Saturday, October 25, 2008

TTSOML #146: Diagnostics & Problems At Wenatchee Valley Medical Center

I've already detailed problems we had with Columbia Valley Community Health, and the Central Washington Hospital. So now I'll describe some of the problems we had with Wenatchee Valley (besides being denied a simple X-ray, among other things).

The first thing I had a problem with, with this clinic, was finding out they had obtained records, medical records of mine, without my release of information. Also, I found out information was being passed from the hospital to this clinic and from Columbia Valey to this clinic before I ever went to Wenatchee Valley. I told Wenatchee Valley and the other clinics they were in direct violation of HIPPA laws.


What's that? Wenatchee wonders, because they are not used to following rules. They make up their own rules and the grapevine takes precedence over HIPPA or any other laws.

The other clinics and doctors were trying to prejudice my care at Wenatchee Valley before I ever went there. I found out I had been "red-flagged" as "drug-seeking".

The bit about mental illness came a little later, following "drug-seeking". I actually decided to trace the roots of its appearance, this appearance of "personality disorder?" comments in my chart, by going back through all the records. I found its origin in two different places.

First, at the hospital, with Dr. Michael Parnell. Secondly, I traced back through Columbia Valley records and found out "Barbara" had slandered me. I believe, I found out, it was the supervisor for mental health services, and a woman that a Columbia Valley psych person, Julie Ricker, had called for advice, after I made a complaint about their refusal to release my records to me.

After the suicide attempt, or right before, I went to see Julie, who was with Columbia Valley, about anxiety. She saw me one time for about a half hour to an hour at the most, and wrote into my chart she thought I had possibly some mild PTSD after I rattled off all the things that had happened. So, I didn't disagree with this. I thought I DID possibly have some mild PTSD from all of the harassment and abuse by, primarily Catholic church lawyers and their "posse". Someone else wanted it to be written up differently.

When I asked for copies of the records, Julie said they couldn't give them to me. I said that wasn't true, that under HIPPA I had a right to all records. I had also found out my "psych" info was admitted to the general records database where anyone and everyone in the clinic could look up my name and read this. I felt this was invasion of privacy. They said it was all part of the same clinic and I said I didn't care, that I wanted any mental health information to remain private and I wanted it OUT of the general system, and if they couldn't just keep it in a physical file, to secure it with a password.

So this raised a big stink with them and their lawyers tried to say nothing could be done but I had another lawyer counter this. I was working as a temp, for a lawyer in town at the time, for a brief week, and I asked if he'd write them for me, as a favor. So he did and they backed off. Or got a little scared, because then, I found out later, Julie's rsponse (maybe it was Rickard, not Ricker) was to call whoever was in charge of her, a "Barbara", and "Barbara" suggested I was "Borderline" and that I was manipulating people and trying to pull stuff and that I just wanted attention, like a child, and to not allow my intelligent persuasion to fool anyone. Julie wrote she said it was best to "ignore" me.

So I suddenly had a TOTALLY new mental illness added to my charts, which got transfered to Wenatchee Valley and the hospital as well, with, at first: "personality disorder?" which, over a few chartnotes, and with mounting anger of physicians towards me for threatening them with a lawsuit, turned into the declarative: "Personality Disorder--undefined", which then later, through CPS's all-knowing capabilities of diagnosing people, turned into "Paranoid Schitzophrenia!"

This "Barbara", had never met me, ever. She had not spoken with me before either.

As for Julie, I had met her briefly, only once, and she herself had written slight PTSD, but with the clever suggestions and slander of "Barbara", she threw me into having some serious personality disorder, which they were claiming then was "Borderline".

Of course, it was always the social service people, and doctors I was planning to sue, who claimed such things. Because not one actual mental health professional who was licensed ever thought such a thing. And Julie was not licensed.

Whenever someone did anything wrong, or an organization was threatened with a lawsuit, they always wanted to claim the person who had a viable claim was "mentally ill".

I would argue, that entire town, with the exception of a few, is "mentally ill". My choice of adjectives would be: diabolical, delusional, paranoid, hypocritical, dishonest, sly, narcissistic, sociopathic, and dangerous to the public at large.

I was on Wenatchee Valleys bad list for calling them on their failures to abide by HIPPA. And the director, Dr. Freed, wanted to be in control of every aspect of my medical care when I tried to take myself and my son there, initially, after Dr. Butler kicked us out. There was a nurse there who deliberately attempted to cause trouble, and I noticed, only on the second visit, after she'd slandered me, she wore a crucifix around her neck, which said to me: "catholic". And she was the first one to start trouble. I looked her up in the nurse database for Boards and was going to write a complaint about her and she knew it. At some point in my care at Wenatchee Valley, I had such extreme back pain and overall pain (this was when we were in the orchard and symtpoms got bad) that I was able to get another CT or MRI of my back and pelvis. Dr. Freed tried to say it was "normal" but it wasn't.

He admitted I had a lower vertebrae that was fractured and out of alignment and he attributed it to a degenerative disease, and I think he was suggesting multiple sclerosis or something, which I didn't have. It was the first time anyone had gotten a diagnostic from that angle, and it showed a broken spine, basically. But, I reminded him, degenerative things like that, happen slowly over time, and my back was FINE before I moved to Wenatchee, and I'd had full body X-rays after my last car accident. And they said, there was NOTHING wrong with me then.

The broken vertebrae was new, and as I'd not had any falls, it made sense, by its location, that it was also damages from the traumatic childbirth where not only my sacrum was fractured, but my vertebrae, and tailbone, with prolapse and cauda equina syndrome following.

No one in Wenatchee wanted to agree that anyone in Wenatchee had done anything wrong during the childbirth. It was everyone-cover-everybody's-asses time. Believe me, to say they're "family" there is an understatement. Those people are inbred through generations of cover-up.

The diagnostic I got from Wentachee Valley was also the one which confirmed I still had "cauda equina syndrome" because they observed I was unable to empty my bladder and that there was a partial urinary retention which I had no way of controlling. I was able to get the signal to my brain fully, because of damage to the spine or nervous system that sends the message.

Given what I know now, I find it interesting that a Whatcom county OBGYN, who Wenatchee knew I was going to next, was quick to say she'd refer me to a urinary specialist, but not to a bone specialist. The bone specialist might have been able to confirm the source of the broken and DISPLACED tailbone, broken lower vertebrae, and any nerve problems resulting from this.

Wenatchee Valley, primarily, just covered up for the other medical professionals. I didn't like how Dr. Freed was trying to micromanage me, as he wouldn't allow me to choose my own doctors and every single thing that happened had to go through him first. He also allowed his people to write me up as "drug seeking". I think primarily, Dr. Freed was the better choice among the whole group, and tried to be more fair, but his assistant was something else, and slandered me to no end. His assistant, who was Catholic. Unfortunately, his entire Board of Directors was also primarily Catholic, and the way in which I was treated, I believe, was because of their unhelpful contributions.

After being harassed and refused treatment so long, when my son and I needed serious medical care, I lost it and wrote angry email to Freed and his assistant. Which didn't help my case, but they weren't helping us anyway.

What it was, was certain people in particular, spreading disseminating misinformation about me. Certain people got the ball rolling against me, and they were all Catholic. Then, they found ways to persuade others to listen to them, the "authorities", rather than listen to me. And by upsetting me, they obtained my "reaction" and claimed this came first. Not that they harassed and pushed me into a corner, but that there was just something fundamentally wrong with ME and not THEM.

I wouldn't send a dog I loved to any of those people.

Of course, none of the educated people like to hear well reasoned arguments from "welfare mothers". They thought I was stepping outside of my place. I wasn't just a woman, whose place was in the kitchen, MY place was in the soupline, and I should keep my damn smart-mouth shut.

They didn't like knowing someone on welfare was just as smart, or smarter, than they were, and that she knew what was going down.

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