Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TTSOML #152: Computer Questions By Christa

I'll finish what happened with the WA department in a minute. First I want to go to this:

I told Christa how the counselor I went to said any damages I had were from the Abbey and what the Catholic church lawyers did. She didn't like this, and when I filed something with the courts in Oregon, with her name and signature and statement she believed this was the case, I don't think they liked it. They wanted to say they'd done nothing wrong and that there were no damages, even though this knew this was untrue.

Christa had already gone over my entire family's history and asked for information about everyone I ever knew, basically. She started asking again, and she wanted to know if I was working on a book and telling me she wanted me to mail it to her so she could edit it. She was saying she'd get it published for me, and claimed that now that she was in New York City, she knew people who would put it in print. I didn't trust her but I didn't let her know. I gave her too much information, but some things I never did reveal to her.

She started asking what kind of computer service I used. She wanted to know who my provider for internet was and where I did my emailing. If it was just yahoo and how many mail accounts I had. She wanted me to switch everything to Verizon. She also wanted me to get rid of dial-up. I told her it was more secure even if it was slow. I had many people, about this time, asking me if I had a really slow computer or slow service. I had so many people ask me if I used dial-up, or ask if I had an old computer or a slow computer, I wondered why they got this idea. How would anyone know if my computer was "slow" or not?

If I was just doing stuff on the internet, and sending emails, what would give anyone the idea that my computer was slow or my service was slow?

I also told Christa I wanted to get a laptop. I had no problems with the desktop, I didn't think, but I wanted a laptop for portability. I told her I was going to ask for one for my birthday, from my parents, and that I thought they'd go for it, if not I'd get it myself. I told her I would use their christmas money or money I got from relatives for a new laptop. So I was going to pick it out. . She wanted to know exactly what kind I was going to get. I told her probably HP because I'd been happy with the desktop I'd had because it held up nicely and she said, no, to get a Toshiba. I said it sounded great, but I didn't know if I wanted to try something new when I liked what I had. So she wanted to know what model, AND she wanted to know where I was going to buy it or pick it up. I told her I was going to see if I could pick one up from the Office Depot in Wenatchee and I told her I was going to get a lower end Compaq Presario HP laptop.

I didn't pick up the laptop for my birthday. But when I did, I picked out the very one I said I was going to get, and made phone calls about it first and then went in. I can't remember but I think they said they had some in backstock or something. Whenever it was that I got my computer, which was much later and when the computer problems were already happening on my desktop, it was marked with a bright marker, and my birthdate was on one of the labels.

I'll get back to the computer stuff in a minute. I'm going to jump back to the issues with the Department. But at that time, I didn't notice visible problems with my desktop. I was still living in downtown Wenatchee, and my son had been born, and Christa was just asking a lot of questions about my computer, who I used for telephone and computer services, and what my least favorite way to die would be.

At the same time, I had a woman come into Columbia Valley Clinic and ask me the "is your computer slow" question, when I was terminating my relationship with that clinic, and a woman across the street from my house in Wenatchee, the who told me she was getting a brand new van from someone in the family, right before she left, asked me connection questions. Did I use dial-up and was my computer slow. I noticed, because the questions were not coming from statements I made, which generated the question.

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