against her FBI guys.

The next thing that happened, was right after the S.S.A.s interviewed me, I drove back to Washington state and I showed up at the Wenatchee hospital with anxiety over the interview/interrogation by the FBI SSAs. I told Dr. Michael Parnell (catholic) that I had anxiety. He asked what from and all I said to him was: "I made a report of misconduct by a couple of FBI employees and was just interviewed by their superiors and I'm having a panic attack". Basically, their interrogation had stirred up memories and I was short of breath from it, and had already been told to recognize my symptoms as "panic attacks" which first began after I was cited by police in Mt. Angel for things I didn't do, at the behest of Catholic clergy.

It should have been a normal medical record write-up, but instead, when I later got a copy, I was stunned. Dr. Parnell wrote an extremely damaging and defamatory "commentary" about my visit, and he lied besides. He wrote that I had come in "rambling", "delusional", with "confabulation" about being "raped by the FBI". I think he also wrote I was asking for drugs or something besides.

What I found strange is that at no point in my conversation with Dr. Parnell, did I ever say anything about my complaint agaisnt the FBI being of a sexual nature. He wrote "raped by the FBI" and I didn't even say "touched" "abused" "molested", "fondled", nothing. I was told to keep my mouth shut, so at that point in time, that's what I was doing. I was discreet and only said there was an "internal investigation" for "misconduct". Period.

But Dr. Parnell got the ball rolling on my entire confabulated medical record in Wenatchee.

Then, a Judge in Wenatchee, who I confirmed was Catholic and whose wife was the director for Catholic Charities in Wenatchee (an organization John Kaempf is on the Board for in the state of Oregon), Judge Warren, started doing strange things that affected me in OREGON. Which is partly why I felt I couldn't commute anymore.

Aside from being pulled over in Lake Oswego for something I didn't do (which I've already mentioned in my posts), I had my car TOWED away because Oregon police claimed they had a report from WASHINGTON that my license was suspended.

My license was not suspended and never was. It took a long time to find out who had constructed this lie, and it was traced back to WENATCHEE, to Judge Warren.

The same Judge Warren that John Kaempf used for another matter against me.
The same Judge Warren who I reported to the Wenatchee FBI guy, Wes, for refusing to file any of my kites and for instructing his clerks not to file anything in the public record from me.

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