Saturday, October 25, 2008

TTSOML #144: The "Complaints" From Wenatchee Doctors To CPS

I'll give a little list of the "complaints" that began to flow from Wenatchee medical professionals. I say "medical professionals" because some of the people were nurses. Lots of nasty nurses there, by the way. Which reminds me I have to write about one in particular who tried to cause problems for me when I started trying to go to Wenatchee Valley Medical Center.

I should probably go over the things each clinic did, which led to my threatening them with a lawsuit.

The hospital, and both clinics had been threatened to be sued, by me, prior to their complaints to CPS. Most of the complaints to CPS from medical people came from the hospital, and then I believe one came from Wenatchee Valley Medical Center. Every single complaint did not even meet the criteria for investigation, said CPS, so they were thrown out after I got a phone call. Except for the one where a Judge's wife was sent out to say hello.

1. The first complaint was that I went to the ER for a migraine, but they claimed it was "drug seeking". It was thrown out.

I don't remember the order of the next complaints, but I can go back when I have my papers in front of me to refresh my memory. At least I remember the gist of each one.

2. One was that, a nurse from the hospital called CPS and made a report, claiming I had gone to the hospital for migraine and then left with my son in a cab, and didn't take his carseat with me. First of all, they were looking for something. Because they knew I had driven there in a car, they decided to go out into the back parking lot and look into my car windows. They probably thought, "Aha!" when they saw a carseat sitting there. But what they didn't know, is that I had TWO carseats for my son. I had one which I had when he was firstborn and he was getting big so fast, I had just gone to the firestation in East Wenatchee, and they had given me the next size up (they do this there) and I went through instructions and proper placement for it. I had just gotten the new one and so I had two carseats in the car. I took ONE of them in the CAB with me, and the cab driver helped me carry it out. So they were wrong. I DID have a carseat with me, and I told CPS at the time, they could both confirm with the firestation that I had a new one and I gave them the name of the cab driver and which company he worked for and told them to call him and ask him if he'd helped me with a carseat. CPS just threw it out instead. But LATER, CPS "revised" the complaint and I noticed because I had copy of the original and what they wrote in the allegations for taking my son away, was something slightly different.

What was odd, is that while CPS HAD to dismiss every single complaint by the medical professionals, they included all of them in their allegations, as if they had never been dismissed and thrown out. They wrote them up as if they were all VALID and didn't include the reasons as to why they had to be thrown out.

3. Another complaint, the whole thing, was from Dr. Parnell. The same idiot who first started writing crap about me when I first came to Wenatchee, who claimed I was delusional and saying I'd been raped by the FBI (which I never said to anyone). Dr. Parnell told CPS he was concerned that I went into the hospital for migraine (drug seeking) and that he didn't know WHERE MY SON was. He claimed he saw me and was concerned about the whereabouts of my son. I was stunned by this one. I told CPS I had never gone to any clinic or hospital WITHOUT my son and that my son had been sitting RIGHT THERE on my LAP when Dr. Parnell examined me. The guy either totally lied, or he was blind and nuts himself. I told CPS they could verify whether my son was there, by asking to see the video rolling from the surveillance cameras at CWH because he came into the waiting room with me, and we were both admitted to a room where a nurse noted my son and made comments. As for the "drug seeking", I had been having to go to ER for migraines again, because Dr. Butler had KICKED us out of his clinic before I could find a new PCP, and then I was going to Seattle for PCP care but still needed migraine treatment locally at the ER. CPS threw this one out, on its face, because i guess they confirmed my son had actually BEEN with me. I was about to make a complaint against Dr. Parnell, for making false allegations, and found there was a state statute against it, because CPS didn't want to take care of it on their own. I told them they had an obligation to investigate purposefully false allegations. They didn't want to do it, so right before my son was taken, I had called Wenatchee police and asked about filing a report for this and I was ignored. My son was always with me, because I believed in being his sole provider. He never had a babysitter except for right after he was born, someone watched him for me for a couple of hours, and then my grandmother did a couple of times. Besides which, what if my son wasn't with me? How does this arise to the level of being complaint-worthy? If my son wasn't with me, he would have been with someone else. Dr. Parnell lied and I believe it was intentional. I pressed for a copy of the surveillance and CWH and their lawyers told me they never recorded anything--that it was "running" circuit. Or live feed or whatever, wherre it's monitored on the spot and not recorded, which I find hard to believe.

I can't remember which one the Judge's wife came out to visit me over. I only found out it was a Judge's wife (and there are only a few Judge's in town) by looking her information up online. I was like, oh, that's cool. CPS didn't just send "anybody" over to visit me. They send in the town JUDGE'S WIFE. So she came with a nurse from Chelan Health and when they rang I looked out my window. I asked if I could help them and they said they'd like to come in and "talk to me". I told them why didn't they call first. I was polite, but I knew that CPS has been known to make mountains out of molehills, and that by simply giving them the excuse they had "been in" my house, they could make a big deal out of anything, even a few dishes in the sink could end up "filthy, dishes in sink". People had been in my house and everyone knew there was nothing wrong with my living space. It was tiny, and therefore somewhat cramped, but it was clean. I just didn't give them an excuse to say otherwise, so I said I was happy to talk with them over the phone but that I didn't have to let them in without a Judge's order. I said this, only after they pressured me and the JUDGE'S wife tried to tell me they had a right to enter, by law. I let HER know, I knew what the law was and then she backed down. I didn't even know she was the wife of a Wenatchee Judge until later.

It was after this, that I called my parents and told them I needed immediate help with a lawyer to stop this garbage in its tracks. I told my parents it was only going to get worse, and that if a lawyer didn't become involved to point out the false allegations, and harassment of me by medicals who had ulterior motives, I would lose my son. My parents didn't believe me, and my father said to me if they actually TOOK my son away from me, THEN they'd help with a lawyer. I made them promise. I begged them for help THEN, and told them if they took my son away, it would be TOO LATE. But my parents would only promise to pay for a lawyer if my son was actually taken. No one believed CPS had grounds to do so and that it would all go away, but I knew what the agenda was. Again, I could foresee what was coming down the pipe, and it was not "paranoid", and I was the one who was right.

I had written to British intelligence, believing they had more experience with both sides of the Irish troubles and conflict, and could better understand what might be happening to me. I told them I knew the last attack was that they would go where it hurt me most--my son. I knew, a year before anything happened, that people who had an agenda against me, would try to go after my son, and find an excuse to tear him from me. I only wrote to them after trying to get help from my own country, and I know I told Christa I'd written to them. So let's hope there's not a "Piper" or "Lennox" among them.

The Judge's wife came out while I was still living in downtown Wenatchee with my son. I started noticing cars, SUVs, parked by my house for long periods. Once, I caught a woman stalking us, who lied about her motives, and I got witness statements from neighbors and wrote down her license plate number, and, I believe, gave it to Wenatchee police. They did nothing.

I guess I'll explain how I "caught" her. I noticed the SUV a house down from my house, but the woman just looking up at our window and watching. I decided to go outside, with my son, and approach her. I said, innocently, "Hello! May I help you with something?" She was flustered, locked all her doors (I heard the click), and said, no, she was waiting for the people in the other house. I said, "Oh! Which one?" In an interested and cheerful way. She said, and pointed, "That blue house." Which was a few doors down, on the opposite side of the road, and which had a driveway which was completely free. If there was room to park in the driveway, why was she parked away from it? So I marched over to the house, knocked on the door, and they said, No, no one from their house was waiting for anyone. I asked them to come out and look at the SUV with me and they wanted to have a look. As we all gathered on the driveway to look at the SUV, this woman LURCHES off. Not before I got her license plate number (bitch!). I don't know who she was, but she was stalking for a long time and the police did nothing.

4. The last complaint, before the final one which was supposed to be the excuse for removing my son, was equally as ridiculous as the others. It was also from CWH, the hospital, and came from a nasty nurse there. It followed the visit to the hospital where my son and I were throwing up, and my son was separated from me and I was lied to about which doctor saw him, and it was after this that my son quit speaking My son had been seen by Dr. Butler, after I'd already fired him and he'd kicked us out, and after he did some odd things to my son as well (when we were still in his care, which I've forgotten to mention and will mention in my next post). I was told a woman Dr. was seeing my son, and everyone knew Dr. Butler was expressly forbidden to have anything to do with my son. They lied and got my son to him and I wasn't present to see what happened.

But, a CPS complaint against ME, followed, after I complained my son had been seen by Butler and they'd lied to me. The whole of the complaint was that I "became angry and jerked a popsicle out of her son's mouth". What really happened, and I told CPS, and I had documentation to back ME up, was that the nurse tried to give my son a popsicle he didn't want. I told her not to force him and she kept trying. I knew it was either because he didn't feel well, or the cold hurt his teeth, which were more sensitive to temperatures because of the lack of enamel. She kept trying and I finally asked her to give it to me. When she tried again, I took it from her hands myself. Which she evidently didn't like. THEN, SHE, the same one who made the frivolous report, wrote in my son's chart that she tried to give it to my son in another room and he refused, and wouldn't take any. He refused, AGAIN, because he didn't want it the FIRST time. But the bitch writes ME up as if I were being mean to my son or something. So I told CPS, look at the medical report. This nurse documents herself, he didn't want it. Not only that, I would never be angry with my son or yell at him and never did. It was a lie. Why would I be angry with my son when I brought him to the hospital because we were both so ill with vomiting and stomach cramps? That was the entire complaint, and it came after I was upset to find out the hospital had lied to me about who was seeing my son, when they knew I had told Butler to stay away and that he was never to touch my son again.

In my next post, I'll write about a couple of things I noticed about Butler, regarding my son, aside from the Dr.s refusal to treat my son's various illnesses (thrush, bilirubin, etc, etc). I will list all the various things that were going on when my son quit speaking, when I get to that post, so it fairly includes all possibilities and surrounding circumstances.

Oh, I guess I'll include the last complaint, complaint #5, which led to my son being taken from me and what it was about. It was made, I believe, by a nurse or admin person from Wenatchee Valley Medical Center. Actually, I think I'll fill in details of other things that happened first, and then get to this last one.

But, CPS included all the former complaints, and beefed them up in the summary, to make them sound like something was really going on, to Canada and everyone else, when they KNEW they were frivolous and had been dismissed because there were no grounds. I was the one asking when the harassment would end and telling them, reminding them that they had an obligation to investigate false claims or allegations.

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