Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TTSOML #150: Threatened To Take Social Security Number For Son

When my son was born, shortly thereafter, I was told I had to name him and sign a form for his Social Security number. I didn't want my son to have one. I already did the research and while I couldn't get rid of my own number, I could legally refuse to have one assigned to my son as there is no need until he is working. So that's what I told the people at the hospital.

They told me, in no uncertain terms, that if I did not, my son would be removed from me and that the state had an interest in my son. Under their coercion, I signed the form.

My son was issued a number, and I tried to have it removed after I was out of the hospital, and I went to
Wenatchee Social Security offices, and they refused. They told me they couldn't do it, and then they changed their minds and said I could have it removed from the system. There is a difference between having it removed from the system (where it's sort of blanked out and inactive but still present) and completely rescinded. When it's been rescinded, the number is useless for the person and can be used for someone else. In the second case, it is completely removed from the child. It can only be done, where it is proven the parent didn't want it assigned in the first place. And I had already told people I didn't want it assigned and wasn't going to have him use one.

I was already wanting to get out of the country, and I didn't want my son burdened by a number that could be used to trace him, and if he later wanted a number, it was an easy application, and he could get it if he were working in the U.S. By that time, if we were out of the country and then moved back, or he chose to, he could go under a different name or have his name legally changed and then take on a social security number which would not be linked to his birthname.

I was concerned about the safety of my son, for good reason.

I tried to have it rescinded, and I filled out the appropriate request, and, to date, it has not been done.

It would be interesting to know what Wenatchee CPS is using now, to identify my son and provide him "services" with. If they're not using a social security number for him, I still know the SS offices didn't properly rescind his number and that if he were to announce in adulthood, he wanted his number, they'd give him the one they first issued. I will know, because when SS asked me if I'd turned in all his cards, I had, but I kept the number they assigned to him, written on a piece of paper. If it's the same one down the road, we'll know. I alredy know, though, because they were lying and claiming there was no such thing as rescinding a number, and that's not true. I already did the research and it's available online and in bookstores and libraries.

It wasn't paranoid to not want my son to be assigned a number. I had personal and religious reasons for it and since the government doesn't care about the personal reasons, I only gave the religious reasons.

I was also not the one to think there was a lot going on. I had police officers and intelligence people TELLING me this. When law enforcement is telling you to be afraid, well, is it paranoid to be concerned? Especially when you're having vandalisms and mail disturbances again, along with doctors fabricating and falsifying medical records and denying treatment?

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