Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wenatchee CPS Stalls On Transfering Case

Over one month ago, I told everyone, on the record--the Judge, everyone, including CPS, that I wanted to have all services done in Washington D.C. The attorney for CPS said an ICPC would have to be done. I stated, very clearly, where I wanted services.

Instead of putting paper in motion, as I requested from the first, Wenatchee CPS did nothing. I was waiting to be contacted for services and then I went into offices, on my own, 3 weeks ago, for these services and no one got back to me.

It has actually been over a month now and I could have been receiving the services and getting the requirements out of the way.

I had to go BACK, in person, last Thursday, to the D.C. offices, and ask what was going on. Which is when the general counsel said they couldn't do anything and that they had to wait on Wenatchee. I told them I had already instructed Wenatchee as to what I wanted, and they delayed by sending letters to cut off my phone visitation with my son in order to coerce me back to their territory so THEIR own, known-to-them psychologist would be the one to do the psych evaluation.

I had to push just to get the D.C. ball rolling and spent several hours in their offices. It was like they didn't want my case until I started explaining some things and some of the problems with Wenatchee and the doctors. Then, they sat next to me and witnessed my call to Michelle Erickson, for Wenatchee CPS, and they also finally agreed to let me fax a signed release form, requiring all documents to be transfered here. At first, D.C. was telling me they couldn't fax a release from me but then they changed their mind after the ICPC guy in charge came over and I talked to him too.

So, almost TWO months was wasted, because Wenatchee CPS purposefully delayed and stalled, once again, and ignored my requests. They have known, all this time, what they needed to do, and they refused to do it.

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