Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hook, and Techie Question About Recording Devices

I have to fix my last image poem. I started cracking up laughing when I reread it again yesterday. At the part where I write "I like to hook" or something and then skip to the next line which is "and release". I couldn't think of the word but I meant "catch" and "hook" sounds like I'm saying I like hooking like a hooker, so I was laughing about it and forgot to change it.

I've been having dreams every night. Very vivid, colorful, dreams. About people I know and people I don't know.

I saw someone yesterday who looked like he would be the son of someone I've had a crush on. Profile especially.

I wonder if I should write some poems and then my TTSOMLs.

I have a techie question this morning. I guess intelligence/techie. I am wondering if it is possible to target a digital recording device that is playing. If so, I wonder how. I wonder, because awhile ago, I tried out a digital recording device. I was figuring out how to use it first, and in a public place, and then I went to a meeting later and tried it out, out of curiosity. It had worked fine when I was using it but then after this meeting, it kept playing. The stop button wouldn't stop. And I tried it out first on this laptop, I did a demo test. Played it back, I mean.

It was from this friend, and brand new, and it worked fine before. But then, it wouldn't stop, as it did before, and I had no way of knowing whether the info would be saved if I turned the device off, without stopping first, or what. So, instead of turning the switch to off, I took the battery out. I don't know why I thought that might be better, but it's what I did. Then, when I turned it on again, the info was still there, though it had to be restored, and also, everything played normally.

I normally would think it's just a glitch, but if so, it was a weird one because it worked fine before and after. I just wonder more now about things, because of what happened back in Wenatchee, with all my electronics and computers.

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