Monday, October 20, 2008

For Jay II

I also want to thank Jay, again, for enabling me to get this record out on behalf of my son, so others are aware of the politics at play in his removal from my care.

Thank you so much and I'm going as quickly as I can.

I have already had brain injury attorneys with a firm say they want to get into filing for my son, but they cannot right now, because I'm not the legal guardian. They say they can start with me at least, because my own injuries will go to show what happened. Even if I am too late to file for myself and my own damages, I still have time, if my son is returned to me soon, to file on behalf of my son.

And, I've already had several attorneys tell me he has a claim.


  1. Hi Cameo, I'm not sure if you remember me or not but I was on the debate team with you. I saw the story in Willamette Week a few years ago. I'm so sorry about all the difficulty you've had over the last few years.

    Much love,

  2. I do remember you Tiffany. I'm not sure if anyone could ever forget you. You are one of the most genuinely brain-gifted women I've ever me. Like Larry, it shocked me you then worked at Fred Meyers then, with such a mind. It sounds like you've moved on from freddies. ;) I'll have to take a look at your blog--I' sure it's brilliant.

    Last I heard about you, you'd married some English guy and were moving to GB. I'm going to email you from the address on your account. You look great by the way-like the hair--and it means a lot to me that you took time to write. I've always had a great deal of respect for you. LOL...I was just thinking...Remember Allan? ;)

    Whoever would have thought debate would have come in handy for so many battles. Maybe I should have stayed in my quiet corner...but then all that good instruction would have gone to waste.


