Saturday, October 18, 2008

TTSOML #125: False Lab Report From Suicide Attempt

It was when I went to the hospital for the suicide attempt that blood was taken and a lab report came back positive for marijuana, when I was never around it and never used it.

The lab report was from Central Washington Hospital. I believe it was the only time they could have obtained a blood sample from me as any other time I was there it was only for migraine and there was no "indication" for it. My suicide attempt was the perfect time for someone to take my blood.

Problem was, it came back "positive" for marijuana, and NOT ONE doctor in Wenatchee told me about it.

This happened, after I had threatened the hospital with lawsuits over defamation for calling me "drug seeking" when I came in for migraine treatment and was never drug seeking. It also happened after I was trying to get answers from the FBI about what had happened with my report.

I was diagnosed with aspirin overdose and "Cannabis Abuse".

I didn't see this record until 3 months later, when I obtained it by filing out a release form. I knew it was false.

There was no way there was even a trace of "cannabis" in my blood, because I had never once been a user of the stuff, in any form at all.

I called up the clinics and asked the hospital first, why NO ONE brought this up to me, and why afterwards, when I went to my PCP at Columbia Valley Community Health, NO ONE there brought it up either. Everyone was quiet about it, after having rung me through the wringer and trying to accuse me, at every turn, of being "drug seeking".

So I called rehab centers in Wenatchee, and I also called drug enforcement people in the Area and outside of the area, to tell them what had happened, and find out how it was possible to be diagnosed this way without having used it. I wanted to know if other things set off a false positive or if there was anything else they could think of.

They were, ALL OF THEM, in agreement with me that it was odd, and they sounded as if they all believed me. I was asked if I'd ever been around it. I said no. I was asked if I ever smelled it, because being in a room with a strong smoke for a long period of time, could lead to a false positive. But this had never happened. I knew a couple of the Mexican workers smoked marijuana now and then, but I never saw them do it, not even once, and when they asked me whether I used anything, I told them no, I'd never used any drugs of any kind, not even pot, and didn't want to.

I thought, the only way this is possible, is if someone put marijuana into my food and served it to me. But I was told it would have to be in large doses. All of the food I ate from there, was cooked and cooked through. I would have noticed a different taste, and besides which, I knew these guys, and they were my friends and treated me like their sister. They didn't WANT me to start doing any drugs or pressure me to. They were glad I didn't and wouldn't have done something like that.

The blood analysis from Central Washington Hospital, I was told, could have been mixed up and switched around with someone else's blood. But what threw me off was that there were also antidepressants found in my blood, and I HAD decided to try, for the first time, an antidepressant, so this was RIGHT.

My blood sample tested positive for antidepressants (correct) and cannabis (false). So, if I wasn't served pot in my food, which is highly unlikely to produce such a result, there were only two other alternatives: Either one of 18 different factors could have led to a false positive, things, the drug taskforce told me included higher than normal protein levels, for one thing, or, someone made it up and inserted a false diagnosis to try to make me look bad and maybe cover CWH for slandering me as being "drug seeking".

I believe it was through my blood, not urine, that they came up with this, supposedly.

What I found questionable, was that everyone in the Wenatchee medical community was so quiet about it. They're supposed to go over your discharge notes, and diagnosises with you, and after all the drama about how I was so "drug-seeking", no one said a thing.

The drug taskforce said if I had known about the diagnosis, I could have demanded a retest of my blood and/or had it examined against the other 18 factors that can throw things off.

The drug taskforce guys and rehab centers, went over all 18 factors with me, and asked me careful questions. None of the 18 things sounded like a match except possibly higher protein levels.

I believe, based on the secrecy of the lab report, and the decision of more than one doctor, to keep the diagnosis from me, that someone probably wanted to do the medical people a favor, or maybe the FBI too, whom I'd told I'd never done drugs, and assign me a false diagnosis of THC levels high enough to make a positive.

If I was diagnosed with "Cannabis Abuse", for the first time in my life, someone could claim I WAS "drug seeking" and therefore, CWH was off the hook for being sued for defamation. And, maybe some FBI guys were off the hook too, because they could say, "If she lied about that, what else did she lie about?"

It also made me look bad, in general, to the public.

I found out, by law, that the doctors knew and were supposed to TELL ME about this lab and diagnosis. I found out, it is protocol and requirement, to go over this, and yet no one did. I think this is because no one wanted me to know until it was in my chart and I couldn't demand a retest.

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