Sunday, October 19, 2008

TTSOML #134: Some Details About Archdiocese P.I.s

Other things that disappeared from my house, from my files, were paper documents.

When I was still in Oregon, going to PSU, I had so much paperwork and felt I needed an assistant to help me organize everything. So I put an ad in the PSU paper for an assistant, for $15/hr. It was more than I got paid, but I believed in trying to pay people what they're worth.

I told Christa about it, unfortunately, and I think the woman I took for the job was an assistant for the Abbey lawyers. She didn't want me to "help" her but I didn't trust letting my documents out of sight. So I sorted through papers and we organized files and made tabs together. I was putting everything into a filing cabinet.

Among the things I'd told Christa I had, was the names and numbers of the many people who approached me when I did the protest, who told me they or family of theirs had been abused. I was going to contact them and talk, and also refer them to lawyers. I kept records of all those people and kept their information confidential. I never told Christa who they were. I had other pieces of information.

With me sitting right there, she didn't have a chance to snoop. I worked with her for several hours, and we organized things. Then I had a guy coming to help me clean out my car and was doing a detail, and when he arrived, I thought I could leave her alone for an hour.

When I got back, she said she was finished. I paid her, and after she left, I examined the files more thoroughly. Names and numbers were missing, and all of the organized files had been rearranged to be DISORGANIZED. After she and I had worked to put things in order, she'd gone through and mixed things up again, putting a paper here and there, in the wrong place.

I didn't have any of her contact information.

I wonder a little bit about my roommates, but I think one of them was okay. The first one, I don't think I said anything to Christa about when I put up an ad at PSU or PCC, but I could be wrongl. Her name was Suzie Bozo, and she was Hungarian and evangelical christian. She was okay and I encouraged her to "create", giving her a little rock with this word on it. She took it to heart and ended up trying her hand at pottery and became quite the talented artist, and even got her own pottery wheel. She never had a boyfriend and could be a little eccentric, but we tried to tolerate eachother. My next roommate, I know for a fact Christa knew I'd placed an ad for. When I met her at a coffee place, I felt she and I were being observed and she was very nervous, but I didn't have a reason not to trust her. She said she was sometimes up in the middle of the night and this had bothered her last roommates and she hoped it wouldn't bother me. She was Japanese and had a Japanese boyfriend. Her name was Ayumi Yoneyama. I feel I must be getting her last name wrong, but she went to PSU wehn I did, and she was hardly ever at the place. She lived with her boyfriend mainly. Once, I came home unexpectedly and could see them through the window, and they were over my desk, looking for something. Which made me wonder, but I really had nothing to go by. I later wondered if it was a Japanese connection of Ryan Barnes's, but it would be wrong to make a blind and rash assumption. She was very polite, in general, at least on the surface, though once she tried to convince me I was bipolar, which was odd. I didn't have bipolar behavior and my other roommates didn't think so.

I didn't have people over at my house. I tried to keep too many people from having access, in the middle of my litigation, with all the weird stuff going on. The only people who had access were my roommates, and then one time only, Christa stayed overnight, in Ayumi's room. If one of them didn't take documents, someone had to break in to get them. I'm thinking of my stack of medical records in particular.

The other thing I knew about, was how some of the Portland Archdiocese P.I.s (Private Investigators) felt about that organization. I so happened to be calling around, because I'd decided police weren't taking me seriously regarding all the car vandalisms and stalking, so I started calling around to find out the rates of P.I.s. In the process of doing so, and telling them why I wanted a P.I. and what was going on, a couple of the people got very upset over the phone. I had hit a nerve. I asked what was wrong, and this was right when all the child sex abuse stuff was breaking news. This person said they had been hired by the Archdiocese and knew what I was telling him, about all the weird stuff happening to my cars, and house, and being followed--he said he knew I wasn't lying because he'd worked for them himself and knew what kinds of things they did and wanted P.I.s to do. He believed me 100% and said he knew I wasn't imagining things.

It was the first solid validation I got, from anyone, and it came from an Archdiocese P.I. He told me he could NOT work for ME because it would be considered a conflict of interest, but he said he wanted me to know what I was telling him sounded "right". He said I wouldn't imagine what they did to their own members of the church, who they felt got out of line with their authority. He said I had no idea.

I had wondered how it was for former monks. I wondered, because when I knew Fr. Joachim, Joachim told me a true story about an Abbey monk who wanted to leave the monastery and faked his own death. He faked a drowning and they held a burial service for him and everything. Later, he was spotted in downtown Portland. Fr. Joachim made the guy sound whacked, but my question was: "Why would someone fake their own death unless they were worried about the repercusions of leaving the monastery?" Obviously, the guy knew what some of these people were like, and he was worried. I guess he was only "discovered" years later, and I'm not sure, but I think had gotten married and maybe had a child. No one fakes their death unless they are scared about something.

So I wondered about a lot of things.

Christa REALLY wanted the information about the names of the P.I.s who talked to me. She didn't give up and would ask in various ways, trying to elicit info. I never gave her any hints at all, and to this day, I'll mix up pronouns (he/she) just to keep it mixed up.

As a result of my telling Christa about this, the Archdiocese probably had a witchhunt out over their own P.I.s and had THEM under surveillance to find out who the snitch was.

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