Saturday, October 18, 2008

TTSOML #128: Plans To Go To Wenatchee World Reporter

I should mention, I was arrested on trumped up and false charges, which my own family says they didn't press for or ask for, but the police said they were DOING it, one day before I was scheduled to tell my story about harassment from law enforcement and the FBI "misconduct", to a reporter for The Wenatchee World.

My family, as much as they may have said they thought I was mentally ill, if they were worried I was trying to do something to THEM, did NOT press charges or want me to be arrested or go to jail. Besides which, there was no evidence of the so-called "assault". No marks or physical evidence, and my grandmother, out of fear, I believe, gave into pressure to say something bad about me. She said I had held her arms down. So they wrote that up as assault. I tried to tell them I had moved her hands away from my stomach because she punched and pushed me there, but they wouldn't listen. She had been distressed by the news.

So, the police trumped up an excuse to jail me, right after I'd been telling Christa how I'd met with some reporters and after I'd made several attempts to call larger publications and hoped a bigger journalist would take my story. It was always like someone was going ahead of me, because there was great interest until I gave them my name. So either someone informed them not to take my story, or they read The Willamette Week article about me.

When I end all of my TTSOMLs, I will repost my corrections to that article so my blog is left on that note.

However, The Wenatchee World was more than a little interested, and people knew.

I had found out, prior to being jailed, that the FBI was likely lying to me about doing a real "investigation". What tipped me off was their refusal to answer my FOIA requests number one, and number two, I got to the library and just happened, coincidentally, to pick up a copy of Vanity Fair, and I read the article about Sibel Edmonds. My mouth fell open.

Not only did I have further reason to be suspicious of how the FBI was treating my complaint, reading what they did to HER, I also found out the next authority to go to was the OIG.

Before I continue with what happened in the Wenatchee jail, to me, by the guards and Judge Warren, I want to diverge a little bit and explain what I read about Edmonds and then about my appointment to give my STORY to a reporter (who will remain unnamed) from The Wenatchee World.

What should have been a simple standby became the grand excuse for jailing me and disrupting my effort to go to the media. They knew, for once, maybe someone was going to take me seriously, and write up my side of things.

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