Monday, October 13, 2008

TTSOML #116: Problems With Central Washington Hospital

When I ended up staying in Wenatchee, with my history of migraine and no insurance coverage, I was at the mercy of the medical professionals. Dr. Parnell had already tried to claim I was "delusional" and a number of other things, when I went to them for anxiety after the FBI S.S.A.s interviewed me at the apartment in Oregon. I was getting written up, for the first time in my life, as "drug seeking" and "mentally ill".

In Oregon, the only time I'd had a regular course of narcotic painkillers, it was after a serious knee surgery. They had a morphine pump in my knee and I had 10 mg. oxycontin, which I weaned myself off of. And the record will show, I chose, on my OWN, to have minimal use of narcotics. I could have asked for a lot more from Dr. Greenleaf, but I didn't. The only other time I had use of prescription drugs, was strictly for migraine, and this was after I exhausted all other remedies and voluntarily tried other things.

My question is, how did I suddenly go from the type of person who refuses oxycontin and weans herself off of them after a serious surgery, to being "drug seeking" upon arrival in Wenatchee?

I didn't become drug seeking. I had always had serious migraines and the pain was severe enough to require narcotics. I don't get little one-day migraines. They are very severe, and past roommates can witness and testify I would be laid out for 3 days at a time. I went to CWH (Central Washington Hospital) and all of a sudden, I had doctors writing slanderous things in my record and medical chart.

I knew what was happening. The Catholic church had been trying to do this to me from the moment I reported their monks and starting asking questions about the dogma information I discovered, which, I felt, they kept from their own parishioners. At some point, maybe after I finish all the TTSOMLs, I'll write down some of the doctrinal and theological questions I brought to the table then. I really do believe they felt I was a threat to their church. The NYT newspaper made a correction after I submitted my objection to something they wrote about dogma, and none of these things made certain groups within the church very happy. Maybe they felt if I pulled out a few bricks from the foundation, the house would come tumbling down, along with parishioner support. People, throughout history, have done crazy things in the name of God and religion, and it is possible the main motive was simply to destroy me so no one would listen to me. It could have been about theology and protection of "mary" and marian dogma and the "infallibility" of the pope, it could have been about protecting mafia interests within the legal and law enforcement community, with or without drugs, or it could have been a combination. They also didn't like the fact that I did good research and they knew the information I had, for my case and for even the Archdiocese bankruptcy, was good. Everytime I tried getting out my little "dossier" into the public record, they pulled something, and started harassing me or using police against me.

So, back to the medical staff. Someone else who seemed to have it in for me from the beginning, whom I'd always thought was Protestant, was doctor Eric Hughes. He tried to write me up as drug seeking from the beginning and would only give me an "alternate cocktail" for my headaches, of Toradol, which didn't work. He later was present when I dropped off my motion which I had to serve the hospital with, prior to leaving to try to file it in Spokane and getting pulled over by a state trooper. He was also the main doctor who yelled at me and said he was going to get someone to admit me to a psych ward (my question, is if I was so psychotic, why be angry with me and yell out all your intentions?) and he pushed for not one but 2 mental health people to admit me (and they refused but said they were getting extreme pressure to do so)--this was when I went into ER because of pain from whatever was causing the "hits" where I'd almost black out. Dr. Crane was also strange. He seemed so friendly at first, and then towards the end, really let his fangs out and I noticed even a nurse questioning his tactics. He acted like he hated me. It first started with Dr. Michael Parnell though. That was the man, in ER, who first tried to write me up with a bunch of false accusations. And then he made sure it didn't get lost, because later he entered another record, to sit on top of my chart about "I remember this woman, rambling and delusional about being raped by the FBI..." when maybe he thought other doctors needed a "reminder". Also, Dr. Jobe. Dr. Jobe hated my guts. I don't know his religious affiliation. My guess is that he's Catholic. I think it's safe to say he hated me when he refused to treat my migraine after I had entered two neurologists reports which confirmed I DID have migraines, and not "tension headaches". Jobe yelled at me, despite the evidence, and said, "I'll give you TYLENOL for your TENSION headache." There was a woman doctor who was nasty to me as well. I can't remember her name, but she was a bitch.

So I was going to the hospital for migraine, because for 6 months I was inbetween states, and when I had migraine in Wenatchee, it wasn't covered by my insurance at PSU, but I gave them that info anyway, in case it went through. My PCP was in Oregon, not Wenatchee. I had my medical care, even for colds, through PSU in Oregon.

I didn't need a PCP until I had permanently moved to Wenatchee. These doctors didn't listen to a word I said. I told them why I didn't have a Wenatchee PCP and they wouldn't listen. I told them I had migraines, and they wouldn't listen. I told them I wasn't "delusional" or making the stuff up about knowing some personelle from the FBI, and they wouldn't listen. I told them I wasn't drug-seeking, and they wouldn't listen.

Even when I gave them proof I had migraines, neurology reports, they STILL didn't want to listen. Some of them had it in for me, and I believe had a heads-up about me from either the FBI or Catholic church lawyers (Kaempf was deeply involved in supporting WA and OR doctors and his own father was a doctor) and that others were simply ignorant or bull-headed.

Finally, I got fed up. After I had fully relocated to Wenatchee, I went to CWH and said what was being written about me, that I was "drug seeking" was not only plain wrong, it was, in legal terms, "defamation". I told them this implied I was committing crime, or engaging in criminal behavior, and it was damaging to me, and was false. I also told them they were refusing me normal "standard of care" and that when I presented to the hospital with a severe migraine, which was excruciating, and needed a shot to kill it, or whatever, they were refusing me medical treatment. I told them no one in Oregon had been this way and if they didn't fix my medical records, I could SUE them for defamation (calling me drug-seeking and delusional about the FBI) AND for refusing medical care.

It was probably about that time that they got THEIR lawyers involved. They refused to make any admissions or changes to my record, and after several months, still refused to obtain my records from Oregon which proved I had migraine. They didn't want evidence that proved them wrong.

As a result of their refusal to treat my migraines, I suffered tremendously. I was laid out for days at a time, and took massive amounts of OTCs to try to get rid of the pain. No amount of OTCs would do anything. I didn't OD on OTCs, but I took a little above the max amount allowed, and at every regular interval. I was, at that time, having my regular two migraines a month, and a couple of extra ones here and there, probably from stress in trying to still keep up with litigation in Oregon by mail.

The pain was so bad, I wondered how long I could live like that. When I had these migraines, I literally found myself praying to God that I could die early if it didn't get fixed. My migraines are on par with the pain of clusters, but the etiology fits migraine, just a really extreme one. I believe the fact that intravenous ergotamine works for me, first tried on me in Canada, is proof these are migraine and not cluster or "tension" or "pyschosomatic". I found myself in the most pain of my life, at that time, in Wenatchee, because of the refusal of care.

I didn't even qualify for state healthcare until I was considered to be a resident, so I didn't have a way to get a PCP in Wenatchee at first. And, like I said, my other one had been in Oregon.

What was telling, to me, was the way CWH responded when I finally obtained my medical records from Oregon which proved I had migraines. I slapped them on the desk, and demanded they be copied and placed at the top of my chart, and I got verification they received these documents, and I said, "This is PROOF that I wasn't lying and that you have slandered me in my medical records." I STILL had doctors, like Jobe and Hughes, trying to refuse to treat my migraines, even AFTER I added this documentation. It was unbelievable. The first doctor to take a stand, and do the right thing, and, I would argue, the SMART thing, was Dr. Shipman. He saw those records, and treated me like a normal person. Actually, I'd seen him before I entered those records and he had always been, or at least, I think, tried to be objective, though it must have been hard, looking through the crap that was written about me. The only time Dr. Hughes treated me like a normal patient was after I'd had my son, and my breasts were enormous and I had to go in for mastitis or whatever. I was having shooting pains in my breasts and they were cracked and bleeding. My breasts were HUGE. I couldn't find a 38 DD bra that fit properly, and I remember I had to prop them up with my hands. I remember Hughes was staring and got a smile on his face, and said yeah, I probably needed some medication. I still remember a nurse walking in, and gasping and telling me to cover myself better, like I was putting on a porn show for the doctor. Dr. Hughes gave me some narcotics for the breast pain. That was the only time he listened to me or took me seriously, and it was probably only because he's a boob man and his dislike of me was temporarily clouded.

CWH didn't change the slander in my record. I finally got on state aid, for healthcare, mainly just for my migraines because that was my only "disability" at that time in my life. I was referred to Columbia Valley Community Health. The head doctor of the whole department wanted to take me. I always wondered why it was that the head of the whole clinic CHOSE me himself. That was Dr. Malcolm Butler. I have always wondered who HE is connected to.

I need to write about what was happening, concurrently, during this time my migraines were refused treatment. I had legal things still pending in Oregon, and then family stuff too.

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