Saturday, October 25, 2008

TTSOML #143: Warnings From People While In Wenatchee

I'll get a few of these out of the way. Besides having a woman in intelligence tell me I could be steps away from the hearse (which I actually don't remember, until I reread my emails), I was taken out by a former military intelligence guy, who lived in Wenatchee and I actually spent a New Years Eve with him and my son in Leavenworth, and we listened to someone playing holiday music on the piano. Very good pianist. He was telling me he thought I was in danger potentially and that I needed to keep a low profile and just pretend to go about my life. He told me to start researching "other" things online, and not to look up things on my computer other than things like butterflies, and normal life stuff, and just things that appeared I was thinking on another level and that I was no longer interested in other things that were going on with police, FBI, the catholic church connections, and Wenatchee. He begged me to divert my interests to other things. I had intitially met him at a coffeeshop I frequented regularly. I went out with him a couple of times.

At the same time, or before I met him, I met someone else who worked for the Wenatchee Post Office, who wanted to come over to my house and I let him in. His name was Michael, and he delivers mail door-to-door, on foot, and he came over to my house at least twice and was the one to offer his cabin to me and my son. He noted all the vandalisms and thought we were in danger. He told me some crazy stories, of things he'd done when he was a kid, which didn't really sound believable, but he made me laugh. He said he filled up his neighbors pool with food coloring and when they got out, they were all blue. I asked him where he got that much food coloring, and this seemed to stump him. So then I wondered if he was just making stuff up to see how gullible I was, or just to make me laugh, or what. He was the one who told me he had siblings in both the FBI and CIA. He was sort of "there" and then not. Kind of disappeared after awhile. I always gave him tea and he preferred this to coffee and we'd chat.

I've already mentioned the police officer from Wenatchee who told me I needed to move because I and my son were in danger.

These people all sort of presented themselves. I had been trying to get help from other organizations, but these people came out of the woodwork on their own.

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