Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fix You By Coldplay

I have to say, I really like the drums in the Coldplay "Fix You". It has the same sort of "anthem" quality of a good gospel song, which, I read, they likened this song to. It really is. It's a gospel or an anthem. I am listening to it now and it makes me think about this country--it's a good song for those who would like to "Fix You" America. I think of it as I write about all of this corruption I've seen and suffered from.

The other thing it made me think of, when I saw the video after I'd posted my poems, is of the tunnel where Diana died. I don't know why, I guess because, I've already said, I feel close to her in many ways (princess Di).

What shocked me, was the part where he grabs the light and swings it around and around and lets it fly to the left. It's the same image that came to my mind when I wrote my image about the Statute of Liberty with the torch that is thrown to the left in a ball of fire, in my minds eye.

I don't know, it is just interesting. Great job on the video. I'm seeing the name Sophia Muller again, and I think she had some part in the Killers videos too.

I like the fact this song can have many different readings and meanings. One day it makes me think of one thing, and then the next, it fits something else, and yet it's still profound--too deep to be vague. Or, vague, but not shallow.

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