Thursday, October 23, 2008

TTSOML #138: Final Proof About Christa, Karin, and NYC FBI

I think I'm forgetting some details about things Christa did. I mean, the other night as I was lighting those tall Catholic candles (I buy the ones without saints on them, because the candles burn for a long time) at my place in D.C., I remembered how I'd have candles out on my porch for ambiance and every time Christa came over, when I left the house, they were either fallen over (or kicked over). No strong wind.

So many little details. It all adds up. But the final evidence, for me, aside from all of her personality tests she sent to me, asking for answers and responses, and wanting to know all about my friends and family and what made me tick, I told her I was going to a wedding shower for an old best friend I'd already told Christa about, my friend Stephanie Maiers. I had known Stephanie since I was 15 years old and although we were out of touch, I treasured it.

Christa knew about Stephanie and her whole family, because she kept pressing me for information and I had thought, long ago, that it was out of sincere interest. So I let her know what her Dad did when I was asked, and what religion they were, and where they lived, and what all of their names were and a whole host of things. Christa was especially interested in their assets and social standing as well. I don't know, maybe because she wanted to find out if I had any connections SHE could use. I look back and part of the goal seems to have been to disrupt and alienate me from all my friends and cause family problems besides.

So I told Christa where the reception was going to be, or the shower, rather, and all of the details. Christa flattered me so much, and we did share a lot of laughs, so I had a hard time completely convincing myself, once and for all, that it was SHE and not a bugging device, that was leaking the information all over the place.

I was excited to go, I told Christa. Christa wanted to know where it was, when it was, etc. I'd already told her about all of Stephanie's friends and who they were. I'd told her one of her best friends, whom she'd known from Moses Lake, was from Canada and spoke French, and I gave Christa her name, which actually escaped me now, but it will come to mind and I'll enter it here. It's Karin. Karin and a french sounding last name which I can't remember now.

Christa never cared what I wore. Even when we went out dancing, she never asked me, ahead of time, what I was going to wear. She never asked about my hair either. But she asked me this time. She wanted to know precise details about how I was going to do my make-up, wear my hair, and what I was going to wear. She also wanted to know exactly what I wanted to give Stephanie for a shower gift, even if I couldn't afford it.

I gave Christa these details: I was going to wear maskara and maybe light eyeliner, and bright red lipstick, and I was going to curl my hair and put it up high in a ponytail. I was going to wear my leopard print dress, which was a tasteful sheath Christa had seen before when we went out. She kept asking where I got my dress about the same time my "bi" ex was asking me if I took clothes back to the store after wearing them. It was a sleeveless, knee length dress with a full pattern, and I thought I might wear a black sweater if it was cold. Bare legs and heels.

I told Christa I was so embarrassed because I didn't have money for a nice gift, and that if I had the money, and could buy her anything I wanted to, I would buy her a large glass crystal vase from Tiffanys. Christa wanted to know what type and I gave her details.

So I decided not to wear the leopard print dress afterall. I wore black pants and a top. I didn't look the greatest, because I was still fat and hadn't lost all the baby weight. I took my son with me. It was close to my birthday, and I was still trying to nurse my son but the doctor refused to treat us for the thrush.

I show up, and her friend from Moses Lake, who was living in New York City, and whose father or husband's father was in the NYC FBI, shows up.

She's wearing black liner and maskara, red lipstick, her hair is curled and in a ponytail, and she has a leopard print dress on that is almost identical to the one I have at home. It was knee length, it was almost exact, and Christa knew what my dress looked like.

Guess what she got Steph for a present?

I saw the Tiffany's card first. And wrapping. Then, out it came. A large clear crystal vase.

That pretty much did it for me.

Christa was the snitch.

And she wasn't even hiding it anymore. She was gloating.

Then Karin took her part. There was a dinner after the shower. Karin chose a seat directly across from me. I hadn't told anyone I had broken my tailbone, but she brought up how SHE had, that she'd fallen down the stairs and there was nothing they could do about it and she just sat on a donut cushion and took painkillers for it occasionally.

Karin made a point of telling me how her family member was in the NYC FBI. She said they'd called him when they had some problems with her being stalked or something. I asked what the name was, when she mentioned FBI.

She tried to avoid my question. But she was sitting right next to Steph's brother and sister Stacey, who were also listening. I asked her again what the name was, and after she tried a second time to avoid it, I think she decided to tell the truth, since the others might know whether she was lying or not and might wonder why. I think this was the surname of her husband. I can't remember because it may have been Whittmore was her husband's surname but that it was her father who was the FBI guy. I'm sure the Maiers would know, but I'm not in touch with them anymore. After I started having computer problems I tried to send them an email and warn them but it probably just sounded nuts without all the background information. But Stephanie Maiers would know what Karin's last name was.

"Whittmore" she said. Someone from the FBI, with a name that sounded a lot like one of the Abbey attorneys names, Dick Whittemore. I said, "What was that?" and she said it again. She pronounced it "Whit-more" while I'd always pronounced Dick Whittemore's name "Whit-eh-more".

She was looking directly into my eyes and said it slowly.

If she was lying about that being the last name, she was still trying to mess with me.

Dick Whittemore is fluent in French. He spent time on the East Coast. Karin was from a Catholic family and was French-Canadian, as far as I know, and her family had connections in Canada. It's possible there was a connection, and I absolutely knew there was an FBI connection with all my problems, and I knew for sure Christa was the snitch.

Someone simply bugging the house wouldn't have any idea what that dress looked like, or ask the questions. It wasn't just what was leaked out, but the questions that Christa asked.

I had a horrible time. The whole time I was there, it was as if things had changed. I found out later that Karin had had breakfast with Stephanie, alone, before going back to NYC, and she said a bunch of crap to Steph about me. When I drove down with Steph's sister Joy, in the beginning, things were fine. But by the time we were driving back, Joy was saying I didn't have auto insurance and she didn't want me to drive.

Another woman who sat next to me, not across from me, but next to me, was a social worker in Seattle. She had formerly worked with Steph at The Flying Fish, where Steph worked as one of the chefs.

Steph's brother, Pamp, had been recently married, to a woman he met at college, some years after I met Christa, and she was planning to go to Gonzaga for law school, and I think was Catholic.

Stacy was working in The Department of Education in Washington D.C., where she told me she had some boyfriend who was serious about her, who was Catholic. Very strongly so.

Chris was living in Seattle with a boyfriend who I know nothing about but I guess he didn't want me staying at their place.

This part may sound paranoid, but I really wondered how Steph's family had ended up with so many people who were affiliated with the Catholic church. Their family was mainly non-practicing or atheist. The Dad, Pamp Maiers, was atheist, and the mother had formerly been Mormon. I had given Christa so much information about the Maiers family, I wondered if it sounded alluring to some, to try to be a part of it. I don't know. That's far too much to assume.

All I know, is that for some reason, Karin and Christa were connected, and so were some people in the FBI.

Once I got that far, I started looking up everybody's addresses and information online, and I was googling everyone, because I knew this was bizarre. And that's when I started having extreme hacking on my computers and my son and I began to suffer from unexplained and serious pain and twitching.

It wasn't a breakdown. The other thing that happened, was phone disturbances.

But a few other things were going on, which I need to mention before I streamline into what started happening with computers and things.

Oh, I forgot...When I got back home, I told Christa how it had been horrible, and the first thing she questioned me about, over and over, was did I wear the leopard print dress? (she already knew I hadn't because I'm sure Karin told her I hadn't) and then she kept asking WHY didn't I wear the dress. I told her I'd changed my mind at the last minute.

This asking "why" didn't I wear the dress, was a lot like, "did you KNOW your baby was a boy and just tell everyone it was a girl?" It was like she wanted to know if I knew something about them, if I hadn't worn it because I was onto their plans, and making a point by not wearing it. She asked why my hair wanted up either. I think my son was being set up to be adopted out, from the beginning, to a family that wanted a "girl".

Why would anyone go to all this trouble? Hate, I think. Sheer hatred. They thought I was someone reeeaaaallly big, or that I could be, or that I was a threat, and that could take from me and use me as well. It was like they thought I was some kind of big CIA spy. I remember Christa asking about my grandfather on my Dad's side, and how he'd been in the military, in the Navy, in WWII and on a big ship that went down by the japanese. I've wondered if he was some kind of military intelligence and that's why he moved out into the woods with his kids, and never wanted to talk about anything regarding the war. I've wondered all kinds of things, even crazy stuff, because they were truly crazy with hate over me. I wondered why they cared so much about my family history and did they know something I didn't? Or were they just trying to protect Mother Church and Mother Mary and their country, from whatever huge chaos they thought I could cause or was causing, by being an example of speaking up to tell the truth, and to shout it out, no matter what.

They used police and FBI against me, and I am sure this is where the damages against me and my son came into play. The last thing I discussed with Christa was how I thought I might call on some protestant militia groups, not to JOIN, but to find people who could relate to the kind of harassment and abuse I was going through. My government wasn't listening to me. Some individuals were covering their own dirty work by claiming I was delusional and writing my medical records up to make it look like this was the case. I wanted protection for me and my son. There were some who knew we were in danger. But no one did anything.

I had to try to do everything, for myself and my son, all by myself.

They tortured my son.

Someone needs to start believing me.

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