Monday, October 20, 2008

TTSOML #137: My Use Of Narcotics

Before I got to the next medical events that happened, I wanted to state, for the record, or make a point of how I never used narcotics other than for occasional migraine (with doctor's prescription), until the traumatic delivery of my son. After that, I was in severe pain, all the time.

Then I was weaning myself off of the narcotics until the bizarre pains happened with me and my son, after my son's birth.

Dr. Butler had ordered the hospital to give me morphine whenever I went in, and over several months of having that "privilege", actually, in over the almost YEAR where this was in place, I took advantage of receiving morphine (10 ccs) only 3 times or less, and that's on the hospital record. I get migraines twice a month at least, and I tried to exhaust all other remedies first, before resorting to ER. Often, and during pregnancy, I preferred suffering to going in for the morphine.

If I were so drug seeking, I would have gone for more morphine. I also would have taken the prescription for narcotics for "back pain" when I didn't have back pain anymore, for "later" or for recreational use. But I never did, because I have never taken narcotics or any other painkiller for any ther reason than severe PAIN.

It seems to me, that the Wenatchee doctors didn't want a record of my "pain and suffering" from their refusal to treat my migraines, and then their horrid botched job on my son's delivery. The easiest way to eliminate valid "pain and suffering", don't you think, would be to claim someone is simply "addicted" to painkillers and has "psychosomatic pain"?

Hmmm. The record, when looked at closely enough, the actual X-rays and radiology records, back ME up, not what the doctors tried to write in their chart notes.

They knew they could have a major lawsuit on their hands and they covered it up. Not only that, I've questioned whether Dr. Butler has connections with some kind of drug ring. It just seemed odd, his behavior, and after I had problems with him was when I started having car vandalisms all over again.

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