Friday, October 24, 2008

More Wenatchee Crap Next

I have errands to run but once I'm through, tonight, I plan to finish a bunch of TTSMLs. I will write up what all of the bogus complaints to "The department" were, by Wenatchee medical professionals, and about more of the medical documentation I got of injuries from childbirth.

I also need to write about how I was then seeing Dr. Said in Ephrata and as soon as Wenatchee doctors found out who I was going to, they wrote him a letter to kick me and my son out, and he did.


  1. Hey Cameo,

    Hope you're well -


  2. Hi Shirina,

    All of a sudden people are writing me again. I don't know if it's because some of this is adding up and I don't sound so nuts anymore? ;)

    I can understand how everything was so hard to believe, out of context. It's a lot of information to digest, and is complex.

    I think some people thought I just went off my rocker on some "people are following me" and "Ahhh! the Catholic church!!! ah!!! ah!!!!" weird thing.

    It is so hard to describe in a half hour, which is why it's taken me this long. there is even more, but I feel I'm rounding a corner, like I said, and got some of the heavy stuff which ties things together a bit, out of the way.

    One thing, by itself, sounds like nothing. It was years and years of set up and harassment. How does one explain this was even possible in America, and that such a group would hate me that much?

    They say you know who your friends are, when bad times happen. I know what it is like to be Job because I lost everything.

    There are some people I will never let back into my friendship circle, and others whom I think about now and then and have sympathy for, understanding if I'd been in their shoes, I would have thought I was nuts too.

    You'll have to let me know what you're up to.

  3. You're going through quite alot... I'm good - I've been with Alex for three years now. We're happy and in love. I'm working in Human Resources for Whole Foods and taking the week off right now. Last night I was up late writing and I thought about you and wondered if your blog is still around. I found you and read through some stuff....You seem to be really going through it...
    Please keep me posted on a personal level ok? My email is

  4. shirina,

    what is your phone number? i'll give you a call sometime.

    if you're still writing poetry, you should send one to me and i'll post it on my blog.

