Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TTSOML #153: Harassment By "The Department"

While I was pregnant, Tina Thornton claimed to be supportive, and she seemed to be. There wasn't much to keep up with. I did notice no one would allow me to communicate with them by email, until after they'd harassed me so badly, and lied about me, and at that point, after they knew I was upset, then they were telling me to write to them by email and didn't want to communicate with me in other ways. They all gave me their email addresses then. Suddenly, everybody wanted me to email them, and then they claimed, my emails were "angry" and told everyone they had to block me from emailing them. Let's see. About 1 year of refusing to give me their email addresses, and then after provoking me, they suddenly pass them out like candy?

What first happened, was that after my son was born and they weren't able to take him from me, after I got evidence of fractures and the X-ray from Seattle, suddenly, I started getting pressure from "the department".

I started going to Seattle for medical services, and Wenatchee and all the doctors and lawyers there, didn't like it. I told them I'd already gone to all of the clinics and that they'd al refused me a simple X-ray which proved damages and pain that they were trying to say I didn't have. At first, I was told I could go and that the state would reimburse me for traveling costs and expenses to Seattle, for all of my medical appointments. So I started to go, and took my son. My son saw a second pediatric dentist, in Seattle, who said he had enamel dysplasia and that it was probably caused by traumatic childbirth. I was going to be evaluated for my need for painkillers, this late after childbirth, at a pain clinic as well, which I was open to. I had a first visit with a PCP, for me, who stopped, mid-sentence, and exclaimed, after having watched my son for awhile:

"Do you realize, your son is HIGHLY intelligent?" I just looked at her. She was staring at my son and his movements around the room. He didn't want to get into the baby toybox, he was exploring the whole room, looking at posters, and examining medical equipment and wires. He was about a year old and walking around, happily focused on his environment. My PCP went on and on, and I told her I had actually suspected as much, and didn't know what to do because he was hitting all of his milestones ahead of even the 30%-above-average marks. She also heard him say a few things.

I did all this research, and by comparing his actual development and what he was doing, to the gifted charts, he was somewhere in the "exceptionally gifted" range. I didn't really thinkhe was genius, genuis, but I knew he was much smarter than average gifted. I found out there are all these ranges. "Gifted, moderately gifted, highly gifted, exceptionally gifted, and genius." I knew he was up there. I had already brought in some of his drawings for some medical people to see.

Before what happened to the both of us, my son was even able to point to a number chart and say a number from the chart on the wall. I wrote everyone when this happened, and he was so little, long before a year of age, and he pointed to the chart and to the number "10" on the chart and said clearly, "TEN". I almost fell over. I didn't train him to do it, we'd go over ABC song and 1-20 every day, just once, counting through them. It wasn't like we spent a lot of time on it.

So I was going to Seattle, and getting evidence of some things, and I was going to be set up to see a bone specialist about my broken tailbone, and suddenly Wenatchee social and health services said we couldn't go anymore and they refused to reimburse my travel. They paid for the first trip and then they said to keep a record of my visits and mileage, and that they'd reimburse all of it.

Well, to DATE, the STATE OWES ME about $1,000.

They started trying to kick me and my son off of medical benefits, and TANF altogether. They were not just trying to kick ME off of benefits, but my SON, and I had to take them to a Fair Hearing process, which I won, but a lot of weird things happened with that.

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