Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TTSOML #149: Car Vandalisms & Political Asylum From U.S.

When I quit Dr. Butler's services and then he "kicked" me out, I believe I was talking to Christa about all these things. We, my son and I, were also kicked out of the adjunct dental care, which was part of the CVCH clinic.

After this happened, the car vandalisms that constantly occured in Oregon, began in Washington. It seemed to always be on the weekend, and I would have a window bashed in on one day, and report it, and then the following day, my car tire would be slashed. Not all 4 tires, just one. The Wenatchee police took reports and after awhile, said they would just take my report over the phone and they wouldn't come out. I was told, "I believe you that your tire was slashed; I don't have to come out to look at it." I had one police officer tell me it looked like a good sign that I should move and he said I might be in serious danger and I didn't know. I asked him where I was supposed to move to. I'd already changed states. So what now? I also had someone tampering with my mail, exactly the way it was done in Oregon. Except this time, someone filled out a forward of address form for me and my mail was sent to someone else. This was through the U.S. Postal Service and no one took it seriously or investigated. I had one good post office worker tell me who to report it to and I did, but nothing was done. I also made a copy of the form that was filled out. It had my forged "signature" but it didn't even look like my writing. Later I tried to get another copy and I was refused, told they don't do that. What I had discovered, is that this woman who WORKED at the post office, who was always mean to me, had handwriting just like the writing on the change of address form. I saved a sample of her writing, which matched, I thought, to a "t", which I got when I was mailing something and getting a confirmation or maybe she wrote a note, I can't remember. I just know I looked at that, and then compared it to the change of address form and thought it was a match. Which surprised me because she was white and elderly, and I assumed maybe it was some hispanic woman who was mad about my Bujanda report or who went to Dr. Butler's primarily Spanish-service clinic. It was pretty clear it was a woman's writing. But even though another post office worker, who was also Canadian, told me to have it checked out and investigated, I tried, and no one did a thing.

I got sworn statements from neighbors, who witnessed what happened to my car. Because, at that point, I'd decided I was leaving the country. The police and law enforcement were unresponsive, the FBI refused to contact me and was jerking me around about FOIA requests, and I was still having the same problems I had in Oregon, and no one listened. Besides which, I actually had grounds for political asylum based on the fact I'd been falsely arrested in my own country and harassed by police. You can move states, but you can't get away from the FBI. That's federal and goes state to state. So if there were bad guys in the FBI that were partly responsible, and there were and I knew it, how would I ever "get away" so to speak? I had been told my name was known by police from Oregon to Washington, and had several false citations. No one did anything in response except try to write ME up as nuts. The only problem, I discovered, is that most countries, basically, all of them, consider the U.S. to be on the "white list", which means supposedly, it's impossible to be persecuted here or have a need for asylum. It's considered to be "safe". So countries will turn down applications outright, simply for this reason.

I was looking into leaving the country before my son was ever born. If my country wasn't going to take me seriously, maybe another country would. I was not safe in the U.S. and despite my repeated attempts to secure assistance, I was ignored and ridiculed, as my harassers continued with their agenda, unchecked.

I did a good deal of research about political asylum, grounds for it, case history, and I was trying to find out whether I could make it work somewhere. Whether any country might just make an exception or rethink the "white list", under certain circumstances.

The claim is that if it's a large country, like the U.S., or India, one can presumably move to another part or region. But the problem is, if you're targeted by people who have people in the FBI with access to a national database, and who knows, maybe even CIA, with good data, they can find you wherever you go. Your social security number doesn't leave you.

When my son was born, I was forced to take a social security number for him. I told them I did NOT want him to have a social security number, and this is actually a right citizens have. You do not have to have a number assigned at birth. But they pressured me, and threatened me with the removal of my son, and to keep him, I did. I am going to write about my attempts to have it rescinded later, and how the Social Security administration refused to honor my request, even though I made it legally.

For the record, I was told to take the mail problem to the Wenatchee police and I did. I gave the officer a copy of the signature on the form, and he wasn't going to do anything. I asked him if he was taking it to a detective and he just waved me on, saying, "Oh, yeah, yeah.." But I gave a copy to the Wenatchee police.

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