Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dream From Last Night

I'm procrastinating a tiny bit before going onto the next TTSMOL post. I had a dream, I think it was last night. In the dream, someone's daughter was being ushered to safety. I don't remember it exactly, because it was just a clip. She was tall, and I only saw her back, and she had shoulder length (fell just below her shoulders) wavy medium-dark brown hair.

She was in danger and someone in intelligence or something, or her father or mother, or someone, was telling her to go through this entry into another room or something. I don't remember direction, but she was leaving one place to go to another, and it was for her protection.

I have no idea why I dreamed this. I'm not watching much t.v. these days, but I woke up and thought about it for a few minutes.

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