Thursday, October 30, 2008

The "Guy" Making Stupid Comments

I'm starting to think this guy who made all the comments, isn't someone I should really trust. One odd comment is one thing, but the combination of the three, and some other things as well, indicates he knows about me through other people.

I have been wondering if he is another undercover FBI person, or if he just knows other people who knew me and in that case, it would be just as bad.

He said, "Here's another one in the hole", and "Give me one of your infamous backrubs", and quoted from stuff only a few people would ever know I quoted from. Not only that, he's been lying about a lot of things and he's a good liar. Not just a few things, either, but a lot of things.

Not only that, he's supposed to be some sort of vagrant, but it doesn't add up that he gets recognition from all these random people who have money. A couple of weeks ago, it was like he did something that made him a hero or something, because all these people were nodding their respects as we walked down the sidewalk, like it was the frickin' Hall of Famer or something. I could tell something had happened which was some kind of acheivement, and he had a baseball cap impression on his hair and he never wears hats. So where was he wearing a baseball hat?

My biggest thing, is that the only people who would know info that he made comments regarding, would be people I had to deal with in the Catholic church, or the FBI, because I gave the information, even about the backrub to Bujanda, to the FBI (in my timeline of things).

He goes from state to state and while he seems like an alcoholic, then again, to do that kind of work, you have to play it off enough to make it look sincere, and the FBI even allows drugs and alcohol, as long as it's to pull off a cover.

On one hand, I would think he's too much of a liability to be FBI. He certaintly is now, at least, because if I find out I was sleeping with someone from the FBI, after all I've been through, and that he was making these kinds of remarks, I will flip a lid.

He's also baptised Catholic. Which is just great that I ever trusted that to begin with.

Either he was making these remarks, and recording them, to make it appear he was in on some game or "sex circle" within the FBI or elsewhere, to out them, or he's just in with them to begin with.

Not only that, I overheard him telling other guys, to let ME approach them if they wanted a chance with me or something. So he's not stupid and knows how to make things appear as though I'm not being pursued exactly.

This is someone who I don't want around but who will be made to own up to responsibilities.

He's been a total asshole lately besides, which doesn't make any difference in what I do and am planning to do, one way or the other.

Even before lately, I noticed he was always saying negative things or making looks about me, but then sometimes being nice to my face. Chasing people away from me basically.

How do I know that he's not in the FBI and getting some kind of award for what he does and then on the side he's pulling crazy crap with me? Either that, or just in with someone in the Catholic church...because if he's not doing an undercover sting, or wasn't, with me, he was playing mind games.

I told Christa, a long time ago, about something I'd read, after what happened to me with Bujanda and Garza, about an FBI or CIA agent who was taping him having sex with his wife, and he was showing all this to his buddies on a regular basis, and without his wife's consent. She had no idea she was being filmed and watched. How do you trust anyone after that? I thought, I mean, she was married to the guy.

There are some even more bizarre things I could say, about swingers, and this guy I'm referring to, but I'll save it for later. Basically, I thought swinging was about being honest with the "partner" and also being honest and upfront with the people who are outside of the "partnership", but no, there are some people who don't even tell the others what their psycho game is about, who get a thrill off of keeping a secret from others they screw while they have their hidden romance on the side.

Even Charles and Camilla. They were open with eachother, but not with Diana, and they brought her into their game without being honest from the beginning. She had to find out later, they'd already set up their own plans. And that's how a lot of others are too, and that element, I find, SICK.

If you want to have a game, have a game. Don't bring innocent people into your charade. I can't wait until I'm able to "out" some crazy things I know.

My guess is that some lessons are learned the hard way, and that ownership sometimes comes at a price. A decade or more of paying for one's mistakes, may be a step towards accountability and taking responsibility for ones actions.

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