Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Comments From Parents Regarding Class Action in Washington State

Why not have a class action anyway? The adoption incentive has already caused enough damage.

Comment by LK — August 28, 2008 @ 5:15 am


you have my support, CPS has our son and trying to adopt him out now. we have filed for an appeal but we are financially unable to secure private legal aid and have to depend on a court appointed attorney for representation.

Comment by Philip Owings — August 28, 2008 @ 11:17 am


I can only pray that our government will wake up and see the damage that is being done to our children. I have lost my children to CPS and there false clames, I did get them back after a long time with out them and the heartach will never go away. No one belived us even thow our children pleaded not to take them, everyone I know thought it was insane that it happened to us, but it did. I will do anything for this not to happen to another American Family.
I thank God everyday I got them back. I know they could do it again, and I can’t do anything about it. I am guilty until proven inosent. My jelous exwife called and made a false report becuse I got custody of the children. She didn’t care if it hurt her own kids as long as it hurt me.
If you need my support please email me. All Americans need to step up to the plate.

Comment by William — August 28, 2008 @ 1:07 pm


Our Child Protective System is in urgent need of a chage. Our children are being placed in DANGEROUS HOMES! The Father of my 3 youngest children (twins boy & girl) & my youngest son left with my children 02-10-04 & took them to his parents house. He had no legal right. He then called DHS with false reports. 5 days prior to this he has a Domestic Abuse charge for hitting me. I could not get any help to get him away from us so he could get help. DHS ignored this. I made a number of calls & knowone told me the Domestic Abuse shelter was 4 blocks away from my house. I trusted in DHS to help my family. Instead they allowed my children to live in a drug enviroment & ignored my concerns & newapaper.The Father is in prison now for 10 years. Not a road I wanted him to go down. I expressed this to DHS & they accused me of false allegations, even though his troubles were easily to look up. The drug raid was in the front page of the paper! It took DHS 4 months to get to the childrens house. As they continued to ignore me & say I was blaming others. DHS then placed my children with his parents who obviously were involved in drugs to, as they only lived a block away from my childrens unfit home. I was able & fit to provide for my children. DHS did not care. July 22nd 2008 DHs removed my children from the Fathers parents due to meth use. Thank God! They are with my 1st cousin & his wife safe & in a positive enviroment. As court again was delayed. Now in the last month DHS has only good to say about me. I pray it stays that way. The DHS worker observed me with my children for the 1st time at the end of July. I have been accused of a number of
inaccurate staements written in their court reports. I feel I have been given the death penalty. I have had to tape record visits with my children(which were never consistent) & DHS visits with myslef. My tapes & documents prove they are untruthful. I have not given up ever. My prayers have kept me strong & helped me through the excrusiating pain. I prayed everyday, night & minute for God to keep my children safe, keep his arms aroud them when they hurt & on & on, until they are back home with me. My chidren were recently anemic & underweight. DHS blamed me. Their behaviors unacceptable & never addressed in school etc. DHS blamed me. Their manners are awful. DHS blamed me. Thank God my cousin is addressing all these issues. And speaks up to DHS as I have continously, but they mimimized my concerns. I now know my rights & filled myself with knowledge to share with other parents in my situation. We have to take a stand & be the voices for our children. This vicious cycle needs to be stopped. As parents we need to tell others & pray they do not turn a blind eye & deaf ear. I will make DHS wrongs right. I will never stop until I do. They have uprooted my children a number of times, hurt them, tried to tear a mother & childs bond apart. They have not succeeded yet. And I will not allow that. The only one who seemed to care about my childrens well-being is myself. I had a Lawyer I paid $3000.00 & he was awful. I live in a small town & feel they are all connected together, his advice was not what it should have been & I spoke up to him & he did not like it. They all have to face God in the end & my side of the street is cleaned up. I now have a Lawyer that I kept being persisitent with & have done the work for him such as documents, exhibits etc. He is now fighting with me. I just pray I can repair the damge that has been caused to my children. I trust in God to help me in doing so, along with family help. I think they will be ok as long as I talk & listen to them daily. This last month DHS has nothing but good to say about me. I pray it remains that way. I have not dissapeared as I believe DHS thought I would & hoped I would so they could get a big bonous check at the end of the year. The evil of money. To protect my rights when I get my children back in my care, I invested in Pre-Paid Legal for $17.00 a month. They have top notched Lawyers on call 24/7 (including Micheal Moore) & they are a groupof Lawyers Nationwide who do care. I have a card that is called “LEGAL SHIELD” My legal rights are protected. Notice If it is your intention to question,detain or arrest me or if you intend to remove my children from my custody, or serve me with a warrant, please allow me to call my attorney immediately. They have abide by this & that makes more work for them & it intimidates them. Seems too good to be true but believe me it is not. I am not a person who is for sueing others for silly things. But when it comes to our children it is a must. I can prove them wrong & my goal is to save another child & family from this horrific ordeal I have had to deal with. As well as my children. DHS breaks a number of our Ammendments by lying to us. I use to think they had the right to. Lets make a change & take a stand for the sake of our children. Amen Jill Kelly

Comment by Jill Kelly — August 28, 2008 @ 3:56 pm


Hi, I hope everything turns out for the best. My sister is in the midst of fighting CPS right now. The moment she gave birth they drug tested her and the baby. And since they were negative they then gave her Vicodin and retested her and the baby and said they found medical opiates in their system. CPS ordered two weeks later that my sister’s baby be put on morphine because she was going threw withdraw. Now how is that possible. They also made false accusations to the courts saying the drug tests were positive, my sister was homeless(again not true) and that they were unable to reach her (also not true). My sister had a piece of her placenta so large left inside of her she almost died. She lost over half the blood in her body and had to have blood transfusions to save her life. She was in the hospital and CPS tried to come in and have her sign papers to “See her baby” and on the last of line of those papers they had put that CPS will make all medical decisions regarding her child. My sister wrote and had it witnessed by a nurse at the hospital that it was against her religion to have any medication given to her baby and they still put that baby on morphine. They almost killed her by leaving her placenta inside of her for almost two weeks, almost like they had this planned, you know, kill the mother and take her baby. “She’s native american what can she do?” Well, that is how it is her in Bellingham if you are native american you better watch where you give birth. St. Joseph Hospital is the worst when it comes to being native. They drug test you child and then if they feel like it they put your child on morphine so CPS can put a hold on the baby. My sister is trying to fight them but we need help. The CPS went behind her back when a judge 0rdered the baby be returned to her and had another judge order she be placed in foster care now tell me why? Because they can. A caucasion female had a baby about a week before my sister and she was on methadone throughout her pregnancy and they didn’t put her baby on morphine and she walked out of that hospital with her child, tell me is that fair? My sister had not drugs in her system and they put her baby on drugs against her religious beliefs even. But I guess someone wanted a baby real bad and CPS gave them one huh. If anyone knows anything we can do please help us.

Comment by Jessica — August 29, 2008 @ 1:04 pm


How do we become a part of this class action? We live in Utah.

Comment by Kathy — August 29, 2008 @ 5:10 pm


I am in oregon and have just another dhs horror story. I would gladly participate in a class action law suit.

Comment by aimee — August 29, 2008 @ 6:37 pm


Any help I can be, please let me know. My life is a long story I don’t have time to explain. Would like to know about the letters we are suppossed to mail.. Do we sign them with our names or Jan Smith’s? I’m afraid to sign my own name, I still have 3 of my kids and they want them bad.

Comment by Char — August 29, 2008 @ 8:39 pm


Does this action have anything to do with guardianship? My daughter is in a guardianship and has been totally isolated from me with the blessings of the Arizona Juvenile Courts, reunification was promised but never ever encouraged from the start.

Comment by :Linda Pinkowski — August 29, 2008 @ 9:23 pm


cps is trying to put my children into foster home, and lieing about everything, cps has nothing on me, but my worker Jo Lou Craig out of the victorville office has gone into court and lied about everything under oath, while i have the proof that she was lieing, and my attorney did nothing to defend me, are they all in it together? i wont stop till i get my babies back, i will be at the daily press newspaper on tues 2nd of aug 2008 and let the world in on what is going on, cps also stole toys r us gift cards that i sent to my boys, i viewed cammeras at toys r us, and made a police report police have identified the people and i will be in court to see what happen there, thieves and liars, well i am a fighter, and i will get my boys back. anybody want to talk terrijeff92@yahoo.com

Comment by Theresa Stevens — August 30, 2008 @ 5:45 am


About the letter to the social worker - do NOT put your name anywhere on it. Sign it with Jan’s name.

To contact Jan about the class action lawsuit - her email address is at the end of the article.

Comment by Linda — August 30, 2008 @ 6:37 am



Wonderful! May I suggest that folks who are afffiliated with groups within their own states place a hot link on this site so that others can easily connect with them.

Example http://www.fightcps.com

The more folks netwwok wihin states, the more likely CPS will be REFORMED.

Best. F..

Comment by fern — August 31, 2008 @ 4:03 am


I am definitely involved in this lawsuit too. So is my boyfriend. We had a baby in May 2008 and the CPS called the hospital and told me that they were taking her from me right from the hospital. They said this because I told them not everything was working properly in our house(which they were questioning me when I was heavily medicated). The day the baby was born, I told them that we were not taking the baby to our house. We were taking her to My boyfriend’s brother’s house. The court will not listen to what we have to say. All they are concerned about is the house where we were not taking the baby to. They said that they can do this to us because 9 years ago I lost a child to CPS and not regained custody of her. They said that I am guilty of the Ohio Dependency Law. I have been trying to fight them for the past 9 years for my other child, but they always come up with false accusations. I have not lost permanent custody of that child, but they will not let me see her. The court is trying to use that past case against me and my boyfriend. I lost my other child because she bit me and I smacked her for it. Plus her father admitted to sexually abusing her, which I had no part in, but they are trying to use it against me. I just don’t understand how they can take a child for something that happened 9 years ago.

Comment by Kimberly — August 31, 2008 @ 11:50 am


I’m a foster parent that have had false allegations made againt them.

We have documents to prove other wise 110%.

But without notice CPS have remove our children.

CPS in Texas needs to look at themselves. If they truly care about the children they need to act like it. They are showing the problic other wise!

We are seeking an attorney, if someone knows of an attorney, please share it with us… youjustneedtoknow@hotmail.com

Comment by Mrs. Texas — August 31, 2008 @ 12:23 pm



Texas Website: http://www.txcfr.com

Suggest you interact with Mr. Gates. His family situation mirrors yours.

One Texas attorney:

Paul Stuckle. I have no information as to which county he practices law.

Comment by fern — August 31, 2008 @ 2:40 pm



Whoops. http://www.txcfr.org

Domain name is org not com.

Comment by fern — August 31, 2008 @ 2:50 pm


Paul Stuckle is in Plano, Texas. Swanda and Swanda is in Arlington, TX.
Chris Branson is in Houston, TX.

If you Google bransonlaw and swanda and swanda, you will get their philosophy. They were very knowledgeable for us. We would never have gotten my cousins (kinship care) without Mr. Branson.

Comment by Fred — August 31, 2008 @ 4:05 pm


Chris Branson is currently my attorney but has gotten no where for me yet, we have another court date coming up this week and I hope to see a change. How do I become a part of the class action suit?

Comment by Susan — September 1, 2008 @ 10:02 am


Very nice or informational post

Comment by psoriasis — September 3, 2008 @ 1:16 am


I have had more than my fair share of dealings with CPS myself in the past. They lied on me and my sitter in court, admitting false documents such as criminal records etc. Then the CPS attoney wrote a letter of apology to my sitter for doing so. Every allegation I was accused of I proved wrong and yet they kept my kids from me for nearly 2 years. Because of CPS I never got to see my baby son’s first steps or hear his first words. I can never get that back. I fully support CPS workers being sued for their actions. They NEED to be held accountable for their actions maybe then they will think twice about ruining a family that is really trying to do right.

Comment by Betty Toler — September 4, 2008 @ 1:08 pm


i think cps should be helt accountable for lying on people to take kids out of a good home were they are happy they lied on us we totley supported my grandchild for 6 and half years of her life and now cant see her some one please help me get her backor get me the rights to have her some in the summer thank you very much

Comment by margaret scott — September 4, 2008 @ 1:20 pm


Well,where do I start?I have a son that has been in state custody for 3 yrs now.While still behaving he is now went from 600mg of lithium to 900 mg of lithium.My son was sexually herassed,(masterbated at by another boy)….He & I both were then told these boys were aloud to do that in their facility.His probation officer called me a liar,telling me it never happened…when his councilor at that facility & my son gave me a phone call and told me what had happened.Mostly my son was molested by someone in my hometown,and they remove my son from my home!the guy that molested my son is walking the streets.They never charged him,nor gave a lie detective test to this guy.Yet while my son is in state custody,they can give him a lie detector test and talk openly about it in the courts,just to prove to the judge or themselves he is not a LIAR ! By the way he pasted every test they gave him ! Do they have to drug them to prove their telling the truth (Lithium)? What if this was your child? Does a child molested have more rights then our children? Do you as a state actually give our child or children back , or does your state just like collecting government money for them being in state custody? CPS needs to be investigated in my county,How about yours?

Comment by Tanya — September 4, 2008 @ 3:06 pm


dcs has lied enough and needs to be stopped. I need help !

Comment by craig cothern — September 7, 2008 @ 7:44 pm


I nearly started to cry when I found this posting. My brother and his wife just had their parental rights severed and told the foster parents were going to get to adopt her. Yet our family was heavily involved in trying to adopt her to keep her in the family.

This needs to stop! And I will do what I can to see that this particular case worker goes down now that I have this info to fight with.

Let’s see justice be just. And our constitutional rights be maintained for gods sakes!

Comment by Cari — September 11, 2008 @ 12:09 am


And last but not least…..Washington DC is in a world of hurt. Four children were killed by a parent and it created a child abuse panic. Child removal there went through the roof. Of interest, Washington DC has one of the worst child reunification rates in the country. They adopt out like crazy. In New York, they had family preservation programs THAT WERE WORKING then ONE CHILD died and everything they accomplished went to the toilet. Overnight, half the children in in-home dependency were removed. If we see a child abuse panic like this, we need to stop for a day or two, work on that state’s issues helping to educate the public and organize them into meaningful action. Washington DC needs to be an area of focus as much as we can spare after working on local issues.

Comment by Jan Smith — September 13, 2008 @ 10:56 am


I am trying to help a couple of people go to the judicial summit in California who can’t afford to go but need to get their cases reviewed. If any of you feel it in your heart to help sponsor people, we are hoping for 20 people willing to help out with $20.00. The total cost per person is about $200 a piece.

Comment by Jan Smith — September 13, 2008 @ 6:31 pm


my fiance and myself along with another couple are looking for people to help us file a suit against prince edward dss in Va if anyone has anything let me know please

Comment by Eden — September 17, 2008 @ 4:14 pm


There is a march planned in LA for parental rights and CPS reform on October 10th, the day before the judicial summit at 12 noon. Anyone in or near Los Angeles should participate if at all possible. Dr. Moore of AFRA is sponsoring it.

Comment by Jan Smith — September 20, 2008 @ 10:10 am


Jan Smith:


mEETING OF PARENTAL RIGHTS FOLKS TO BE HELD IN Santa Clara, California this next week.

9-26 and 9-27

Please check out Home Page of:


This information is about 2 stories down on Home Page.

Sponsored by home-schoolers.


Comment by Fern — September 20, 2008 @ 10:33 am


Correction— Santa Ana, California

Parental Rights Event in Santa Ana, CA
ParentalRights.org president Michael Farris presents free lecture series at Trinity Law School in Santa Ana, CA

Join Michael Farris, founder and president of ParentalRights.org, in a free lecture series Sept. 26-27 at Trinity Law School in Santa Ana.

Dr. Farris will be addressing the legal trends which threaten parental rights, along with answers to the following questions:

* Are parental rights procedural or substantive?
* Do we need a Parental Rights Amendment?
* What threats are posed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child?
* Is homeschooling a right or an evasive privilege?

Friday’s lectures will be from 7 to 9 p.m.; Saturday’s lectures will be from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Students as well as the general public are welcome. There is no fee.

Click here to RSVP online >>

Or contact Doug Eaton at (800) 922-4748 or deaton@tiu.edu

We hope you can join us for this important event!

The ParentalRights.org Team
Speak out for Parental Rights!

You can contact your member of Congress here

Write, call or email with a short message urging your member of Congress to stand in support of H. J. Res 97, the Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment. Encourage them to contact Rep. Pete Hoekstra to add their name to a list of potential Co-Sponsors.

Comment by Fern — September 20, 2008 @ 10:35 am


I mentioned the Federal Reserve and I am actively looking for people who want to participate in picketing the closest Federal Reserve branch. I wrote the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board. He happens to be Jewish and was raised devout. This is the letter and response:

Dear Ms. Smith: Thank you for your recent correspondence to Chairman Bernanke concerning the management and spending of adoption incentive payments. The Chairman receives a great number of letters daily. As a public figure with many daily responsibilities, he is unable to reply to all of those letters personally or to acknowledge receipt of each correspondence. However, he appreciates receiving observations and advice that bear on the Federal Reserve’s responsibilities, particularly from people who have concerns about how the economy is functioning. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Sincerely, JPDBoard Staff Original Email Content: Following is the original e-mail received: First Name: Jan Last Name: Smith E-Mail: washingtonstateextendedfamilies@live.com Profession: Lobbyist Organization: Washington State Extended Families WA Country: US Referring URL: http://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/default.htm. E-mail Content: Dear Ben Bernanke, This is an appeal to you regarding children and families across the United States. While I understand you state that politicians are responsible for policy, it has become increasingly clear to me that the problem is the Federal Reserve and global interests. What I am specifically referring to is the management and spending of Social Security for Adoption Incentives. This large pocket of money is creating havoc in the communities. Judges and legislators have thrown out due process, CPS workers have become corrupt with false accusations and documents while having immunity to do so, and families torn apart needlessly. The government has an overarching belief that they know what is best for the children and that is the elimination of family lineage. Do not be deceived by supposed passed law that would suggest the contrary. The laws all have a “disclaimer” that takes the power out of the law and eliminates due process. I have been told many times by legislators, “There is a law for that” yet the truth is, that law usually violates all sacredness to family and lineage. As a student of the Old Testament, you are well aware of the value of lineage. Had you been torn apart from your family and placed with strangers do you think you would be where you are today? Not likely, and the statistics prove it. I am requesting a hold on the adoption incentive money until a solution, reform as it were, can restore some of the power back to the family and preservation become the headliner instead of adoption. To further emphasize the seriousness of family and children rights commitment to this cause, a nationwide picket of the twelve federal reserve banks is being planned. We cannot get Congress to listen. Perhaps the Federal Reserve will take note. Sincerely, Jan D. Smith Washington State Extended Families No message is selected

Comment by Jan Smith — September 22, 2008 @ 5:13 pm


anybody who loves this fd up country is a dujmb s*it allsocial workers need to die a long painfull death!!! i had my 2 girls taken away 7 damn years ago in fing wright wrong co mn. i mean these people are as fd up as they cum my mother in law got custody of our youngest and the m in law endesd up getting cancer and wrong co came and put our daughter in a foster home and they said even if my dad who is the biological grandpa got his foster care license they might not give him custody of our daughter i thought grandparents had certaian rights to keep their grandkids in the family but this county just makes up their own rules and nobody srtops them well im about to put a stop to them if u know what i mean its called violence thats the only thing these bastards uderstand!!!!!!!

Comment by scott a — September 23, 2008 @ 3:13 pm


I am in this lawsuit! Just tell me what to do. My kids {15 & 4} were kidnapped at 3:00 p.m. after a false report. Police kicked in my door and lied and said they didn’t (court records prove otherwise) caseworker reported a bunch of lies including abondonment(phone records prove otherwise) and now I am being denied my court ordered visitation! CW won’t return my calls and will not do what was court ordered! Any assistance I can give, just say it and its done!!

Comment by clarinda — September 24, 2008 @ 12:57 am


After 26 years of raising kids with no problems that has all changed. My husband got custody of his daughter, who has reactive attachment disorder, along with a few other thing. We made the mistake of asking for some help since we had no idea how best to meet her needs. All of the sudden, we had a CPS worker and cop at our door taking her. Among the charges on the complaint: we are neglecting her because we “give her a clean change of clothes daily”, we “have no television or video game systems”, etc. They took things we said and completely twisted them, and have made up out right lies. This was over a month ago and we still have not had any contact with her. If there is a class action lawsuit filed, let us know - we will definately be on board. We do have documentation and recordings to back up everything. Not that anyone around here cares about that! We are in north central minnesota.

Comment by Annett — September 24, 2008 @ 6:15 pm


Just a thought…..This might be the time for us to make a move with the bail out crisis underway. If CPS staff including the top heavy management were eliminated by 2/3 and foundations across the country encouraged to fund family preservation for a minimum of five years, the country would be able to addess this debt more. They will be looking for ways to eliminate the debt while protecting tax payers. How about we give some strong suggestions for doing so?

I encourage this thought to be developed into a tangible concept and sent to all Congressman this week. The free fax only does three a day, so if everyone faxes three a day to Congress, then it would have more of an impact. http://www.freefaxbutton.com Making calls is not a bad idea either directly into Congressional offices.

Comment by Jan Smith — September 26, 2008 @ 7:04 am


Of interest, I have been studying the history of family preservation. It appears that the states who supported it the most are now most corrupt such as Michigan and Georgia. We need to devise ways to revive the interest in family preservation while keeping an eye on the results so that the ferver doesn’t fall by the wayside again.

Comment by Jan Smith — September 26, 2008 @ 7:08 am


It just occurred to me that one million times ten is ten million. What if we collected some of the best minds in the country as a board and started a non-profit grass roots organization seeking out a million people willing to donate $10 a month? I think it is doable. (sp?)

Comment by Jan Smith — September 26, 2008 @ 8:37 am


I have been wrongly accused of not protectingmy daughter being molested by my stepfather. the end results I have lost my rights to my daughter and he got 6 months in county jail. during my fight for my daughter my mom past away, my dad past 20 days after. i gave birth to a healthy baby boy they took him at 3 hrs old. i jumpped through there hoops by there book , I lost my rights to him as well. they provided

Comment by TAMERA HIPSHIRE — September 26, 2008 @ 9:49 am


Dear Freedom Fighters,

Below is a link for a membership drive that is perhaps the most important move done to date for the family rights movement. Please join because it will mean being one step closer to the class action lawsuit as well as another project I am explaining here.

I am starting a non-profit corporation (not tax free though due to the political action) and am working towards one million families joined together in the fight against state child abduction. We need 20,000 members per state to have some real clout and I believe we can do it.

For those of you who may be interested in employment in this field, after 2,000 members have joined in a state, I will hire four grass roots activists part time. After 4,000 have joined, those positions will go full time and I will hire a lobbyist for that state. If you get others to join the membership, keep track and mail the list to me. Those who are “go getters” on the ground floor will have special consideration for hiring. Those who are bilingual in spanish and asian languages are of extreme importance. The pay scale for the lobbyist will be $80,000 per year plus a full benefit package and all other political expenses paid. Experience and ties into the political community is required. Only active members will be considered for employment in The Citizens for Family Preservation Corporation.

Hint: Churches and homeschool families are really hard hit by CPS.

I am keeping an update on http://www.fightcps.com regarding the lawsuit and a national picket of all twelve Federal Reserve branches. Keep up on the blog to find out more info as it progresses.

Here is the link: http://washingtonstateextendedfamilies.com/CITIZENS%20FOR%20FAMILY%20PRESERVATION%20MEMBERSHIP%20PAGE.htm

Thank you for joining in this fight to change America.

Jan D. Smith
Executive Director
Washington State Extended Families

Comment by Jan Smith — September 27, 2008 @ 11:26 am


Hi Linda,
You have such a NICE website and it is nationally based. It seems like such a waste of time for me to start a nationally based website when you have this one. If you mind me “working out of yours” let me know.

Comment by Jan Smith — September 27, 2008 @ 11:45 am


ho to get involved with the class action law suit

Comment by Theresa Stevens — September 27, 2008 @ 12:43 pm


One of the problems I have had to solve in order to do the class action is to have the money for submitting paperwork and court fees. For those of you who want to participate in the lawsuit, see my most recent notation on the membership drive.
For participation, write to washingtonstateextendedfamilies@live.com

Comment by Jan Smith — September 27, 2008 @ 1:45 pm


I would like to be a party to the class action law suit. CPS took my 11 year old daughter. Trial was on Septemeber 8, 2008 Kent County Family Court, Michigan. CPS worker admitted there was not neglect, abuse nor was there mental harm. She admitted the report had errors which she did not correct. She admitted she place my child in the home with her father who has a domestic charge, and 2 substanitated child abuses. The CPS worker admitted to taking a report from a woman who has mental health and drug issues. My child wants to come home the father is abusing her even now. I need to know if I have the right to a speedy trial. My Appeal Case with CPS is scheduled for October 7, 2008. They want to reschedule due to the states only witness is taking a job promotion. (this is the CPS worker who wrote the report).

Please send me an answer to my question so I can force them to hold my hearing and end this night mare for my daughter and I.

Comment by Denise Bruns — September 28, 2008 @ 7:19 pm


Ok I do not even know where to begin Well to begin with my ex is a dignosed Bipolar and is unmedicated at that she decided she had abused me enough and left me and taking my 2 year old son with her I went strait to the courts and got the temporary orders within a month after i began to get the sceduled visitations I started to notice some changes in my son who is normaly calm and wel behaved I recived him with bite marks and bruises all over him I filed a report with CPS and my ex had found out that I had a new girlfreind who had suffered from post pardum psychosis but had been well for over a year and filed a report to CPS against her with no evidencw what so ever and WE WERE the ones investigated had to go and have a psycologicle evaluation done and they completly ignored the fact that the mother of my child is an unmedicated bi polar and refuses treatment has been arrested for domestic violence while she was pregnant with our son she has had 3 other children removed from her custody when she attempted suicide and she has our son CPS ignored the potential danger

Comment by Robert Rogers — September 29, 2008 @ 9:19 pm


good afternoon your honor, my name is karlie maxwell. im the petitioner in this case. i come before you this afternoon not only to change the current orders revolving around my son jebadiah maxwell but to also correct an injustice that was afforded towards me by malicious allegations of individuals that i should have been able to trust with the life and well fare of my son as well as myself.

your honor, the lies that have been told about me inflamed a situation and a condition of which i had no control over. at the time when the cps case was filed yes, i was sick but not with a permanent mental condition but with a temporary and treatable physiological and hormonal imbalance in which doctors around the country have said that it can take up to 18months or longer to fully recover. if not properly treated it can cause more symptoms. Yes, I must take responsibility for the fact that i did not leave Eric like i was told to but he was the only one there when i was sick and not able to provide for myself. I was beat down by Eric and everything else. I was very immature, i was 19. I did everything that the court orded me to do with the exception of having my own stable home, in which i have now. NOw your honor, no disrespect intended but I was judged based on allegations that were made and had no physical evidence. The investagation started while i was in a mental hospital seeking treatment for post partum pyschosis, the very illness that i made the decision to hand my son to mother so that i could get treatment. The very illness that caused me to look like a monster and lose my son even though there was never any evidence found that i did harm. When i say never, i mean, i was in hte hospital, that was not a fair investigation on my behalf. How my husband was living had nothing to do with me or the way i live. My house was cluttered but not trashy. My son had a bald spot, yes, but every new born does. My son had a big head.I did rotate the sides he slept on to try to prevent him from having a bald spot but it obviously didn’t work. I was never cold and distant towards my son. I held my son 24/7. He had collic, the only way to keep him calm was to hold him. Your honor, it sounds silly but i looked like a clown while trying to sooth him…making a shhh sound, bouncing,letting the water run at full power and feeding all at the same time…and rotating inbetween different things…again it was silly but he is my child and i did my best. These things calmed him, i did it for hours at times. When someone came over that i trusted, of course im going to want a 10minutebreak , to gather myself. to shower, to eat, to breath, to allow myself the chance to destress and recover from months of labor and also recovering from a csection. I was in labor for almost 3months. My ob/gyn told me the day i deliverd that if my cervix was going to dialate it would have happened and that it would have been two months prior.. I was on on bed rest for i believe 8 to 10weeks. I had hormones running through my body that should not have been there til after my son was born. Because of the hormones going like they were, it caused a chemical imbalance in my brain. I did not get sick til my son was almost 3 1/2 months old. i did not get adequate sleep for a period of about 6months, from the time i was six months pregnant til my son went to my mom. I can honestly say that i got about no more than 32hours of REM sleep in that time. I was not eating very well, i didn’t get time to relax. My mother did keep my son for a couple of nights so that i could sleep but that was not enough. My sons father was more interested in football than caring for our son and allowing me to rest.

your honor, i have to tell you, the allegations that were made against me are rather pathetic. In no way, did the allegations mention that i was harming my son. If you look at this objectivley you can see that the person who made these allegations not only hated my husband and didn’t want him near my son but also was an intern at Collin County childrens advocacy center at the time of my case. I found it to be very interesting how much my mother new and how much my sister new about the case. I also found it to be interesting that my mother had EMily Rhodes Cell phone number. I was told that its NEVER to be given to a client. Emily informed me that she made sure she kept my case information seperate from stuff my sister could access but again your honor, my case was pushed in a direction in which was not fair and just on my behalf. I understand that i was sick. I understand that my husband was no good for the situation. I understand that I didn’t leave him like i was told. I understand and admit that my mother did offer me a place to stay after i got out of the hospital but i had been mentally abused so much by mr maxwell, my husband and sons father, on top of that i was very sick, i didn’t have the strenght to leave and stay gone. I tried, i tried really hard to leave and stay gone. Before i met eric i was very independent and had the best personality, i was like a magnet, he drug me through the dirt and i didn’t even see it happening. I didn’t realize til my doctor told me in March of 2008 how much eric had beat me down. When i started living with my mom after the final hearing in January 2008, i started my road to recovery, i started breathing again. I started laughing outloud, the heartyness in me had returned. My hopes and dreams came back. The life in my eyes reappered. i was ready to leave Eric in November of 2007 but i was waiting until the final court hearing to leave so i could stay with my mom. I had stayed in a homeless shelter in dallas but there was nothing but people with communicable terminal diseases around me. Eric had ran off all of my freinds, even now your honor, im rebuilding but i feel so much better. I go to therapy as needed. I have continued to see Dr. Ellason in plano for nearly a year and a half. She is fantastic and has helped me come out on the lighter side of all of this. We have done trauma work, as draining as it was it has helped me let go of irrational feelings and or fears. I have developed a love for my son that goes beyond what i could ever say to you or anyone else. My heart skips beats when i’m told i get to see my son. His hug makes my troubles go away. His tantrums make me look away and smile and think that even though i’m a little embarassed my two year old just through himself on the ground and is screaming i’m blessed that he is mine, i wouldn’t trade him.

Yes, i mentioned trauma work. I was raped for many years as a child. As a result of that and the other traumatic events that transpired i became very angry at my mother. In my mind i wanted her to be miserable. she never gave me the attention i needed, she never stayed home, she did drugs, she treated me bad, she always had a boyfriend. I was exposed to nothing but drugs, alcohol, sex, abuse and authorities my entire life. I realize this is not the time to hash through old memories but your honor my point in bringing this up is that, my mother saying i have an extensive mental health history is like me saying a clown does not wear clown shoes, its silly. My only problem was that i was VERY angry at a mother who did not do her job.

I had two people that were in my life that helped me on the path that led away from the one i started on. I like to call it a divine intervention. One of the persons was a detective, he removed me from my mothers care when i was 13. He put me in a special needs emergency foster home. I was there for 7days. It was seven days of heaven so i thought. I had nice foster parents and the type of siblings i could only dream of having. I was in a Peace Officers Placement, a child in need of care. I was released back to my mothers care a few months later. I was removed again when i was 15 because i called the cops on my brother for beating me up. He didn’t just slap me, he would kick me in the stomache, black my eyes, i can remember him kicking me in the vagina, my mom would never do anything about it. I honestly feel that she is fearful of him. She has never stood up to his outragous behavior that has not only stressed her and myself but has put our family in danger because of the type of people he hung out with. My brother never laid another hand on me after that but he was verbally abusive. Although he is my brother and i love him, i have to say that he has not changed much at all. He is a painful reminder of my father. My father is a drunk and womanizer. My brother knowing that he has a heart murmur, he is over weight and alcoholism runs in our family, parties like there is no tomorrow. That may not be the case anymore but the brother i know, does that. My mom was neglectful, i think that is proof enough.The other person I met at a boys and girls club, he was the DARE police officer, he took me in under his wing. I met his family. Through him and his family and the other man…i was taught and shown the things i was in dire need of. I was taught how to respect, how to love, how to give, how to recieve, how to be appreciative and how to appologize. Although i’m still perfecting some of those, i’m doing very well. Those people are angels and saved me from a life of misery.

I will not forget to mention my two suicide attempts. I was a very neglected, abused and angry little girl. I didn’t know how to process what was going on around me. I thought there was no better way to end the pain. I didn’t do that for attention your honor, i was so miserable…i really wanted to die. I didn’t make a pact, i didn’t flip a coin…I didn’t want to be here and take another breathe. But God blessed me with another breathe and that is why im standing here today your honor, stating the facts, fighting the defacement and lies, fighting to get my little boy back.

Your honor, as far as me not having a stable home,
have you visited the homeless shelters in our area?
And How many children do you think live there WITH thier parents?
For my son to be removed is ludicras not only because my
condition was temporary but also because the allegations, there
was no paper to back them up. Are you going to remove the children from the homeless shelters
and put them in foster homes? What about the compound raid? Those children were removed
based on allegations that were here say…over 400 children your honor. Most of them
turned out to be adults. Your honor, that was a bit unjust and excessive.
At some point, every parent struggles, every parent fails.For example, going without
hot water, adequate clothing…i remember the number of times your honor i had to squeeze
myself inbetween my bed and the wall to stay warm at night because the fireplace was against my wall
on the other side. I remember the number of times we had no hot water when there was snow
outside. I can also remember all the years we had thanksgiving and christmas dinnes served to us
by the salvation army, as well as gifts
and groceries, don’t let me forget to mention school supplies. My mom always kept a roof over our heads.
though. I know my mother has tried to make up for what she has done but your honor, keeping a child from his
mother because of what someone says, its crazy.
Its not appropriate to strip a parent of thier child just because of allegations made by someone else. Also, the neglectful supervision, that was based on what? There was no cold hard proof given to me, just a definition.
If i was going to hurt my child, why would i take him to my mother so that i could seek help?
Everyone in this room was manipulated by my mother, manipulated into believing what she had to say.

Comment by Karlie Maxwell — September 29, 2008 @ 9:21 pm


Jan I want to be in the lawsuit i live in the DesMoines Iowa how can I get a march going? not only are DHS is scamming you so are the Judges don’t forget about the Judges they are dumb enough to beleved the DHS lies they are just as guilty so are county attorney they represed DHS and attorney general also resperent DHS are guility these Judges does take oath under the constitional law and yet they go against a person rights there decision should be volded it is treason these Judges are doing treason because they are going against constitional laws.

Comment by Terri Rote — October 11, 2008 @ 1:59 pm


The Iowa supreme court are going against a parents rights also they also are voilating a parental rights they also took oath under the constitional law they are in treason they let a killer get a new trial but yet IOWA SUPREME COURT won’t let a parent have another trial they let a killer have a 2nd chance but they won’t let a parent have a 2nd chance to get their children back IOWA SUPREME COURT IS FRAUD AND SCAMMING YOUR CHILDREN FROM YOU how would they like if DHS went after their children.

Comment by Terri Rote — October 11, 2008 @ 2:05 pm


This is what I got in the mail It is a appeal from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of IOWA DesMoines IOWA The petition for a rehearing by the panel filed by appellant is denied Oct 17 2008 sign by Michael E. Gans United States court of appeals for the eighth circuit I am the appellant and the DHS is appellees see even those people are violating my rights a murder can get a new trial or hearing but a mother oh no it can’t happen .

Comment by Terri Rote — October 25, 2008 @ 11:48 am


We have organized a national, probably Federal class action lawsuit against CPS and are seeking interested attorneys and participants. Please contact us at fightcpscalifornia@gmail.com if you have information, referrals, or if you are interested in representing or being part of the class - We have a contact list of families affected nationwide who have responded to the following:

We are organizing a class action lawsuit against the Counties, States, Government, hospitals, police, and all parties involved in unlawfully detaining and holding our children against our will, and without cause. We have documented the deep, imbedded corruption in the “social services” agencies nationwide. We have filed three lawsuits so far, and are looking for other families who have also been annihilated by this evil. Email us at fightcpscalifornia@gmail.com to join the fight to save our children.

• CPS manufactures multiple nonexistent/fictitious abuse case scenarios to offset true statistical abuse case information.
• CPS concurrently processes these children from foster care to Adoption, in order to obtain perverse monetary incentives in the form of bonuses.
• CPS provides a market to neighboring agencies and the courts (Judges, psychologists, visitation monitors, court mandated behavioral class instructors, court appointed legal counsel, etc…), in order for them to financially benefit from the foster care/adoption system they themselves perpetuate.
• CPS victimizes innocent financially challenged families, and draws them into a corrupt system to utilize their children as pawns for this corrupt child commerce.
• CPS is utilized by family court officials and attorneys as an adverse tool to extricate children from one parent to the other, with reference to “parental alienation syndrome,” where in truth, the CPS caseworkers are the ones initiating the alienation of these children from their own birth parents. Caseworkers are never allowed to testify in court under the cloak of “CPS Authority” due to possible misuse or conflict of interest related to right to privacy laws (Very convenient)
• CPS utilizes unlawful & coercive measures to persuade vulnerable parents to submit to statements of nonexistent abuse, forcing desperate parents to “plea bargain” to a CPS fabricated crime, for the return of their children from foster care.
• CPS fabricates false allegations and most of their “investigations” to purposely mislead or misdirect a case.
• CPS intentionally fails to prosecute Parents accused of child abuse, since in the majority of cases, no initial crime has been committed. However, CPS continues to claim a crime has been committed, as THEY abuse/neglect the children.
• CPS knowingly abandons children into the foster care system, conscious that some individuals in these homes physically and/or sexually abuse those in their “protective” custody. CPS ignores crimes committed in foster care through failure to investigate.
• CPS fails to question these individuals for their abusive conduct, whereby, if it were a birth parent or not a foster care parent, these individuals would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in criminal court.
• CPS represents themselves in positive personas by omitting, altering, and falsifying documents, so as to mislead the public and or government of their true actions as listed above. Thereby publicly grandstanding, displaying an inaccurate social martyrdom for the well being of children.

The Police should determine if children need protection from their own parents, since child abuse is a Criminal offense.



Dr. Shelley Susman = OB/GYN who knew mother had no drug history and confirmed her health, but allowed this abduction
WILLIAM MICHAEL BILES = NEWBORN BABY SNATCHER AT CPS - physically threatened mother and child with serious harm
Nurse Heather = DRMC Supervising Nurse, present at child abduction and backed up serious harm/threats to mother and child
Ms. Flores = DRMC records dept. supervisor, stated we have NO access to our child’s records or birth certificate [since CPS illegally abducted our newborn and adoptive parent's names are on birth certificate]
Valerie Bedore = Banning City CPS newborn baby abduction cohort, on 9/20/07admitted baby had negative meconium [no drugs in mother confirmed back to 16 weeks gestation pregnancy]
Karrene (Kay) Phillips = Banning City CPS baby abduction cohort, harassed parents repeatedly at visitations
Ben Brandon = next CPS caseworker, threatened to stop visitations when he brought child late to visits, demanded Parents sign a “case plan” in attempt to prove innocent Parents guilty, when parents refused “case plan” threatened to stop visitations
Shawnee English = Moreno Valley CPS assistant who ripped newborn out of mother’s arms at visitation when child was sick and parents were demanding medical attention; she refused medical treatment & parents had to call “911″ to get help
Judge Christopher J. Sheldon = Juvenile Judge on Oasis Street in Indio, made mistaken rulings, refused Due Process to parents, refused Evidence and Facts in this case, finally recanted his rulings back to Jurisdiction Hearing, case transferred to Murrietta
Indio Juvenile Court Clerk = refused all submissions and legal filings from parents, refused to take amendments to case, refused to take any Evidence of parent’s innocence to fight the wrongdoing by CPS, handed back all filings of Evidence by Parents
Modesto Rios = First attorney assigned to father by Judge Sheldon; Rios refused all calls and refused to communicate with father, refused all requests of father, failed to submit anything for defense of father, failed to state he had contact with father from the start of the case, admitted it finally in court as the transcripts prove = fired
David Weisen = First attorney assigned to mother by Judge Sheldon; Weisen refused all calls and refused to communicate with mother, failed to submit anything for defense of mother, failed to state he had contact with mother from the start of the case, admitted it finally in court as the transcripts prove = fired
Karen Cote = 2nd attorney assigned to father by Judge Sheldon; Cote stated that father could do nothing to help in this case, refused to submit anything for father, and stated father was to “do nothing”&”just wait” until Jurisdiction = fired [she refused to give father her email, refused to do her job, refused to work - last words to Father were "go F*** yourself and DIE!"]
Maria Soliz = 2nd attorney assigned to mother by Judge Sheldon; Soliz insisted on hair follicle test of mother, refused to give test, and then she refused to get hospital “sealed” records to disprove this misinterpretation

Riverside County and CPS adopted out our beautiful, healthy, infant daughter, completely AGAINST OUR WILL, and against the law when she was only EIGHT HOURS OLD. They already had it all set up with their KANGAROO COURTS AND THEIR TURN-KEY ADOPT-A-WHITE-BABY COMMERCE SYSTEM. Neither parent had any history nor usage of any illegal drugs, and our daughter was born with an APGAR score of 9.8, with absolutely NO DRUGS in her or her mother’s systems. The Palm Springs Desert Regional Medical Center staged a urine test that was tampered with and was wrong, and they refused to use the mother’s blood or re-test her at all. The one urine test was the ONLY basis for their illegal abduction of our newborn infant, and it has been an illegal “legal loophole” battering of our daughter and our Parental rights ever since. On August 8, 2007, our newborn daughter was illegally and forcefully taken by William Michael Biles of Banning CPS, with the help of eight others at Desert Regional Medical center, with no court order nor warrant, and no police present. He physically threatened mother and newborn with the statement “Give me that baby NOW, or you and her will be physically hurt!” and we have fought for our daughter since. CPS contrived multiple hearsay untruths and presented falsifications to the court, without our knowledge. Judge Christopher Sheldon approved the criminal ADOPTION, then granted us a “Contested Jurisdictional Hearing,” and then suddenly, the case was transferred to Southwest Adjudication Center, where Commissioner Fernandez declared he lacked the power to render a Judgment on another Judge’s decision to have the Contested Jurisdiction Hearing, then Fernandez took it off calendar, where it stands today……we have been denied our daughter in this illegal kidnapping, and we have located proof that the County of Riverside and DRMC routinely set new mothers up this way, very often to take newborn white, healthy, drug-free babies to sell them on their own twisted underground baby market. We have been violated entirely, and we will keep fighting for our daughter.
CONTACT US AT fightcpscalifornia@gmail.com for more information about the lawsuit.

Comment by K — October 30, 2008 @ 1:09 pm


CPS has my two children, the case is still open. My story will turn into a book some day, it’s the only way I can get the truth out there about the abuse by the Judges and Court Appointed Attorneys who abuse their power and control those less fortunate who cannot afford to challenge the system. I’m headed at this ending alone, as both court appointed attorneys have lied, delayed the matter, and kept evidence hidden from the court. I’ve told the Judge about this, but she’s in on it too. When I told her, she assigned a Guardian Ad Litem over me. Treating me like I’m a child for speaking the truth. I’m heading for a Jury Trial in six weeks. These people are criminals who have gotten away with multiple crimes. I’m there to support any action against CPS. I live in Texas, in Dallas County, the county who has my children is Collin County, Texas. This county did not have Jurisdiction to get involved, but they did anyway, and I’ve been fighting them for over 13 months. Good Luck to anyone out there trying to fight the system. It’s impossible unless your family member is an attorney with a lot of experience. One who is wiling to invest a personal interest in the case, any one else you hire, will just steal your money, and good luck at going at it alone. I’m about the stand alone for a Jury Trial and I wouldn’t wish it upon any body.

Comment by Patricia Valencia — November 1, 2008 @ 4:16 pm

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am starting a documentary firm about child protective services. Here in Washingtonstate. And I was wondering, how many people wanted to tell their story?

    They have caused me great pain and it ends now. They are not getting away with it. I plan take it all the way, And Expose them. So if you are ready, let me tell your story.

    Standing together we can change this system. But you have to be organised. Email me and I will try to help you do that
