Saturday, October 25, 2008

Music Yesterday

Yesterday I was getting off the Metro at the Pentagon City stop, next to the mall, and there was music filling the hallway. I thought it was played on a loudspeaker at first, and then I saw it was a duo, one on bongo or drum and the other on guitar. It was so beautiful, and I wanted to stop and listen for awhile but, because it was so beautiful, I was trying not to cry just walking by, so I gave them a small donation and had to leave. I wish I could have stayed but I didn't want to cry in public.

It was instrumental and sort of sounded like a rendition of a part of "Fix You" by Coldplay.

I got home with good intentions, to write after taking a little nap and I slept through the night. I've been more tired than usual with all the stress, but I feel good otherwise.

Trying to get going but not there yet. Listening and watching videos for Fix You, Yellow (Coldplay) and then Crash Into Me by Dave Mathews Band (another cool video, especially like the image of the man in the suit, surrendured. Very pretty.

Met a man this morning who studies volcanos, which is cool, but it's also sort of funny because I had a dream a couple of nights ago about a volcano erupting. It was a mountain with flat plains all around. It started going up in black smoke and I was driving the wrong direction and some people told us to turn around and go the other way. Having very vivid dreams lately. Last night, I had a dream about a baby black gorilla. I'll detail that one to get writing flowing...

So, are all gorillas black? I think so. So redundant to say this. But last night I think it was that I was looking into an aquarium of sorts and this one fish was trying to get my attention, and made an ugly face but it was to distract me from another fish below that was dangerous. Of course, this is a dream and dreams are weird.

Then, I realized, the fish was a gorilla and it was afraid someone else would get my attention. I was looking at it and I was a little afraid of it, and it was talking to me and animated but I don't know what it was saying. Then, I put my hands on it because and it became soothed. I gave it a hug and it fell asleep with a peaceful smile. Then I realized it was locked into a swing or carseat of some kind and wasn't able to get out. But it wanted someone to pay attention, and needed a physical touch.

Then I woke up! Well, and then I think the dream morphed into my seeing this stuffed animal I had given my son when he was a baby. One of his animals was a little baby gorilla.

I am going back to college but I thought I was going for law. If I am in college, I can be at home most of the time with my son, and study at night and he'd only have to be in preschool or daycare for a couple of hours each day. I was thinking law school because it's more practical, but I have been wondering if I should get an MFA in creative writing instead and work on that. I'm more nervous doing this, because I feel it may be more difficult to be employed, unless I were able to secure a job teaching at a university. I don't want to teach lower grades. I'm only interested in maybe AP english at a high school, or university, or at some radical advant-garde experimental school, or a charter school. Something different and interesting with freedom to engage students and allowing them to be creative and unconstrained. But these jobs may be difficult to come by. And I don't know which college I would go to for creative writing. For law, I would choose George Mason. And I would like to sing on the side. Maybe teaching at a low-income area school but where one is allowed to have free reign to teach and not just stick to red tape.

I'm listening to Natasha Bedingfield now. First "These Words" and now, "I Wanna Have Your Babies". I guess a lot of critics dissed this one but I think it's hilarious. I love it. Who writes a song like this? And the video cracks me up. It actually showcases the lower range of her voice too. I can't help thinking about diapers everytime I hear it, especially at the part where she says, "Whoa! I don't wanna put my foot in this..." and I just think about diapers. I guess only a mother would.

I'm on a Bedingfield streak. Now "Love Like This"

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