Monday, October 20, 2008

TTSOML #144: Documentation Of Son's Injuries After Birth

I'm going to detail what the follow up documentation was of my and my son's injuries. I couldn't get much of what I tried to get on behalf of my son, but I did manage to get some evidence and some people have certaintly agreed, medical professionals outside of Wenatchee, that my son was surely damaged and has a legal claim.

I also have injuries which are symptomatic to this day, but I want to write about all the things I had to take my son in for, or tried to take him in for, and how he and I were refused reasonable treatment and care by medical professionals in Wenatchee.

I will also write about how Stacey and Dr. Butler tried to, I believe, have my son taken from me right then and there, and how I was able to call on some people who proved highly supportive in this situation. At least for that time, and that moment, they did a very good thing and their actions spared my me and my son further trauma.

I'll have to write about this in just a little bit, as I've got to do some other things until this evening.

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