Wednesday, October 8, 2008

TTSOML #105: Bujanda's FBI Card Goes Missing

This is out of order, and should be after post 103, but I need to include this bit of information.

One day after I reported the misconduct by Bujanda, and told Julia Thornton I had Bujanda's business card from the FBI (she asked me to describe what it looked like and I did. It had the blue seal and his name, and then said: Special Agent underneath it.) ...One or two days (at the most) after I reported this, I got home from classes at Portland State and the card Bujanda had given me, wth the 3 phone numbers handwritten in his writing on the back, was gone.

It was on the windowsill and I had even shown it to the guy who would later be my roommate. He saw it.

But I had it placed on the windowsill where it couldn't be lost and then it just disappeared.

Either someone from the FBI or someone connected to Bujanda, I believe, entered my apartment and took it.

I wonder, if the FBI took it, would they claim it was for their "investigation"? Would they have a legal right to do this? or would it be a way of eliminating evidence which could be used by an attorney in a lawsuit against the FBI?

I don't know. All I know, is that it was there, and I had not moved it or lost it. And almost immediately, it was gone.

I do have a witness who saw it though, because I pointed it out to him.

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