Saturday, October 25, 2008

Great Pretender

I'm just thinking it's going to be great, after I expose everything, to put on the great act of pretending none of this happened. After everyone already knows what the truth is, who didn't know before, or didn't want others to know, then I'll pretend I don't know.

It will look ridiculous, but I will do it, just to mock them and give them a less than satisfactory "win".

I contacted the human rights agency before I left for Canada, and before my son was taken from me.

I contacted a lot of people, asking for assistance, and my son and I were ignored.

In my opinion, there are people and organizations which should not just be sued, but charged with crime. When I see that happen, my faith in the U.S. and "justice for all" will be restored. If it doesn't happen, I have no reason to stay here and I will not raise any children I ever have here.

I am on a timeline and there are plenty of countries who would help me and like to help me publish my story and the aftermath as well. I would live here, if I could, but if ammends are not made, to me and my son, it proves itself dangerous and without remedy.

Where are my records of my signed releases for my son's vaccinations?
Where are my records from FOIA?
Where are the records from "the department" in Washington state?

I made multiple requests for all these things and was ignored. My reports of abuse were also ignored. Instead, I had people in government positions take it upon themselves to directly abuse me and my son. That's not just a civil complaint. That's crime.

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