Saturday, October 18, 2008

TTSOML #129: Sibel Edmonds & Appointment With Wenatchee World

Before I was ever jailed, at least a month or two beforehand, I went to the Wenatchee library and picked up a copy of Vanity Fair. I happened upon the article about Sibel Edmonds.

This article detailed her story about working for the FBI as a translator. She picked up on something she felt was out of place, from a coworker, and reported it to her superiors. Anyone can read this article online by doing a search with Sibel's name. To make a long story short, Sibel was a "whistleblower". She felt something was amiss and that it was endangering the security of the country. In return for this, she was labled mentally ill and she was either fired or encouraged to resign. Maybe she quit, after they demoted her, I can't remember. I just remember, upon reading this, I knew I was in trouble too. I reasoned, if the FBI had a big boys crew like that, and did this to some of their own employees, what did they do with MY complaint?

Sibel was only able to get some justice by having enough money, and support from family, to prove something was wrong. Her family in another country received death threats and had to go under witness protection (her sister I believe). She was only able to exonnerate herself from claims of mental illness or instability, by having money and resources, and at least, her own reputation to stand on, prior to the incident.

I just figured, I was probably totally trashed in some FBI file. To excuse Bujanda and Garza, the FBI probably wrote it up as no big deal, and defamed me as mentally ill. Who knows?! Maybe even "paranoid schitzophrenic". How would I know? when no one from the FBI has offered up their files? I knew someone in the FBI would be covering for them, because they were getting tipped off too much, with Bujanda calling me after I'd reported him, and the whole dismissal of my claim that they were in some way connected to my litigation problems with the Catholic church and the Abbey attorneys. It was all covered up, despite the fact, I'd been harassed by law enforcement (that was usually also Catholic) for years.

I looked up Bujanda's name and saw Bujanda had been given an "Acheivement Award" by the Portland Police, after I made my complaint about him to the FBI.

In frustration, I had began to send emails to the FBI, asking for FOIA, detailing what happened with Bujanda and Garza, and also, announcing I was taking it to the media. When Oregon and Washington didn't respond, and the S.S.A.s who had come to see me didn't respond, I sent the emails across the country, to different field offices, including the ones in NY.

When the police officer who took me away to jail asked if I was "paranoid schitzophrenic", she claimed my uncle said this. But I have always wondered if she got this from an FBI or other database that had crap written up about me, which police were to go by. Or, if she had called someone for instructions, and they told her this. I don't know.

At any rate, I decided to try the media again. I told Christa about it, and she wanted to know who I was calling. I called a lot of major networks and publications and they were interested until they had my name. So, I had talked once to a reporter for The Wenatchee World, and thought I'd give him a shot at it. Who knows, I thought. The Wenatchee World had missed the boat on the sex ring expose, leaving that to Spokane to uncover, but perhaps they would want a good corruption story.

I noticed surveillance when I was doing this. Around this time, I was being followed and it's obvious when you go down an alley and they follow you in, or drive by very slowly, peering to see who you're meeting. Or just not getting off of your tail. So I remember someone watching when I drove to The Wenatchee World packing/warehouse area. I talked to a guy there who also worked in publication and he encouraged me to give my story. They wanted it. So, I then had an appointment set up. I was meeting the reporter who was going to write my story.

I had already tried to contact the OIG. I told Christa about this and I think someone got ahead of that. I talked to some "Michael" in the CA branch who just sounded like he was brushing it off. I talked to 2 different people there and the second person didn't have any information on the first time I called.

I was arrested on false charges and jailed first.

I couldn't get out, couldn't make my appointment, couldn't really "call", and now I was distracted, and intimidated, having to fight another battle while pregnant.

I think I also found out, but I'm not positive, that Stacey Stubblefield's husband is a police officer. I'm pretty sure about that, but I may be thinking of someone else. Everything is significant in the long run as you'll see. They lived in Leavenworth and were new to the area. Stacy became a midwife at the clinic I was attending, after I was already there. She was new.

So anyway, that's what was going on with my attempt to procure media attention and get assistance. The whole goal was to go to the media and it would put pressure on them to release the files I'd requested through multiple FOIAs. The reporter I talked to, gave me further pointers on what to ask for and I tried.

But I was thrown in jail before I could get my story to the press.

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