Thursday, October 30, 2008

TTSOML #153: Blacklisted In Washington State & ADA Violation

I've had some people, including some in my family, ask why I cannot move to Washington state, as if the problems were confined to Wenatchee. They were not. For proof, I will go through the list of things that were done to me, by Wenatchee doctors and their lawyers, but which affected my standing anywhere I tried to go in Washington, for medical care, legal help, or following through on reports.

I already detailed how the police and law enforcement ignored my reports, throughout the area.

The Wenatchee doctors and their lawyers did not just try to force me and my son out of the state, by collaborating with Wenatchee CPS ("We'll give you a one-way bus ticket for you and your son to leave the state). They called and wrote every insurance handler or medical clinic I ever tried to go to, throughout the entire state, and smeared me so we were kicked out and could not receive care.

I first went to University of Washington for care. The state didn't pay for independent doctors and would only cover those from this medical center, or through a Catholic medical center, Swedish. Swedish has a bunch of nuns for nurses, because they were bought out and merged with a Catholic insurance company. This information is online and I had to bring it to Dr. Freed's attention when he tried to disagree with me.

Some of these medical facilities don't sound like they're run by Catholic corporations on the surface, but if you did a little, you find they're managed by Catholic insurance companies, mergered with a Catholic hospital and all staff, or other things. I never checked on these things until I started having problems with this group.

I found out Central Washington Hospital, the only hospital in Wenatchee, was the result of a merger between a Methodist hospital and a private Catholic hospital, and there were even 3 or 4 priests on an advisory board. I also found out CWH is not a public hospital, run by non-profit or public funds. It is actually a "private" hospital and run this way. I tried, several times, to get copies of the information which would show who exactly owned it, and they refused to give me this information. I've never heard, to this day, or seen the paperwork which shows what group of people actually own, run, and insure that hospital in Wenatchee, where I had so many problems.

I found out most of the HMOs that the state purchased, in Washington state at least, for welfare recipients, were run by Catholic companies. Molina is a Catholic insurance-healthcare management group. I don't know about Columbia Valley Community Health, who owns it and runs it or if there is any affiliation with the Catholic church.

I discovered Washington state has one of the highest percentages of Catholics, among the states. This ended up affecting my medical care, because so many clinics were run by Catholic groups where there would be conflict of interest, and I also could not get any legal assistance in that state. I found out almost all of the volunteer legal aid organizations were either Catholic run, or made up of, predominantly, members of the Catholic church. I didn't look into the Catholicism until I was turned down by every single group, and then I wondered why.

Gonzaga is one of the only law schools in the area, and the state employs a lot of their graduates, as I discovered when I found so many of the Fair Hearings judges were from Gonzaga. But I'll get into how I was blacklisted within the legal community, after I go through what they did to me and my son in the medical sphere, to deprive us of objective treatment and care.

I tried to go to University of Washington, and everything was fine until the manager for the Family clinic there, must have been contacted by Wenatchee doctors.

It was easy for Wenatchee people to look up who I was going to, and where I was going, because as long as I was on state aid and taking state health coverage, my name was in a giant database any of them could access. All they had to do was type in my name and/or social security number, which was everywhere, and it would pull up who my Primary Care Provider was. I was only able to go, for 6 whole months, to Dr. Said in Ephrata, because it was private pay and I didn't tell any of them where I was going until about 6 months later. As soon as they found out, they sent him a letter about me, which I'll detail in a moment.

So I and my son were going to U of W, and I started to get harassed by a medical office manager for the Family clinic. I had no direct problems with any of the doctors there--it was the manager, whom, I discovered later, was Catholic.

From the first, she was so rude to me, it didn't make sense. I had never been rude to her and I didn't know her. I had a secretary tell me I had been marked down as missing an appointment, and that if I missed 3 without giving a 24 hour notice to cancel, they were going to kick us out. So I called the manager, because no one had said anything about this policy to me, and she acted like she already knew who I was.

Then, I did have one not-very-nice doctor intern see my son for a pediatric check-up. I found out later she was also Catholic and she was so rude to me from the first, I also wondered why. She tried to minimize my son's acheivements, despite the other doctors astonishment at his development, and told me I should be going to a Wenatchee doctor and that I should be taking my son to a Wenatchee doctor. I told her there were reasons not to, and I didn't wish to discuss it. She then scoffed when I said my son's teeth enamel had been ruined by traumatic childbirth, according to a Wenatchee pediatric dentist, and I told her to check with her own pediatric dentist there to see if I was making it up or it sounded weird. So she did, and when she came back, she admitted to me that their dentist had said this was a probable cause for enamel dysplasia so young. She was still rude and I was going to try to transfer my son's care to Children's, especially after he quit speaking, and spoke only gibberish instead of his words.

But first, the office manager called me and told me I and my son were kicked out. She didn't send us a letter. She just told us we couldn't be seen at the University of Washington anymore, and this was before I was going to be scheduled to see a bone specialist for my pelvis and tailbone, and a pain specialist for the pain. And yes, I was asking for narcotics then, because the pain was severe, and OTCs didn't work. I had a broken lower back, tailbone, and fractured sacrum, on top of prolapse and nerve compression. The office manager, I can't remember her name, said we were kicked out for missing "3 appointments without 24 hour notice". I had only missed one other appointment, and one of them was for migraine, and I told her I couldn't GIVE "24 hour notice" when I got the migraines. I got one in the middle of the night, and it didn't give ME "24 hour notice" and when I got it, I couldn't drive or go anywhere. I called to cancel, and I let them know, but it wasn't 24 hour notice. It was that morning, when they were open, before my appointment.

I also had not missed THREE appointments, but only TWO. Not only that, I hadn't missed any appointments for my son and just for me, and yet she was kicking us both out. I called a "Board" and left several messages, but no one got back to me or returned my calls. I found out later that this office manager should have given us a letter, and she didn't. Months later, when pressed, she finally submitted a letter, which proves we were kicked out by her. When she wouldn't give us a letter, it prevented me from getting a new doctor. To switch doctors and have transportation covered, you have to have a reason why you're having to switch to go to someone else out of area. She wouldn't give this to anyone until the last minute and by that time, I and my grandparents decided it was better to do private pay, after I called almost every single medical clinic on the state list, in the state of Washington, and was turned down from being seen, and in several cases, harassed and told THEY "knew" who I was. I suspected I was being blacklisted after having so many clinics say they were taking new patients and then change their minds when I gave them my name. So I started calling clinics, and setting up appointments under different names, and then telling them last minute what my real name was, and they'd cancel me. I called several clinics in the Seattle, Everett, and Olympia area, and I also called clinics in Ephrata, Quincy, and Moses Lake. None of them would take me or my son.

I kept a list of all the people and clinics I called, and at one of them, in Ephrata, I was strung along for an hour, and harassed. First told they could help me if I gave them one thing, and then I would, and then they'd say I really couldn't "afford them", and when I said I would have the money, they'd come up with another excuse. I even tried calling a few private pay places, but found I'd been slandered ahead. At this time, I do believe I was telling Christa where I was trying to go. If she was telling the Abbey lawyers, who I know worked with the Wenatchee lawyers against me, this could be how the information was disseminated.

So finally, I think I either gave a different name, or the same name but they didn't know who I was...I found out about a doctor named Dr. Muhammed Said in Ephrata who specialized in pain control, and was willing to work with me about the migraines, and he took private pay and got us in. So I went there, for 6 months without a problem, and I tried other remedies besides just narcotics for the migraine. But then the Wenatchee hospital found out, because I showed up at ER and, under Said's orders, I was to be given "oxygen" through an oxygen tank, for what he thought were "clusters" instead of, possibly, migraine. The first time I went to CWH for this, instead of putting me on high levels of oxygen as prescribed, Dr. Parnell came in and I guess didn't want it to work and prove I had bad headaches, because he just put little nostril things in my nose and turned it up light. The order was for wearing an actual oxygen mask which is fitted over the face, and a tank of oxygen is brought in and it's turned up at high levels of PURE oxygen (if you read up about clusters, and oxygen treatment, it works for some). So Dr. Parnell chose not to follow orders, and it didn't work, and I asked for someone to do it right. So I believe the next time I went in, they did it correctly and it seemed to help, but it wasn't lasting. It didn't just abort the migraine (or cluster, which is more severe than migraine).

One thing I've found strange, is that at one point, a NURSE who I remember, who was very nice to me, at the hospital, advocated for me to be given something ergotamine at one point, and she asked about Cafergot or something and the doctor refused. She thought it might work but the doctor wouldn't give it to me. Another time, she asked if I could be given something for the muscle fasciculations and the doctor (Crane) said no to that as well. But at least she was trying to help. She was blond and a little plump and worked in ER. One of the very few decent ones on staff there. If Wenatchee had tried any form of ergotamine, it may have worked, and I wouldn't have had to wait until trying IV ergotamine in Canada, to find a "cure" for abortion of my migraines. Not only was it a cure, it quickly proved I did, indeed, have true migraines. They are severe enough to be classified with clusters, but they respond to classic migraine treatment of a particular variety.

Dr. Said was the last doctor I went to, before getting kicked out again, because this time, a Wenatchee doctor called him and even wrote a letter to him which Dr. Said refused to show me.

Because my son had been kicked out of University of Washington, I was stuck with having to take him to the walk-in clinic if he needed anything.

It wasn't my fault he didn't have one stable "PCP". I tried, and we kept getting blacklisted and booted. So that was not my fault. I had to take him to walk-in again, and was trying to get him another PCP and then a bunch of other things happened to prevent this.

For one thing, Wenatchee refused to reimburse my medical transportation and I couldn't afford to drive to Seattle anymore because "the department" still owed me about $1,000 for gas and mileage for previous visits they'd told me I HAD to go to, to keep benefits. And I already knew my son would not get good care with a Wenatchee PCP because I was telling them, by then, that he'd quit talking, and they were ignoring my concerns. And again, when I've said "quit talking" I don't mean he quit trying to talk but that he could no longer say anything intelligible. My son could have had a cerebral hemmorhage or any other number of things, and these doctors didn't give a fuck. They left my son out in the cold.

I'll write about Dr. Said in the next post, and then move onto the slander I discovered was made about me to insurance companies as well, and then what was going on with Wenatchee medical attorneys for the clinics and hospital I was planning to sue.

Nonetheless, I already CALLED all of the "surrounding area" clinics and no one would see us. After Wenatchee knew I was trying to get further diagnostics to prove traumatic childbirth and other problems, they wanted to force me back to Wenatchee so they could fabricate and control all the medical records. And what followed was just disaster.

They did this, through the instruction of their lawyers who worked with Abbey lawyers. Most of the lawyers I had to deal with, as well, for the doctors in Wenatchee, were Catholic. The few others were just brainwashed by the Catholics who hated me, to believe I was the problem.

What I'll write next is what happened when I tried to get general care from Wenatchee walk-ins after Wenatchee saw to it we were kicked out of Dr. Said's offices.

No one can tell me I can get normal care in Washington. Because down the road, in this timeline, I will also write what happened later to my medical care in Whatcom county, where I tried to go after my son was taken from me. Blacklisted again, and I have very good details to prove it.

Finally, as an end note to this post, the fact that I was kicked out for missing 2 out of 3 visits without giving "24 hour notice" was wrong to begin with. I'd only missed 2 and not 3. Secondly, it was discrimination of a disability they KNEW I had. It was known and documented that I had migraines and could not control when I had them. To refuse to accomodate for this disability and give allowances was violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I should not have been kicked out of any clinic for my inability to give "24 hour notice" for a disabiling condition that didn't give ME "24 hour notice", which I had medical documentation for. That a medical facility would discriminate, is a little bizarre, which goes to show I was blacklisted. My disability was used against me as leverage by Wentachee lawyers and I can prove more of this later as well.

I should add, Christa asked me where I was planning to go. I said I didn't know and she would say, after I was kicked out of U of Washington, "Which area?" and I told her the surrounding Seattle area or maybe Everett or Olympia. She'd ask which part and I just said I didn't know because I didn't know Seattle.

I was able to get in with Dr. Said, I believe, because I wasn't slandered in Ephrata yet. He was the first one I called and went to, and I didn't tell Christa I was going to him. The Wenatchee hospital found out, and then Wenatchee Valley Medical Center. I was fine with him until I asked Said if he'd give me a referral to see another doctor about diagnostics for my pelvis and then all of a sudden, Wenatchee maybe I told Christa this, and then Wenatchee doctors started pressuring him to dump me. But, after they all knew I was going to him, and that I couldn't get help in the Seattle area, when I tried going to others in the Ephrata area, or Moses Lake, I had already been blacklisted. Also, several clinics in Ephrata and Moses Lake are connected to Wenachee clinics.

It's safe to say that the denial of my and my son's medical care was a joint effort between Wenatchee doctors and lawyers, and the lawyers of Bullivant Houser (aka Abbey attorneys) through Christa Schneider.

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