Saturday, October 18, 2008

TTSOML #133: What's Next

Hmm. I wonder if anyone still thinks it's a good idea for me to go back to Wenatchee, and for my son to be there now.

It gets EVEN better.

Less than a year after being released from jail for false arrest, my son and I get brutally bashed and torn apart in a delivery Wenatchee medical people covered up as "sponanteous vaginal delivery".

It was an extremely traumatic delivery and we both suffered.

Also, about this time, I got a little more information out of Christa and by the time my son had been born, I had enough to nail her with, at least in my own mind, and prove to myself, without a doubt, she was very, very, bad and had never been on my side. I should have listened when Annika warned me, "Stay away from her. She's psycho." I hope Annika is in a safe place, and hasn't had anything bad happen to her because I told Christa, at one point, what she'd said. Annika was a beautiful girl with Hungarian roots.

Also, I should make note, tomorrow, of the information I got from Private Investigators, about their prior work for Mt. Angel Abbey and the Archdiocese. Christa wanted to know names but I never gave her any. I also forgot to mention other things that went missing from my house besides my medical records. And I forgot to list the names of roommates I had then, to rule them out or not.

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