Monday, October 20, 2008

TTSOML #136: Premature Labor Due To Negligence; Pressure To Take Narcotics

I was having contractions and they said it was too early for the baby to come. So Labor and Delivery tried to find out what was wrong. I told them about my back pain that was getting so bad, and where it was located.

They had to give me a shot of something that isn't very good for the baby, really, in order to stop the contractions. It was the best remedy at the time. It stopped the contractions but I still had the pain.

So the nurse said she was going to order a urine sample. They took my urine sample, which was cloudy and "not right". She came back a half hour later and told me everything was due to a kidney infection.

I had gone into preterm labor because of a kidney infection.

I had also had extreme back pain, inside my back, on the left side, because of KIDNEY INFECTION that Dr. Butler could have caught with a simple urine test.

It was so bad, it was more than just a little kidney stone. Later, on CT, the CT showed evidence of mutliple kidney stones and damage from them which had left scars. Phleboliths, is what they're called.

After the nurse gave me something to cure the kidney infection, my back pain subsided dramatically. And then, within a couple of days, it was completely gone.

I went back to Dr. Butler and he wanted to write me up another prescription of narcotics. I said I didn't need it because I didn't have back pain anymore. He said he'd write me one anyway. I told him they'd found out what the cause of my back pain was, and that it was from kidney infection. He shook his head, and said, no, that the baby's head position had probably been causing the problem and that it must have moved.

He said this, knowing my baby's head was already ENGAGED. The head doesn't "move around" after it's been engaged. Not significantly.

Dr. Butler wanted to deny my premature labor was due to kidney infection. So he wrote up a prescription for narcotics anyway and told me he'd just leave them at the pharmacy and I could pick them up if I changed my mind.

I never went back to pick them up.

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