Friday, October 24, 2008

Human Rights Agency Contacts Me

Which brings me to the email I received from a human or civil rights agency that sent me an email on my birthday. They said they had noted how I'd contacted them in Jan. 2008 and they were going through their list and wanted to know how I was doing.

After all of the years I attempted to get help from lawyers, the justice system, police, FBI, and human rights agencies, and after my son has been taken from me and the last nail in the coffin is to try to slam me with a mental illness diagnosis, it comes a little late.

Not that I won't entertain it. I've already been asking for help, and if I reject any offers for help at this point, it will look as though assistance was offered to me and I turned it down.

Do I really think anyone will help me and my son at this point? It seems very, very, unlikely.

When me son is back with me, and someone apologizes and I am validated, I will think it might be safe to live in this country.

No, I do not want to be here, and I tried to get help, and was trying to find a way to leave, before my son and I were tortured at the orchard location by means a computer tech told me only military or intelligence or the FBI would have resources or equipment for.

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