Friday, October 31, 2008

Persecution For Free Speech

I was thinking, last night, I'm not a professional writer by any means. But I've been tortured and punished, harassed and threatened, because of things I write.

I've met some people from the APA recently, photographers and others, and of course newspapers too, but these foreign correspondents especially...some of them have been killed over what they write. Tortured too. Same thing with anyone who writes something of a political or religious or otherwise "disturbing" (to others) nature.

It made me think how important free speech is. Not defamation and the right to defame others, and write propoganda, but true free speech--to write the truth or opinions and call them, rightly, opinions.

The pen has always been mightier than the sword, until the sword cuts the hand with the pen. Ideas and knowledge are so threatening, and sometimes, so is the plain truth about others and what they've done. "If word gets out..."

More can be done through the dissemination of ideas (Luther, Darwin, Smith) than can ever be accomplished through violence. When people accept the truth, or an idea, voluntarily, it's more threatening because it's voluntary. Wars, and violence, is often started to stop the free expression of speech or disturb acceptance of ideas.

People have said, of me, over and over, that I am "potentially dangerous", and "unstable", and that I "threatened" them.

I have been dangerous because I haven't been afraid to speak the truth. I've been classified as "unstable" because I upset their equillibrium and they can no longer see straight; when they look at me, they are shaking. I have "threatened" them because I have said I would file a lawsuit and they have known I have a viable claim, or because I've said I would expose what they've done.

Some of the most "dangerous" people are the writers and activists who are peaceful and would never harm a fly. And then it is those who feel "threatened" who engage in violence, harassment, and criminal activity, to conspire against a voice which disturbs them, when it will not quit speaking. They fight with their hands and tools, like cavemen, because they have not yet evolved to begin using their brain and conscience. They are insecure about the truth and do not embrace it. Instead of countering speech with speech, honestly, they lie and pervert the truth, and attempt to obstruct justice. If they cannot cover the truth with lies, there are some who will use violence.

I think it must be the most cowardly thing any human being can do. When it's an entire group, in a way, I suppose one should feel honored to have acheived such recognition. It is almost a badge of honor to be made a martyr and survivor by peons. I think of that one Oscar awards night acceptance speech by Sally Field: "You like me! You really like me!"

So, last night, I was thinking about all the missing journalists, and tortured ones, and dead writers and those persecuted simply because they had something to say who were not afraid to say it. You don't have to be a professional writer to be a threat, it seems. You're a threat if it's believed you may have a forum. You don't even have to be a writer. You can be someone who represents a cause and who speaks about it publicly as well.

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