Saturday, October 18, 2008

TTSOML #127: False Arrest While Pregnant; Police Admit Profiling

The next thing that happened, is that I told my family I was pregnant. I told my parents over the phone. I was shocked that my own father said, "So what are you going to do about it?" It almost sounded like he was bringing up abortion and my parents had always claimed to be against it.

I had seen enough ultrasound photos, rushing to the bookstore to find out what stage my baby was in, to know there was no way I would personally be okay with that. I wasn't okay with it before, and I didn't see how anyone could be okay with it,
given newer technology, like ultrasound, which showed precisely how developed a child is, and how they have a beating heart and can feel pain. That's me and my opinion about it. For religious AND for medical reasons, it didn't enter my mind.

I figured my family should be okay with it, because I was older, and unmarried, and in the past they'd been accepting when I was looking into being a foster parent and then adopting as a single mom. But they didn't like the idea that a child was "proof" their daughter had sex outside of marriage, and my Dad's second argument was that a child shouldn't be raised without both a male and female parent. He thought I should adopt my child out.

I told them I wasn't doing that, but both my mother and father showed zero support about my having a baby, until after it was mine and I had somehow escaped the clutches of both jail and the hospital and midwife trying to take my child from me under false claims (more on that soon). I didn't get any gifts, money, or support from my family and I told Christa about this. I think she thought that with zero support, it wouldn't be difficult for the state to take my child from me. I don't know how she was involved, but I do know she made a very big deal about being angry and trying to disguise her anger when I came back from the hospital with a baby boy. I'd told everyone it was supposed to be a girl and perhaps there was someone waiting to take a girl away, who already had a lot of boys, but didn't want a boy. All I know, is that she was angry and questioned me several times about whether I "knew" ahead of time that it was a boy and just told people it was a girl. Why would she CARE?!

So I told my parents and they were not supportive. Then I told my brother and his wife, who, I believe to this day are infertile, and the only thing my brother said was, "You can't have a baby! You're not even married!" I never got even a card from them, of congratulations, even after my baby was born. To this day, I've received nothing, or, better put, my son has received nothing from them. My becoming pregnant was like a slap in their faces and they haven't had anything to do with me, really, since, besides visiting once, when my son was over 1 year old.

My family is fanatically religious.

Then, the state, and police, decided to make a big excuse to arrest me for something I didn't do. I went to my grandparents house and I was still getting belongings out of the house. I was moving everything out. They didn't like how my living in the cabins looked "to the neighbors". It was a great shame on the family.

Here, of all things, was a Baird relative, shacking up with Mexican orchard workers! They were above that! I thought it was hilarious. And anyone who comes from money and who has major family problems will tell you (I think) it is better to live in a shack and be treated well, than in a big house or a castle and be treated like crap. A happy medium would be nice, but given the alternatives, I'll take a cabin over some kind of Thebault set-up.

I knew it made my family angry that I was embarrassing them but I didn't care so much.

So I went to my grandparents house to get some things, and I was in the door, and I told my grandmother. Her response was to scream at me and sneer about how it would look, and she was obviously in an Alzheimers' "mood". I had always run from her before, when she assaulted me, but this time, knowing I had a baby inside of me to protect, when she forcefully pushed and punched at my stomach, I said, firmly, "Granny, you can't do that anymore. I'm pregnant." I remember my exact words and this is what I said. I took her hands off of my stomach and held them away from me and moved to the devon which is next to the door so she could sit down. I wanted to get my belongings, but I decided I might have to ask the police to come and help. She came at me again, and was so wild, I decided to grab the phone and call my mother or a relative nearby to have them come out to see her. I left and she was at my back pushing me out. I was still considered to be a resident at the house, and I had a right to get my things, but I couldn't do it and I didn't want my baby to be injured.

I was outside and trying to place a call but Granny kept hanging up the phone from the inside, as it was a landline/cordless. So I set the phone down near the gate, when she came to the door window to watch, so she would know where it was.

I left and called relatives from the shop, where all the tractors for the orchard and everything is. When I've stated, in my past blog, I was walking around in my bra, in the wilderness, it really is the wilderness. It's private property and there are NO public roads. And it's not visible when you're down in a hollow of the mountains. Anyway, so you need a lot of machinery and things to make the orchard rounds, and this is where everything was stored. It's a separate phone line, so I called my Aunt Pat Baird and told her what had happened, and I called my Aunt Locklyn too. I think I also called my mother, and I had been sending emails to my mother anyway, detailing some of Granny's behavior.

I guess what happened is that Loren (Pat's husband) drove up, and I wonder if he RAN OVER the phone, because he told police he found the phone all broken up on the driveway and that I had thrown it in a fit of rage. I never threw the phone. I never got good confirmation of whether my uncle actually said this, or the police just decided to write this and make it up themselves. The Chelan County police got involved when, after I called my relatives, I drove to Wenatchee to the police station, to see if someone could assist me and do a "standby" to get my things. The police had been out before, when I had to do this, and knew the situation, and a cousin had also gone with me, who told me how crazy the family was and to stay away from most of them. So the officers then were very nice and said if I ever needed help again, to let them know, and they'd do a standby. I believe this was when my uncle was around and I was afraid to be near him, for fear he'd try to grab me again.

I had NO idea, that going to the police was just going to be another excuse for some of them to set me up. I went to them with a reasonable request, and the next thing I knew, everything got turned around, and it seems to me, that a couple of the officers, who were women, were very glad to arrest me. Here I was, waiting at the cabin, to be contacted by police so I could get my things, no big deal, and I told them about my grandmother's behavior, and instead of coming to me, they drove to my grandparents house and talked to my uncle and grandmother. I think perhaps my relatives thought I had called police to report my grandmother for "assault" or something, so they went on the defensive. The only thing I wanted, was to get my things but the police could have twisted my words.

When they came to the cabin, they asked me to step outside and the women got big smirks on their faces and put my arms behind my back and said, "Ms. Garrett, you are under arrest." I was in so much shock. I could not, for the life of me, understand why. Then they said it was for a misdemeanor charge of ME assaulting GRANNY! I took one look at the gleeful faces of the officers, and knew I was again being framed by law enforcement that wanted to abuse their power.

I started to speak and one of them said, "Oh, we know ALL about you. Your name is known by police from Oregon state to Washington state." This is a direct quote. I will never forget that they said this to me. There were 2 women and 1 man, and the man was more professional than the women, and he was hispanic, but he assisted in the arrest. It was one of the female officers who said this to me, about how I was known by police all over various states.

That, to me, is a clear admission that things were not "okay" and that I was not only defamed somewhere in police or FBI records, but that I was also being slandered in the law enforcement circles. I had only been in Washington state a short time.

Now I was being arrested for something I didn't do, against Granny, who I probably defended and cared more about than most of the family. I knew the police just wanted to find any excuse they could, to try to do something bad to me.

I was asked, when I was in the car, by the Chelan County officer, "Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness?" I asked why she was asking this and she said, "Because your uncle said you are paranoid schitzophrenic." I told her no I was not, but that he might make such a claim to get out of anyone believing me that HE had assaulted me in the past, and also, if the police had frightened my family into thinking the reason they were there was to charge my GRANDMOTHER with assault of me.

I had only wanted to get my belongings, and suddenly, I'm going to be booked, photographed for a mug shot, and fingerprinted. I had a feeling, too, that more than one agency wanted my prints. I think there were quite a few people who wanted to see me end up with a real criminal record, and they tried VERY HARD to make this happen.

After I was jailed for something I didn't do, I was harassed by the same guards who didn't like the fact I had been trying to give the inmates books about "criminal procedure" to empower them in their cases. And once again, guess who got my case?


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