Thursday, October 23, 2008

TTSOML #137: Fair Hearing Details

I knew not taking a social security number for my son sounded weird and paranoid to a lot of people. But it wasn't weird or paranoid when you consider a woman in intelligence was telling me I might get killed, and a former military intelligence guy tells me he thinks I've stepped into something I'm over my head about and could be in trouble, and a Wenatchee post office employee is telling me my son and I could "hide out" at his cabin in the woods (which seemed almost more scary to me), and I was having car vandalisms, mail disturbances, and evidence that some people in the FBI and law enforcement were still doing favors for the Catholic church, to smear me. Not to mention not being able to get help for my and my son's medical needs and diagnostics. Then I have an FBI guy faking an accent after I told Christa if he had an accent I'd know he wasn't "catholic"?

I don't even think my friend had been shot and killed yet, which happened a week or so after I told the Portland FBI about him. And, I didn't have the final proof I needed about Christa either.

But I had damn well enough, to be concerned about. And no one could rightfully call it "paranoia". Not to mention my Judges always being hand-selected by my oponnents and usually being Catholic. Not to mention, Debbie Schoemer, who was Catholic, trying to convince me to go to a special "services" by lying to me about what it was. Debbie was trying to create a record against me as well.

I also noted how the Wenatchee PGE cut off my electricity, without notice, by a paper notice or a sign on the door, after I told them I DID get the money for my rent and that I was going to be emailing and making a report against their offices for lying to me, not reimbursing my medical travel expenses, and then hoping I'd be evicted. Right after that, Wenatchee PGE cut off my electricity and I wasn't overdue and they charged me more than was needed to turn it back on. They told me I had to pay this huge amount to get it turned on again and my grandparents helped me out, last minute.

My grandparents knew, at least then, something was up and wasn't right. They knew how I was being refused medical care and couldn't get even an X-ray in Wenatchee, and then how they didn't pay me back for medical travel and tried to have me and my son kicked off of benefits. All of this, after they'd tried to pressure me to take myself and my son out of the state on a "one-way bus ticket".

Why would I want my son to be traced and harassed the way I was? He didn't need that, and I had been forced to give him a number anyway so it was as if null and void. It wasn't legal. And I did not want "the department" which was full of lying scumbags, to have any number to identify my son with for their own gross purposes. Nor did I want the FBI to have such a number on my son, because obviously, I was dealing with mob activity within the FBI and the FBI so far refused to take care of the problem themselves, listen to me, and clean it up.

The main excuse for not taking a social security number, that's provided by law, is for religious reasons. So, I was religious enough. Maybe I have my own alternative form of faith, but there are things I believe. I remember, around this time, I had both "the department" and Christa asking me if I went to church and which one. They wanted to pin me to ONE denomination so they could say THAT particular denomination didn't have such a belief. I just told them I'd gone to a variety of churches and held my own beliefs privately, and that they were of the fundamental evangelical line, in SOME respects. Not all, but some, and I listed some other cases where this was proof enough. I believed, I said, the social security number is "the number of the beast" and that by taking this number, it was against my beliefs. I said I hadn't had a choice, because my parents took a number for me, but that I was going to allow my son to make his own decisions for himself and if he wanted a number later, he could apply for one.

The Judge tried to say it wasn't good enough. Something about how since I already had acquired a number, I had to provide it. I told him I had been coerced, under threat of the removal of my son, to take one. So then I went to the social security office and asked to have it rescinded, and got a copy of the paper and submitted it to the court.

"The department", which was represented by...GUESS WHO?! Wenatchee Attorney General's office! The same office that went after me and my son later, on behalf of CPS (another division of "the department")...Well, as I was saying, "the department" changed tactics and said that I hadn't answered their letters "in time" and therefore, for procedural reasons, I had to be cut off. At that point, I told the Judge they knew I had difficulty opening mail and that I needed more time to respond to their requests.

Suddenly, it became a "discrimination against disability" issue. Which really did not endear me to "the department". The Judge said it was sounding like a discrimination issue and he knew they'd know what he was talking about when he mentioned some statute or form. He asked if I'd been given such a form and "the department" said no.

In the first hearing, "the department" swore, under oath, to the Judge that NO ONE in the entire social services department EVER thought there was anything "wrong" with me.

All of a sudden, they were worried they were going to be in trouble for disciminating against someone with a disability, so they LIED and said they NEVER thought, ANY OF THEM, that there was anything wrong with me psychologically. This was what they said to the Judge under oath. When they completely reversed their story later, to the exact opposite, I told the Judge they should be sanctioned for perjury, and it was then that I was told Administrative Hearings have no provisions for giving sanctions for perjury. So basically, "the department" could lie all they wanted, and not get in trouble. I said, "Your Honor, then what is the point of having anyone take an oath in the first place?" I said this to him over the phone.

Ronnie was the "spokesperson" for "the department", and believe me, they coached her, the AG lawyers, on what to say. They were all liars. I asked her to repeat what she and Donna Titleman had just said, that no one in social and health services thought I had any issue with PTSD of any kind. They told the Judge, there was not one person who ever thought that. I said, Well that's very interesting, because I have a copy of a complaint that went to CPS (which I'd obtained prior to the Fair Hearing), which states my own social worker, Tina Thornton, went to CPS with "concerns" that I was "unravelling mentally" and was unstable (this was after I refused to leave on a one-way bus ticket and asked why she'd recommend such a thing, and it was also after I demanded reimbursement for my medical travel). I said, "I have evidence that 'the department' DID BELIEVE I had some issues, and their opinions of my issues were even more severe than what was true. I said, I have a paper document that shows someone from social services expressed their concerns to CPS." I later found out, Tina had to run things by her supervisors as well, so she wasn't the only one talking about me. Debbie Schoemer had tried to pressure me to go to an organization and sign up for it, but she wouldn't give me information. She just said I could go, and then they'd explain it. But she refused to give me their phone number and any information. I called the organization and they also refused to give me info after knowing my name. So then, I drove to the place and got out and picked up a brochure from their table, where I read it was all about "anger management". So then I knew Debbie Schoemer was hoping to be able to sign me up for "anger management" without telling me details, and then she could write THAT into my chart, and if I dropped out, I'd be accused of being "unstable". Debbie Schoemer wanted me to go into anger management after she ordered I be refused reimbursement for medical travel. Because, we all know, it's all about ME, and not THEM.

At any rate, I had proof that "the department", whether they really thought I was "okay" or not, were willing to lie whichever way suited them best. I had proof they were dishonest and then they gave me even more proof. This is the same "department" that worked with Wenatchee medical professionals to fabricate a reason to take my son from me after I'd left for Canada. They lied, they still lie, and they, I might add with emphasis, have a clear and sustained "PATTERN" of lying.

Is my pattern recognition a sign of schitzophrenia or simply common sense and basic intelligence. Anyone would come to the same conclusion, given the facts. They do not care about the truth, if it's staring them in the face.

Please remember, I might add, how the good reporter from Spokane, who uncovered the Wenatchee witch hunt against pastors accused of having orgies with children (all protestant clergy by the way), had tears streaming down his face when he read some of the documents. He said, "They're putting innocent people away..." He was crying because he was looking at evidence THEY had, which proved THEY knew they were putting innocent people away and they did it anyway.

That is how Wenatchee works. They have yet to prove they can operate under another modus.

Which is why they fought so hard to get me and my son back to THEIR jurisdiction and fought transfer to Whatcom county, and why they recently cut off my telephone visitation rights, in order to coerce me back to their jurisdiction for the "psychological evaluation". They have people they know, who will lie for them and say whatever they want them to say.

People who were falsely arrested and jailed for crimes they did not commit, actually permanently LOST their children because they'd been jailed so long and the argument was that the child had "bonded" to others. Parents lost their children because of Wenatchee. How do you ever get those children back? and get back what was taken? Is there any amount too high too make them pay for what they did, have done, and continue to do? Some of those parents were fully exonnerated and yet they still lost their children.

Onto what they claimed next...

By the time I was in the Fair Hearing, I think there had been maybe 3 complaints against me to CPS. All of them came from Wenatchee medical people I'd threatened to sue, except for one, and that one was an "information only" report from Tina Thornton, my own social service woman, who lied to my face that she thought I was an excellent mother, and whom I told about my son's achievements. She was probably pissed, because I had made reports already to Olympia about what was happening in Wenatchee.

How can I have any faith in the entire department though? I filled out a release of information request for my full records for the entire department, from Olympia to Spokane, to Wenatchee, because I was already thinking about taking it to a lawyer and they knew it. I made this request, and filled it out at their offices, before they took my son. I kept going back and asking where the records were and they said the processing was taking a long time. It's been 2 years now, and "the department" throughout the state of Washington, has still not given me the full records from their departments, about me and my son.

So, when the Judge made it clear they could be liable for discrimination, they decided to lie and say NO ONE ever believed I had any issues at all. After I said I had the document proving my own social worker was saying otherwise, they then decided to call me up right away and tell me to answer some questionaire for "their records". They knew I had evidence they knew I had some PTSD, even if some wanted to exaggerate and say it was something stranger, and I had told them as much. They hadn't filled out a form and made me eligible for "special provisions" on account of the "disability". They were supposed to identify what the issues were and provide allowances. Under rules of ADA, they were required to do this. And they were a state agency which had to be in compliance. So suddenly, they couldn't call me up fast enough, to fill this out and enter it into my record. I told them my main thing was avoidance in opening mail from people I'd been harassed by. They had been harassing me already and I didn't open their mail, I said, and needed more time. I basically said I needed further time allowances because of stress. So they worked real quick to correct themselves, and THEN, they went on record, at the very next hearing (it was on a couple of different days) and claimed, "Oh!" they'd always thought something was wrong, yes, and everyone knew, but they just weren't sure what it "was". Oh, and they had a form filled out for me which was in compliance with ADA.

They completely reversed themselves. They LIED, on the record, and when I wanted sanctions for perjury, I was told no one can sanction for perjury in these kinds of "administrative hearings". I had solid evidence they were all a bunch of LIARS.

They didn't care which way they lied, as long as it covered their own damn fat asses.

The Attorney General's offices and the lawyers there, including Caballero, can take credit for coming up with such an excellent strategy: LIE! Try to kick them off of benefits and lie, lie, lie.

What a great idea. Lie to the Judge they had someone handpick for them, and then get out of sanctions for perjury. The Attorney General's office in Wenatchee and Wenatchee "department", or "the state", were more than happy to try to punish me.

It was at this time, or shortly thereafter, I had decided to pick up my complaint about being profiled by police as well. I went to the state police guy that I was referred to, and left several messages, and I was ignored. I went up one more chain of command and I was still ignored.

In the meantime, I started getting WORSE harassment by police in Wenatchee and Chelan County, where I was driving primarily. I drove to Chelan to the Bear Food's Market, for my son's organic and raw milk (which was excellent and my son thrived on it) and for his other food items. Every single time I went there, it seemed a Chelan County officer was trying to pull me over, and it happened at least 2 or 3 times at the same intersection, which was not that far from the only Catholic church in town. I always went to the Starbucks too, and it was behind the fence for the Catholic church. I was pulled over twice at this one intersection, and once right next to the Starbucks, in the parking lot.

This was when the police were lying and claiming I had done something I did NOT do, and they only wanted to see my insurance papers. They would then drop their charges. They used pulling me over as an excuse to "search" my papers, bascially, and I noticed it happened about 3 times after I told Tina Thornton and Christa that I might not be insuranced for auto insurance, by my parents, in the near future. Suddenly, I was constantly pulled over. I was even pulled over, or "approached" I guess, when I was parked in a parking lot. I wasn't doing anything at all. They wanted an excuse to keep me from being able to drive to Seattle and Ephrata for medical appointments because after they didn't reimburse me, my grandparents paid so I could try to get help and take my son. So then, they wanted to find a way to cite me so much that I couldn't pay off my tickets or that my license would be truly suspended and I couldn't drive. That's my theory. But the facts are only that they pulled me over for things I didn't do.

"The state", essentially, had me on their list for God knows what. I went to the police stations to see if something weird was written about me in a file somewhere, and I tried to get records, but I never got a copy of the state and federal database stuff. I was trying to get copies right before my son was taken from me. I was also still trying to get FOIA from the FBI. What I did find out, was that although I was living in Wenatchee, Wenatchee police were under instruction to direct all information about me to the Chelan County police and I don't know why.

I won the Fair Hearing, based on the decision that "the department" had not given me the time allowance I needed in order to comply with the request, and also based on the fact that I did have a valid religious exemption, and proof from the social security office that I was not taking a number for my son. The Judge didn't want to just leave it at that, however. It was a begrudging, "I have to let her win or she'll be right, that I'm prejudiced" sort of thing. He left with a nice "bang", but writing into the decision I believed ALL Catholics were out to "get" me and that I had said such. He didn't use a religious argument, or my words about the religious elements--instead, he made it sound like I was a total nutcase and mentally ill and was suspicious every member of the Catholic church had it in for me (which I've never said and never believed). The way he wrote his decision, I said to everyone, would make anyone think I was "paranoid schitzophrenic" and those were my words. That's how he made me out to be. He did nothing about how wrong "the department" was for discrimination and harassment, and for LYING flagrantly. He just made me out to be a nutcase who won because her "mental illness" is what he implied, was not detected or something. They were off the hook and it was actually a point, in some ways, in THEIR favor, because this was included in my file.

That was the good ole Judge from Gonzaga.

The next thing I was going to file for fair hearing, against the state, was something I put into the record. Funny how the state forgets you asked for fair hearings, when they're taking your kid away from you.

I asked for fair hearing for refusing to pay for the medical mileage reimbursement they owed me. I asked for another fair hearing for fraud and the attempts by Debbie Schoemer and "the department" to ignore the complaints I made against "the department" for refusing certain medical services or the coverage of them. I made a complaint to Olympia, where it just sat and sat and was never investigated.

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