Monday, October 13, 2008

TTSOML #115: Other Portland Details

I'm making a space here for writing a few other things. I feel there was one other thing I need to mention, but it escapes me now. I don't want it to be out of order, so I'm putting in a space of reserve. I'll come back to this and change the title of the post if I have anything more. Right now, I'm blanking, but there were a few things to add.

I think I already mentioned my mailboxes were broken into twice. Once, it was just my box, and then second, the section where my box was contained.

There's something else, though, some small incident, not as big as the "Henry/infinity" one, but something else, and I remembered it last night.

Also, I wanted to make mention of some email writing I was doing at the time, which was probably used to discredit me to law enforcement, as being "unstable", but I should write about what I was doing, why, and what my thought processes were at the time. I'll come back to that in just a little bit, but I sort of feel I should move forward right now, to what I went through after I moved to Wenatchee and quit my commute.

I'm thinking about it, and I am quite certain now, that I met "Henry" after I reported the FBI guys. Because I remember I was commuting already and I was falling apart with my college work, AND I recall, when I left his building, I felt I noticed a man or two watching me with greater than usual interest, and I wondered if it was the FBI, if they'd put surveillance out already to try to find out what I was about, after reporting their guys. So I'm quite certain it was after I reported this. It was further reason, this connection, to leave the state.

But I'd already told so many people I was moving to Wenatchee, at least 6 months before or more, so I believe they just figured they'd set things up there, to bring me down and make sure I didn't get level footing.

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